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Teleportation : A mystery/chaotic RP

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Both the ape and the bear growl to each other and begin to retreat warily

Vall drops to the ground and looks at Aki @J. Magi. "Do we want to take these out, or should we let 'em go? I did find some other food..." 

@The Stormfather, here's my new character (unlike Vall, Nick actually needs some discovery writing) : 


Name: Nick Bryer 
Age: 19
Gender: Male 
Time period: Middle future (slow FLT, advanced biotech but not nanotech, moderately advanced AI, 13 known sapient species) 
Skills/powers: ingenuity, trained xenoengineer (which means he can hotwire, reverse engineer, and take advantage of any alien tech or biopathways he comes across, maybe even if they don’t seem to follow the laws of physics)
Starting supplies: highly damaged xenosuit, remnants of AR glasses with management AI Simon, combat program (imagine a game like magic tiles or guitar hero, except AR and with martial arts and parkour) 
Xenosuit capabilities: an adaptable biosuit which can provide life support in foreign atmosphere, repair itself and its wearer, and absorb pretty much any energy source, but requires lots of setup time to change its capabilities (i.e., it can absorb a lightning strike, but only after twenty minutes of growing the required components, which are heavy, bulky, and focus so much on capacity a lesser current wouldn’t even charge the battery), and needs energy and materials to do anything (luckily, most planets have energy literally falling from the sky, and materials are in the air and ground anywhere that supports life). Nick designed his a jetpack/wingsuit mix that it can create, then fuel and lift with hydrogen, based on the saipodrake biology. 
Homeworld: his dad works directly for the Interstellar Intelligent Species Council, so he moves around a lot. 
Occupation: xenoengineer-in-training. (Half his classes are taught by his dad, Dr. Bryer, who discovered the 12 species, and then got credit for the 13 because otherwise Nick would have been in massive trouble. Dr. Bryer is a xenobiologist, and more focused on studying parallels between ecosystems than on how to use specific lifeforms, but there’s enough overlap that both careers take similar classes.)
Anything else to add because I feel like there's probably more stuff on this character sheet: Nick is rather impulsive, chafing at restrictions, but typically gets himself out of trouble after he gets himself into it. Not just now, though. I’m thinking of having him show up very injured and in a coma until the xenosuit can stabilize him. 

Edited by Dragonheir
Forgot Nick's wing design
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5 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Both the ape and the bear growl to each other and begin to retreat warily

4 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Vall drops to the ground and looks at Aki @J. Magi. "Do we want to take these out, or should we let 'em go? I did find some other food..." 

@The Stormfather, here's my new character (unlike Vall, Nick actually needs some discovery writing) : 

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Name: Nick Bryer 
Age: 19
Gender: Male 
Time period: Middle future (slow FLT, advanced biotech but not nanotech, moderately advanced AI, 13 known sapient species) 
Skills/powers: ingenuity, trained xenoengineer (which means he can hotwire, reverse engineer, and take advantage of any alien tech or biopathways he comes across, maybe even if they don’t seem to follow the laws of physics)
Starting supplies: highly damaged xenosuit, remnants of AR glasses with management AI Simon, combat program (imagine a game like magic tiles or guitar hero, except AR and with martial arts and parkour) 
Xenosuit capabilities: an adaptable biosuit which can provide life support in foreign atmosphere, repair itself and its wearer, and absorb pretty much any energy source, but requires lots of setup time to change its capabilities (i.e., it can absorb a lightning strike, but only after twenty minutes of growing the required components, which are heavy, bulky, and focus so much on capacity a lesser current wouldn’t even charge the battery), and needs energy and materials to do anything (luckily, most planets have energy literally falling from the sky, and materials are in the air and ground anywhere that supports life). Nick designed his a jetpack/wingsuit mix that it can create, then fuel and lift with hydrogen, based on the saipodrake biology. 
Homeworld: his dad works directly for the Interstellar Intelligent Species Council, so he moves around a lot. 
Occupation: xenoengineer-in-training. (Half his classes are taught by his dad, Dr. Bryer, who discovered the 12 species, and then got credit for the 13 because otherwise Nick would have been in massive trouble. Dr. Bryer is a xenobiologist, and more focused on studying parallels between ecosystems than on how to use specific lifeforms, but there’s enough overlap that both careers take similar classes.)
Anything else to add because I feel like there's probably more stuff on this character sheet: Nick is rather impulsive, chafing at restrictions, but typically gets himself out of trouble after he gets himself into it. Not just now, though. I’m thinking of having him show up very injured and in a coma until the xenosuit can stabilize him. 

Aki watched them move away. "If your certain will have enough to eat," he replied with a sigh, "Then I guess it isn't worth our time."

He hated the loose ends, but it wasn't their biggest concern at the moment.

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7 hours ago, J. Magi said:

Aki watched them move away. "If your certain will have enough to eat," he replied with a sigh, "Then I guess it isn't worth our time."

He hated the loose ends, but it wasn't their biggest concern at the moment.

