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Sharder FAQ

Recommended Posts

Here's a collection of good-to-know items. Please suggest more if you think of something I have forgotten. 




Most people do not want to be spoiled, and most of us do not want to inadvertantly spoil something for you. Please consider mentioning in your Intro thread (if you made one) or your profile description what books you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)

  • Note: If you use a Status update to post this, then it could be quickly lost if you are also posting other status updates

Likewise, please make sure you have reviewed the Spoiler Policy (and all the other policies our mods put a lot of effort into crafting so we can have a great community) and correctly tag thread titles (if the post will have spoiler information - Thread titles themselves should never have spoilers directly as they can show on the main page) and correctly spoiler tag appropriate preview and new release materal (everywhere) or outside topic material (e.g. Reckoners reference in a Rithmatist thread; Mistborn reference in a Stormlight thread).

  • Note: On the forum main page, each section has a handy description saying what kind of threads belong in that location.
    • Examples:

Introduce Yourself!

New to our community? Post a topic here letting us know that you exist! NOT for spoiler discussion; use book discussion forums instead.

Cosmere Discussion

Post discussion for the cosmere at large, Shards, Hoid, or general Arcanum Unbounded content here. All spoilers are allowed, except for upcoming releases/new releases, which have their own forums for discussion. Use book forums if your post only relates to a single series. 

Creator's Corner

For all you aspiring writer or artist types, here's your new home. 

Making Spoiler Tags:

  • In the editor click the "Eye" Icon (second section, fourth icon) to create a spoiler box, then type your information inside of the box
  • Alternatively, you can type the information, highlight it, then click the Spoiler Icon (this does not play will with bullets and numbered lists)
    • Note: A Quote box and Spoiler Box function simlarly, as they can both be collapsed into a single header, but the quote defaults "open" and the spoiler defaults "closed"
    • Nested Quotes and spoilers can produce weird results - so you are less likely to have formatting issues with a Quote inside of a Spoiler, than a Spoiler inside of a quote (which wants you to open the spoiler before expanding the quote)



These are not required, but are often used by some/many posts


  • WoB = Word of Brandon
    • WoP/WoI = Peter, Isaac (etc.)
  • RP = Role Play
  • SU = Status Update
  • OP = Original Post (Poster) - The first post in the thread, or referencing the Sharder that made that post
  • OT = Off Topic (comments that are not directly connected to the OP)
  • Rep = Reputation Points (See below - Reactions)
  • SPAG = Spelling and Grammar
  • TLDR = Too Long, Didn't Read (Summary at bottom of post)
  • BLUF = Bottom Fine Up Front (summary at top of post)




  • General
    • PR = Physical Realm
    • CR = Cognitive Realm
    • SR = Spiritual Realm
    • SW = Spirit Web
    • WH = Worldhopper
    • MoI = Manifestation of Investiture = Magic
  • Mistborn
    • E1 = Era 1 (2,3,4)
    • 11M - the Eleventh Metal
    • TFE = Mistborn: The Final Empire
    • WoA = Mistborn: The Well of Ascension
    • HoA = Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
    • MSH (M:SH) = Mistborn: Secret History
    • AoL = The Alloy of Law
    • SoS = Shadows of Self
    • BoM = The Bands of Mourning
    • TLM = The Lost Metal
    • A/F/H-<Metal> = Allomantic (Feruchemical, Hemalurgic) <Metal>. Examples:
      • A-Steel = Allomantic Steel, F-Iron = Feruchemical Iron
      • Hemalurgy is a special case, so be careful - H-Tin could mean either a Tin Spike or a Spike charged with A-Tin or F-Tin. It's usually better  to just say <metal> Spike with <charge> and avoid the H prefix, for clarity.
  • Stormlight Archive:
    • SA1 (2,3,etc) = Stormlight Archive Book 1 (2, 3, etc.)
    • TWoK (WoK) = The Way of Kings
    • WoR = Words of Radiance
    • OB (O) = Oathbringer
    • RoW = Rhythm of War
  • Warbreaker
    • H1 (2,3,etc) = First heightening (Second, etc. )
  • TES = The Emperor's Soul
  • Secret Projects
    • SP 1 (2,3,4,5) = Secret Project 1 (2, etc)
    • TotES = Tress = SP1 = Tress of the Emerald Sea
    • FW = TFWHfSME = SP2 = The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England
    • YNP = YatNP = SP3 = Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
    • TSM = SP4 = The Sunlit Man
    • IE = IotE = SP5 = Isles of the Emberdark




  • TDO = The Dark One





This list is for familiarity, and will be explained in depth below. 

