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Old reader, new fan

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hi everyone. I've been reading sci fi and fantasy for years, but have only in the last couple years been introduced to Brandon Sanderson's writing. I've read the 7 Mistborn novels so far and am currently doubling back on Elantris, which by all accounts should have come before. Oh well. No regerts, right? 🙂 

Was looking for some info and stumbled on this site. I'm looking forward the conversations on the horizon.

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Welcome to the Shard! Don't worry too much about reading order, there's a lot of entry points to the Cosmere now. And even Brandon himself says that Mistborn should usually come before Elantris. 

Would you like a cookie? They're perfectly safe! 

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I was all excited about the cookie. Then I'm warned about the cookie. I am sorely vexed.

My fave book (hard to say, ask me tomorrow and I may answer different) is probably the first Wax & Wayne book. Because I like Wax a lot, and Wayne ever better, and this is where we were introduced.

As a newb here, I have no idea what is referred to by "shard". Wayne is my favorite character so far though.

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2 hours ago, Howlin Wolfgang said:
2 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Welcome to the Shard! Beware of cookies!

I was all excited about the cookie. Then I'm warned about the cookie. I am sorely vexed.

From another thread:

On 5/30/2024 at 12:26 PM, BlueWildRye said:
On 5/30/2024 at 12:20 PM, The Assasin In Red said:

I have been warned about this cookie... What is its purpose?

They have hemalurgic spikes. You can eat it if you want, but you will get spiked.

I beleive it is a Role-Play/Guild thing, but I'm not sure. . . 

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On 5/30/2024 at 7:59 PM, Howlin Wolfgang said:

Oh well. No regerts, right?

As someone who started with stormlight, I can confirm that it'll work out lol

Welcome to the Shard! Do you like bagels?

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