“I have enough for a meal or two… we’ll probably teleport to somewhere that has more food next.” Vall fuzzes out for a second, and you can see through him. “That was weird… here, take these.” He hands you two eggs, a sharp tip of a plant that would make a good knife, and some purple berries. Then, he fuzzes out again. “I think I’m going back home. Goodbye and good lu-“ Vall disappears. 


See you next week! Hopefully my character will be approved by then. 

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On 8/4/2024 at 6:10 AM, Dragonheir said:

“I have enough for a meal or two… we’ll probably teleport to somewhere that has more food next.” Vall fuzzes out for a second, and you can see through him. “That was weird… here, take these.” He hands you two eggs, a sharp tip of a plant that would make a good knife, and some purple berries. Then, he fuzzes out again. “I think I’m going back home. Goodbye and good lu-“ Vall disappears. 

"Uh . . . "


He hides the fact that Vall's disappearance is quite shocking.

He moves off so that he doesn't run into the two monsters again, and settles down to organize the food Vall had given him.


Is there a reason why your changing characters?

Edited by J. Magi
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On 8/5/2024 at 5:45 PM, J. Magi said:

Is there a reason why your changing characters?


I’m a discovery writer, at least for characters, and I’ve already played Vall before, but trying to write for Nick wasn’t working great, so I want some regularly prompted discover writing for him. 

@The Stormfather 


Did you see my character submission? Is it approved? 
Also, can I have Nick recognize Larry as a Stormtrooper? 

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  • The Stormfather changed the title to Teleportation : A mystery/chaotic RP

Yay! Everyone shows up in the same place, correct? 

@J. Magi @AltonicKeys @RoyalBeeMage @The Stormfather 

Once the warping stops, regardless of where you end up, a young man lays on the ground (or equivalent surface) next to you. Black fabric covers most of his body, including his head, but there are slashes through it, through which cuts and burns can be seen. His right eye, visible from a slash, is closed, with a cut above and below the eye socket, and what appears to be the nose bridge from a pair of glasses sticking out from the side of the rip, its edge broken. Black filaments stretch out from the fabric, both fanning out around him and growing into the cuts, seeming to scab them over. 
Larry’s communicator displays one possible connection. (If it has a connection request menu. I don’t know how those things work.) It reads “Nick Bryer SIMON optics interface”. 

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4 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Ah, got it

3 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

@J. Magi @AltonicKeys @RoyalBeeMage @The Stormfather 

Once the warping stops, regardless of where you end up, a young man lays on the ground (or equivalent surface) next to you. Black fabric covers most of his body, including his head, but there are slashes through it, through which cuts and burns can be seen. His right eye, visible from a slash, is closed, with a cut above and below the eye socket, and what appears to be the nose bridge from a pair of glasses sticking out from the side of the rip, its edge broken. Black filaments stretch out from the fabric, both fanning out around him and growing into the cuts, seeming to scab them over. 
Larry’s communicator displays one possible connection. (If it has a connection request menu. I don’t know how those things work.) It reads “Nick Bryer SIMON optics interface”. 


3 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

You appear in a dusty plain of stone, sand blowing in the wind harshly, lowering visibility to about twenty feet. 

He glanced around, more then a little shaken by all the rapid changes. 


Aki turned to the new guy, reaching to help him up. "Who're you?"

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:


He glanced around, more then a little shaken by all the rapid changes. 


Aki turned to the new guy, reaching to help him up. "Who're you?"

A muffled voice comes from the right side of the figure’s head, “I am SIMON. My charge, Nicholas Bryer, is heavily injured for reasons my memory is too corrupted to determine. Please bring him and the biosuit he is wearing into the most sunlit area nearby, and collect any sort of biomass you can find. I am shutting down to conserve battery for stabilization efforts, so ask any questions you have now.” Nick’s body is limp, but he is breathing slowly. He doesn’t react to your attempt to move him. 

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56 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

A muffled voice comes from the right side of the figure’s head, “I am SIMON. My charge, Nicholas Bryer, is heavily injured for reasons my memory is too corrupted to determine. Please bring him and the biosuit he is wearing into the most sunlit area nearby, and collect any sort of biomass you can find. I am shutting down to conserve battery for stabilization efforts, so ask any questions you have now.” Nick’s body is limp, but he is breathing slowly. He doesn’t react to your attempt to move him. 

"Uh . . . what's a byo suht?"

Aki shook has head, it was hard to be surprised, it this point.

He grabbed Nick by his underarms, and dragged into the sunlight. It was difficult, with so much dust, but he felt obligated to do what he was told.

The new dusty setting has warm, and he started sweating under his armor. Maybe they'd move again soon. This place didn't look safe.

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16 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Uh . . . what's a byo suht?"

Aki shook has head, it was hard to be surprised, it this point.

He grabbed Nick by his underarms, and dragged into the sunlight. It was difficult, with so much dust, but he felt obligated to do what he was told.

“A bio-suit is the living garment, which in this case my charge is wearing. It can grow to perform whatever function is needed, in this case patch Nick’s wounds and replenish his blood, but, like all living things, it needs energy and materials to grow. Thank you for bringing the suit into the sun. If you can acquire additional sources of materials and energy, please place them on or point them at the fabric. I am shutting down now. If you need me, tap the corner of the remaining part of the glasses.” Then, SIMON falls silent, and the suit merely soaks up sunlight and continues to grow. 


