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Anniversary Changes

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I was looking at this thread (Ruin Changes SA). Which made me think that the changes might have been for the 10th Anniversary Leatherbound. There are many WoBs about the Elantris 10A changes, so I went WoB Hunting - but I can't find anything there about text updates for Anniversary. Then I thought to myself, Coppermind book page should mention if text was updated for different versions/printings. Nope, no mention (not even the WoR Climax change, which I could have swon was in the trivia section of the book page)

Long story short (too late) - I'm wondering if there should be a section on each book's page to mention changes between versions. Probably not the content of the changes - just the fact that "changes to chapter x, y, z" with the WoBs (if any). Or even just a simple "typo changes in this version" or "error changes in this version" etc. Something as a reference that says "this has changed."

It might help newer fans when they get confused talking with others, but don't realize they may have read different versions. There's a thread I can't seem to find right now that was the Sharder discussing how he and his friend both read Elantris at the same time only to realize one had the original paperback and one had the 10th edition trade when they tried comparing information. The one that posted here was trying to confirm "who was right." Similarly, I just had to mediate a disagreement about a different series (Iron Druid book 9) at work for the same reason, one coworker just finished and was discussing with another one who had read it some time ago; only to find out it was a change between the hardcover and mass market versions. 

I'm not sure this would be useful, but I thought it might merit discussion.  


Edited by Treamayne
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Yeah, we've talked about potentially wanting to have something like this a couple times, but never been able to land on a format/way of organizing it that we liked.

As far as Words of Radiance in particular, the change in the climax is mentioned in a footnote on the summary page; maybe that's what you were thinking of?

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25 minutes ago, Starwatcher said:

the change in the climax is mentioned in a footnote on the summary page; maybe that's what you were thinking of?

Very probable. . . I knew I had seen it somewhere (since I actually didn't realize there had been a change until after OB released) but I could not find it again.

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