  • At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link.
  • At the bottom right you will see an heart icon (and possibly different reactions in the future).
    • Formerly an Arrow if you see posts mentioning those
  • At the top right you will see a hamburger menu (three dots) which shows: Report, Share, and (your posts only) Edit and Hide tools.
    • If your post is the thread original post (OP), in the edit screen you will also see a "Hide Topic" Moderator Options tool to the right of the Thread Title
  • In Q&A you will see an up/down vote next to a Answer response
    • If you posted the question to Q&A, then you can mark a post as having answered your question
    • Note: Q&A is for direct questions, please post theories in the appropriate Discussion forum. 
  • Plain Text:
    • Note: When pasting HTML text (from this site, other sites, Words of Brandon (WOB), Coppermind, etc.) you will get a toaster on the bottom of the edit window asking if you want to paste as plain text. This will allow you to remove "formatting" from many sources (but will also remove links - which may or may not be desired) to have nice, clean post text.
  • Pagination
    • The third icon from the right on the editor is labelled "Page." In the editor it will look like a line rule (thin line across the whole editor) where everything above the line is one "page" and below the line is another "page".
    • Once you post, there wil be a "next page" (and "previous page") button at the top and bottom of the post, allowing readers to break longer threads into pages to reduce scrolling long posts.

REACTIONS (a.k.a. Reputation (Rep), Likes, Upvotes, etc.)

  • The Heart Icon (Like) is how you thank people or "like" a post
    • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have that turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.
  • The reasons and why somebody uses this tool for any given post are as varied as the number of people on the Shard
  • Reputation is based on these reactions, upon which your "Rank" is based - which is really just a fun in-joke of Sanderson references that you can achieve.



Use  the Report tool to report any post (your own or others) to a forum Mod. Examples:

  • Use this if you see a thread that might be in the wrong place, such as a Mistborn thread referencing other series, so it really belongs in Cosmere Discussion
  • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have responses, so all of the content is retained.
    • Please do not post the same thread in multiple forums; but if you do, you can report them so the mods can merge them into the most appropriate location
    • This is much less common than it used to be
  • For reporting Spam, only report a single post by each user to let the Mods and Admins know - they get messages for each "report" so reporting each Spam post is annoying and unnecessary.
    • If all posts by a "new user" (bot) are all spam - then all of those posts will be deleted when that account is deleted.


  • Use the Hide tool to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting (useful for accidental double-posts)
    • Hiding the first post in a Thread will hide the thread as long as there have been no replies (Needs Testing)
  • If you are the first post of a new thread, you should also have access to "Moderation Actions"  (above the post, right of the Thread Title and Tags) which will allow you to hide the entire thread


  • You can "Mention" a person by typing "@" and slowly typing their user name (spelling matters). As you spell their name, the interface will show a pop-up with matches - when your match appears, click it to add the Mention
    • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have that turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.


  • The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it a quote of that full post will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is (adding a carriage return if necessary)
    • Quoted posts do copy Spoiler tags, but do not copy other Quote tags
    • If you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote"
  • The "+" icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you can click that icon for each post you want to quote
    • As you click "+," you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
    • They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply
    • When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically with one blank line between each for you to add your comment(s)
  • You can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote Selection" button that pops up.
    • This will also be added to the cursor location, rather than the bottom of the reply.
  • Properly quoted sections will also have a curved arrow button on the right side of the quote title bar, this will link back to the post from which the quote was taken
    • Editor - Second section, second icon will create a quote box that is not attributed and does not have the link back, but can be useful for some quotes or for posting references and such 
    • Note: A Quote box and Spoiler Box funtion simlarly, as they can both be collapsed into a single header, but the quote defaults "open" and the spoiler defaults "closed"
    • Nested Quotes and spoilers can produce weird results - so you are less likely to have formatting issues with a Quote inside of a Spoiler, than a Spoiler inside of a quote (which wants you to open the spoiler before expanding the quote)
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .
    • This is also how you can add quotes to an Edit of your own post (see below). You make the quote by using any of the methods above and the quote will go to the reply section. You then hover over the four-way arrow and use CTRL+C (PC - or preferred method for your device) to cut the quote, which you can then paste into your edit window.
  • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have them turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.


  • Use the Edit link (three dot menu) to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent post in the thread (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" section if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
    • Editing the first post in a thread allows the thread-creator to edit the thread title (important for changing accidental spoilers)
    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have that turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.