I’m going to sleep now, but at some point tomorrow, I will likely make Nick wake up. 

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2 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“A bio-suit is the living garment, which in this case my charge is wearing. It can grow to perform whatever function is needed, in this case patch Nick’s wounds and replenish his blood, but, like all living things, it needs energy and materials to grow. Thank you for bringing the suit into the sun. If you can acquire additional sources of materials and energy, please place them on or point them at the fabric. I am shutting down now. If you need me, tap the corner of the remaining part of the glasses.” Then, SIMON falls silent, and the suit merely soaks up sunlight and continues to grow. 

"I . . . okay." Aki did his best to wrap his head around the new info.

He pulled a rice ball out of his back and sat it on Nicks arm. That counted as organic material right?



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On 8/10/2024 at 9:43 PM, J. Magi said:

He pulled a rice ball out of his back and sat it on Nicks arm. That counted as organic material right?

It does indeed. Slower than can be seen without paying very close attention, the rice ball is absorbed by the black fabric. The filaments patching cuts in both the suit and Nick’s skin slowly come together, leaving only patches textured slightly differently. The slash on his eye grows a clear substance through which that eye can be seen, presumably so Nick can see. 
An hour or two later, Nick’s eyelids flutter. He groans, touching the side of his head, presumably at the button that will turn SIMON back on. “SIMON, you there? What happened?” His visible eye opens all the way, and he blinks a few times. “Where am I?” 

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A gust of powerful wind sends sand blasting through your field of vision, and for a moment you are blinded. When you can see again, there is a small mouse with large ears sitting between the two of you. I makes a little squeaking noise, paws (Do mice have paws or feet?) at it's ears and then licks it's paw/foot.

It squeaks and runs away.

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Nick sits up, groaning again. The filaments of suit that had been stretched out around him fall around him. “SIMON, do you recognize that?” Evidently hearing a reply, he continues, “how’d that happen?” Standing up, he walks over to the nearest barely visible silhouette in the sandstorm. 
Edit: @Ancient Elantrian you’re still playing, correct? I see you are online. 


Which shall be whichever person responds first. I’m betting J. Magi, cause everyone else seems inactive. (Proved myself wrong) Maybe we should see about getting more players. 
Also, should I include SIMON’s responses, even though the other characters can’t hear them? 

Edited by Dragonheir
Elan seems to be existing
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14 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick sits up, groaning again. The filaments of suit that had been stretched out around him fall around him. “SIMON, do you recognize that?” Evidently hearing a reply, he continues, “how’d that happen?” Standing up, he walks over to the nearest barely visible silhouette in the sandstorm. 
Edit: @Ancient Elantrian you’re still playing, correct? I see you are online. 


I am still playing sorta

whats happening


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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

I am still playing sorta

whats happening


We teleported again (except Vall, who straight up disappeared), to a rocky wasteland in the middle of a sandstorm, and Aki found a very injured guy in a living black suit. The suit’s AI asked for light and biomass to bring Nick out of his coma, and he just woke up. 

A figure stands up from the ground, and walks over to you. As it gets close enough, you can see that the figure is wearing some sort of black jumpsuit that covers his entire body. Some sort of clear substance allows you to see the right eye, but the left is covered in the same fabric the rest of him is. Black strings hang off of the suit, connected to locations in a line along his side. The figure sticks out his hand, and says, “I’m Nick Bryer. Where are we?” 

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5 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

A figure stands up from the ground, and walks over to you. As it gets close enough, you can see that the figure is wearing some sort of black jumpsuit that covers his entire body. Some sort of clear substance allows you to see the right eye, but the left is covered in the same fabric the rest of him is. Black strings hang off of the suit, connected to locations in a line along his side. The figure sticks out his hand, and says, “I’m Nick Bryer. Where are we?” 

“No idea.”

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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“No idea.”

“Any idea where I can get some better supplies for my xenosuit? Maybe if I had access to a lab, I could get it to feed off this sand, but as is, I need Earth-like biomass.” Noticing the antlers on your helmet, he cocks his head to the side. “Are you from a cosplay convention or something? You’re dressed like a Viking.” 

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11 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“Any idea where I can get some better supplies for my xenosuit? Maybe if I had access to a lab, I could get it to feed off this sand, but as is, I need Earth-like biomass.” Noticing the antlers on your helmet, he cocks his head to the side. “Are you from a cosplay convention or something? You’re dressed like a Viking.” 

“No. This is just my clothing. It keeps warm.”

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

“No. This is just my clothing. It keeps warm.”

“Ok… a xenosuit would work better, wouldn’t it? Where are you from, anyway? You might have heard of my dad. He discovered the Ferrians.” 


I’m going to the beach. I should be back in several hours. 

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You all hear a large crash from somewhere to the east. (You don't know that its east, I just needed a direction.)

Then, a rhythmic crashing, breaking of stone and rush of falling sands. You here a loud humming from above you, and a shadow passes above you. It passes quickly. 

For Nick


You recognize the shape and sound as some sort of helicopter or propellor.


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