The search can be accessed from the blue banner-bar (right side) and you can open the advanced search by clicking the magnifying glass icon

  • Basic search is simple, just type one or more words and click enter
    • When in a forum section or thread, the search will limit itself to that section or thread
  • Advanced Seach is rather robust, but can be tricky until you get used to using the tool.  Primer:
    • Green - One or more search terms
    • Yellow - Filter by author
      • Does not use the "@" symbol like a mention
    • Orange - Filter by section of the site
      • Topics is the unintuitive label for Forums - when chosen you can pick one or more forums in which to search. Example shown is Cosmere Discussion and Mistborn
    • Blue - Search only thread titles  or search all content (which can find multiple hits in the same thread)
      • If the results font is larger, that indicates the search result is the thread's first post
    • Red - Boolean - use this to search all terms or any combination of one or more terms





Both are available from the pesky helpful blue bar at the top. The Coppermind is the Shard's Wiki where you can look things up for all of Brandon's Books (minimal Wheel of Time content as they have their own sources, like TarValon.net). The Arcanum is a collction of most (all known, new pending sometimes) WoBs, Q&As, Etc. Basics of finding what you are looking for are detailed below.  


  • Go to the Coppermind, you can search a term in the upper right. On the top-right of the page (below the search bar) you will see a circle icon that denotes how "complete" the information is (e.g. solid green means it has all known information, split white/black means unanswered questions, etc.)
    • Like any wiki, links to other pages appear the first time they are referenced
    • While reading you will find notes ([1]) that take you to the references at the bottom of the page. From there, if the reference is a WoB the link will redirect you to the Arcanum post.
      • You can open the link in a new tab, then use the browser "back" button or the up arrow/reference number to return to where you were reasing the article
    • When searching a related page, type slowly and pause before hitting enter, the displayed "results" may help find a sub page (example: The Rithmatist/Interior Art for the art page of The Rithmatist book)
  • The Coppermind has a Time Machine that will let you "revert" to before a specific book release to avoid spoilers for that (and subsequent) book(s)


  • On the Arcanum, you can read all of the WoBs from a specific event by clicking: Discover > Events, then select an event.
    • You can also go to a specific Tag by clicking Discover > Tags then clicking on the tag you want to view
  • When looking at a Word of Brandon (WoB - or Peter/Isaac) in the Arcanum, you can:
    • Click on the event name to read all WoBs from that event
    • Click on a tag at the bottom to make a search of all entries with that tag - such as Inspirations
    • The top right of the WoB has a "Copy" button, to easily copy the WoB contents to add to a forum post spoiler tag (please use spoiler tags to keep posts visually short and let new people avoid spoilers if they desire)
  • Also, on the Arcanum, you can search for keywords using the search bar in the upper left
  • In any keyword or tag search the default view will be "accuracy"
    • Refine searches with Boolean (+/& for "and" to combine terms - e. g. Roshar+Coral )
      • Note this method is unfiltered and will return more results than the tag and keyword search above
      • But they can be combined, by filtering a tag and using a boolean search inside that tag.
    • You can be set that to "Oldest First" (avoiding spoilers) or "Newest first" (for recent additions) using the drop-down box
  • Anotations can also be found here, though they are posted on Brandon's site loinked from their respective book page.
  • For the Arcanum, learn more at Help and Navigation

Hope that helps, and please feel free to suggest how we can make this better.


Edited by Treamayne
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1 hour ago, Treamayne said:

Here's a collection of good-to-know items. Please suggest more if you think of something I have forgotten. 



  Reveal hidden contents

Most people do not want to be spoiled, and most of us do not want to inadvertantly spoil something for you. Please consider mentioning in your Intro thread (if you made one) or your profile description what books you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)

  • Note: If you use a Status update to post this, then it could be quickly lost if you are also posting other status updates

Likewise, please make sure you have reviewed the Spoiler Policy (and all the other policies our mods put a lot of effort into crafting so we can have a great community) and correctly tag thread titles (if the post will have spoiler information - Thread titles themselves should never have spoilers directly as they can show on the main page) and correctly spoiler tag appropriate preview and new release materal (everywhere) or outside topic material (e.g. Reckoners reference in a Rithmatist thread; Mistborn reference in a Stormlight thread).

  • Note: On the forum main page, each section has a handy description saying what kind of threads belong in that location.
    • Examples:
  Reveal hidden contents

Introduce Yourself!

New to our community? Post a topic here letting us know that you exist! NOT for spoiler discussion; use book discussion forums instead.

Cosmere Discussion

Post discussion for the cosmere at large, Shards, Hoid, or general Arcanum Unbounded content here. All spoilers are allowed, except for upcoming releases/new releases, which have their own forums for discussion. Use book forums if your post only relates to a single series. 

Creator's Corner

For all you aspiring writer or artist types, here's your new home. 

Making Spoiler Tags:

  • In the editor click the "Eye" Icon (second section, fourth icon) to create a spoiler box, then type your information inside of the box
  • Alternatively, you can type the information, highlight it, then click the Spoiler Icon (this does not play will with bullets and numbered lists)
    • Note: A Quote box and Spoiler Box function simlarly, as they can both be collapsed into a single header, but the quote defaults "open" and the spoiler defaults "closed"
    • Nested Quotes and spoilers can produce weird results - so you are less likely to have formatting issues with a Quote inside of a Spoiler, than a Spoiler inside of a quote (which wants you to open the spoiler before expanding the quote)


  Reveal hidden contents

These are not required, but are often used by some/many posts


  • WoB = Word of Brandon
    • WoP/WoI = Peter, Isaac (etc.)
  • RP = Role Play
  • SU = Status Update
  • OP = Original Post (Poster) - The first post in the thread, or referencing the Sharder that made that post
  • Rep = Reputation Points (See below - Reactions)
  • SPAG = Spelling and Grammar
  • TLDR = Too Long, Didn't Read (Summary at bottom of post)
  • BLUF = Bottom Fine Up Front (summary at top of post)


  Reveal hidden contents



  • General
    • PR = Physical Realm
    • CR = Cognitive Realm
    • SR = Spiritual Realm
    • SW = Spirit Web
    • WH = Worldhopper
    • MoI = Manifestation of Investiture = Magic
  • Mistborn
    • E1 = Era 1 (2,3,4)
    • 11M - the Eleventh Metal
    • TFE = Mistborn: The Final Empire
    • WoA = Mistborn: The Well of Ascension
    • HoA = Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
    • MSH (M:SH) = Mistborn: Secret History
    • AoL = The Alloy of Law
    • SoS = Shadows of Self
    • BoM = The Bands of Mourning
    • TLM = The Lost Metal
    • A/F/H-<Metal> = Allomantic (Feruchemical, Hemalurgic) <Metal>. Examples:
      • A-Steel = Allomantic Steel, F-Iron = Feruchemical Iron
      • Hemalurgy is a special case, so be careful - H-Tin could mean either a Tin Spike or a Spike charged with A-Tin or F-Tin. It's usually better  to just say <metal> Spike with <charge> and avoid the H prefix, for clarity.
  • Stormlight Archive:
    • SA1 (2,3,etc) = Stormlight Archive Book 1 (2, 3, etc.)
    • TWoK (WoK) = The Way of Kings
    • WoR = Words of Radiance
    • OB (O) = Oathbringer
    • RoW = Rhythm of War
  • Warbreaker
    • H1 (2,3,etc) = First heightening (Second, etc. )
  • TES = The Emperor's Soul
  • Secret Projects
    • SP 1 (2,3,4,5) = Secret Project 1 (2, etc)
    • TotES = Tress = SP1 = Tress of the Emerald Sea
    • FW = TFWHfSME = SP2 = The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England
    • YNP = YatNP = SP3 = Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
    • TSM = SP4 = The Sunlit Man
    • IE = IotE = SP5 = Isles of the Emberdark




  • TDO = The Dark One




  Reveal hidden contents

This list is for familiarity, and will be explained in depth below. 

  • At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link.
  • At the bottom right you will see an heart icon (and possibly different reactions in the future).
    • Formerly an Arrow if you see posts mentioning those
  • At the top right you will see a hamburger menu (three dots) which shows: Report, Share, and (your posts only) Edit and Hide tools.
    • If your post is the thread original post (OP), in the edit screen you will also see a "Hide Topic" Moderator Options tool to the right of the Thread Title
  • In Q&A you will see an up/down vote next to a Answer response
    • If you posted the question to Q&A, then you can mark a post as having answered your question
    • Note: Q&A is for direct questions, please post theories in the appropriate Discussion forum. 
  • Plain Text:
    • Note: When pasting HTML text (from this site, other sites, Words of Brandon (WOB), Coppermind, etc.) you will get a toaster on the bottom of the edit window asking if you want to paste as plain text. This will allow you to remove "formatting" from many sources (but will also remove links - which may or may not be desired) to have nice, clean post text.
  • Pagination
    • The third icon from the right on the editor is labelled "Page." In the editor it will look like a line rule (thin line across the whole editor) where everything above the line is one "page" and below the line is another "page".
    • Once you post, there wil be a "next page" (and "previous page") button at the top and bottom of the post, allowing readers to break longer threads into pages to reduce scrolling long posts.

REACTIONS (a.k.a. Reputation (Rep), Likes, Upvotes, etc.)

  Reveal hidden contents
  • The Heart Icon (Like) is how you thank people or "like" a post
    • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have that turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.
  • The reasons and why somebody uses this tool for any given post are as varied as the number of people on the Shard
  • Reputation is based on these reactions, upon which your "Rank" is based - which is really just a fun in-joke of Sanderson references that you can achieve.


  Reveal hidden contents

Use  the Report tool to report any post (your own or others) to a forum Mod. Examples:

  • Use this if you see a thread that might be in the wrong place, such as a Mistborn thread referencing other series, so it really belongs in Cosmere Discussion
  • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have responses, so all of the content is retained.
    • Please do not post the same thread in multiple forums; but if you do, you can report them so the mods can merge them into the most appropriate location
    • This is much less common than it used to be
  • For reporting Spam, only report a single post by each user to let the Mods and Admins know - they get messages for each "report" so reporting each Spam post is annoying and unnecessary.
    • If all posts by a "new user" (bot) are all spam - then all of those posts will be deleted when that account is deleted.


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Use the Hide tool to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting (useful for accidental double-posts)
    • Hiding the first post in a Thread will hide the thread as long as there have been no replies (Needs Testing)
  • If you are the first post of a new thread, you should also have access to "Moderation Actions"  (above the post, right of the Thread Title and Tags) which will allow you to hide the entire thread


  Reveal hidden contents
  • You can "Mention" a person by typing "@" and slowly typing their user name (spelling matters). As you spell their name, the interface will show a pop-up with matches - when your match appears, click it to add the Mention
    • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have that turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.


  Reveal hidden contents
  • The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it a quote of that full post will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is (adding a carriage return if necessary)
    • Quoted posts do copy Spoiler tags, but do not copy other Quote tags
    • If you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote"
  • The "+" icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you can click that icon for each post you want to quote
    • As you click "+," you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
    • They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply
    • When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically with one blank line between each for you to add your comment(s)
  • You can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote Selection" button that pops up.
    • This will also be added to the cursor location, rather than the bottom of the reply.
  • Properly quoted sections will also have a curved arrow button on the right side of the quote title bar, this will link back to the post from which the quote was taken
    • Editor - Second section, second icon will create a quote box that is not attributed and does not have the link back, but can be useful for some quotes or for posting references and such 
    • Note: A Quote box and Spoiler Box funtion simlarly, as they can both be collapsed into a single header, but the quote defaults "open" and the spoiler defaults "closed"
    • Nested Quotes and spoilers can produce weird results - so you are less likely to have formatting issues with a Quote inside of a Spoiler, than a Spoiler inside of a quote (which wants you to open the spoiler before expanding the quote)
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .
    • This is also how you can add quotes to an Edit of your own post (see below). You make the quote by using any of the methods above and the quote will go to the reply section. You then hover over the four-way arrow and use CTRL+C (PC - or preferred method for your device) to cut the quote, which you can then paste into your edit window.
  • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have them turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Use the Edit link (three dot menu) to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent post in the thread (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" section if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
    • Editing the first post in a thread allows the thread-creator to edit the thread title (important for changing accidental spoilers)
    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Likes, Mentions and Quotes should all send an alert to the appropriate person (if they have that turned on) - even when added to an old post through the Edit feature.


  Reveal hidden contents

The search can be accessed from the blue banner-bar (right side) and you can open the advanced search by clicking the magnifying glass icon

  • Basic search is simple, just type one or more words and click enter
    • When in a forum section or thread, the search will limit itself to that section or thread
  • Advanced Seach is rather robust, but can be tricky until you get used to using the tool.  Primer:
    • Green - One or more search terms
    • Yellow - Filter by author
      • Does not use the "@" symbol like a mention
    • Orange - Filter by section of the site
      • Topics is the unintuitive label for Forums - when chosen you can pick one or more forums in which to search. Example shown is Cosmere Discussion and Mistborn
    • Blue - Search only thread titles  or search all content (which can find multiple hits in the same thread)
      • If the results font is larger, that indicates the search result is the thread's first post
    • Red - Boolean - use this to search all terms or any combination of one or more terms
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Both are available from the pesky helpful blue bar at the top. The Coppermind is the Shard's Wiki where you can look things up for all of Brandon's Books (minimal Wheel of Time content as they have their own sources, like TarValon.net). The Arcanum is a collction of most (all known, new pending sometimes) WoBs, Q&As, Etc. Basics of finding what you are looking for are detailed below.  


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Go to the Coppermind, you can search a term in the upper right. On the top-right of the page (below the search bar) you will see a circle icon that denotes how "complete" the information is (e.g. solid green means it has all known information, split white/black means unanswered questions, etc.)
    • Like any wiki, links to other pages appear the first time they are referenced
    • While reading you will find notes ([1]) that take you to the references at the bottom of the page. From there, if the reference is a WoB the link will redirect you to the Arcanum post.
      • You can open the link in a new tab, then use the browser "back" button or the up arrow/reference number to return to where you were reasing the article
    • When searching a related page, type slowly and pause before hitting enter, the displayed "results" may help find a sub page (example: The Rithmatist/Interior Art for the art page of The Rithmatist book)
  • The Coppermind has a Time Machine that will let you "revert" to before a specific book release to avoid spoilers for that (and subsequent) book(s)


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  • On the Arcanum, you can read all of the WoBs from a specific event by clicking: Discover > Events, then select an event.
    • You can also go to a specific Tag by clicking Discover > Tags then clicking on the tag you want to view
  • When looking at a Word of Brandon (WoB - or Peter/Isaac) in the Arcanum, you can:
    • Click on the event name to read all WoBs from that event
    • Click on a tag at the bottom to make a search of all entries with that tag - such as Inspirations
    • The top right of the WoB has a "Copy" button, to easily copy the WoB contents to add to a forum post spoiler tag (please use spoiler tags to keep posts visually short and let new people avoid spoilers if they desire)
  • Also, on the Arcanum, you can search for keywords using the search bar in the upper left
  • In any keyword or tag search the default view will be "accuracy"
    • Refine searches with Boolean (+/& for "and" to combine terms - e. g. Roshar+Coral )
      • Note this method is unfiltered and will return more results than the tag and keyword search above
      • But they can be combined, by filtering a tag and using a boolean search inside that tag.
    • You can be set that to "Oldest First" (avoiding spoilers) or "Newest first" (for recent additions) using the drop-down box
  • For the Arcanum, learn more at Help and Navigation

Hope that helps, and please feel free to suggest how we can make this better.


Oh, yes. This is perfect. (I also see how much you post this list to new sharders.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

What’s the best etiquette for when someone accidentally necro’d a thread but you want to talk about it? Do I just respond at this point since it’s back or do I make a new thread? 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/22/2024 at 6:48 PM, LightRinger said:

What’s the best etiquette for when someone accidentally necro’d a thread but you want to talk about it? Do I just respond at this point since it’s back or do I make a new thread? 

The Admins and Mods may chime in with a "best practices" solution, but here's an example I have used. 

  • Original (Elantris section - spoilers - Cognitive Shadows)
  • Split off (Cosmere discussion, Spoilers - Cognitive Shadows)

Generally, I would use the "Quote" button to make the quote response. Cut that (CTRL+X or preferred method by device). Start a new thread. Paste the quote (add extra blank lines, as needed) and also make a link to the original thread. Up to you if you want to mention in the original thread(s) that you are splitting off a post necro to a new topic - the person quoted should still receive the notification for the post where that quote displays, so they should find it there regardless. 

You can also "hack" this with an older topic that has been closed for replies. For example (Stormlight Spoilers - regarding glyphs and scripts):

  • Right click the "posted date" to copy the post link
  • Paste the post link
  • Make a generic quotebox, then past the relevant section there:
    •  Glyph example:

From: SA Translation Guide


So, it's been forever since I had time to review and work on my idea (been working midnights all summer, no internet at work). What I alluded to above was that I think I found two pairs of glyphs that are "related;" in that they seem to be mirrors of each other. The remaining six do not obviously follow the same pattern, but it makes me wonder of there are three more pairs with a different or similar relationship. Anybody else see connections like this among the Glyphs?

This version may not create a Notification, so you may want to @ Mention the relevant party, if necessary. 

Hope that helps

Edited by Treamayne
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