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Vivenna's Eye Color


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I don't think it's every stated in the books; after all, the royal locks is a much bigger deal on Nalthis.


Actually, for that matter, I don't think we know the eye color of any non-Rosharans? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's really been mentioned anywhere. Brandon doesn't seem like the 'full description down to the buckles on his shoes' type writer, especially if it's not important... and Vivenna's eye color, so far as Warbreaker is concerned, is completely unimportant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, for that matter, I don't think we know the eye color of any non-Rosharans?

Isn't it said somewhere in the Mistborn trilogy that Vin's eyes are grey, and somewhere in Elantris that Raoden's are blue?

Edited by gjustice99
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Has anyone ever asked what her eye color is? If anyone knows and it matches what I think it is I'll share a theory I have. Brandon's descriptions are such that all I need to confirm it is the eye color. Any one know or able to ask Brandon at a signing?

If you are suggesting that Vivenna goes to Roshar or somewhere, it is possible, but unlikely. Vasher went to Roshar, but there was no sign of anyone remotely matching Vivenna's description with him. And why would she go somewhere else in the cosmere, seeing as Roshar is where all the cosmere things seem to be tying together. It is the ta'veren of the cosmere.


I was always under the impression that all the Returned had rainbow irises like the Prism from the Lightbringer series...  <_<

I don't think Vivenna was a returned... And even if she was, I don't think it was mentioned anywhere the returned eye colour. In fact, I think it said somewhere that Lightsong had brown eyes.

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If you are suggesting that Vivenna goes to Roshar or somewhere, it is possible, but unlikely. Vasher went to Roshar, but there was no sign of anyone remotely matching Vivenna's description with him. And why would she go somewhere else in the cosmere, seeing as Roshar is where all the cosmere things seem to be tying together. It is the ta'veren of the cosmere.


I don't think Vivenna was a returned... And even if she was, I don't think it was mentioned anywhere the returned eye colour. In fact, I think it said somewhere that Lightsong had brown eyes.


Well, last time we have seen Vivenna she was starting a partnership with Vasher so we could possibly assume she went with him. In fact, if she worldhops in the first place then it's 90% sure that she accompanies Vasher. Of course, that is unless there will be something in the sequel to contradict it, but as for now I'm convinced those two stick together.


But that's true, we haven't seen anybody on Roshar who seems likely to be Vivenna. Personally, I hope she's there somewhere and we're going to see her sooner or later - she's my favourite female character in Cosmere ;)


Vivenna is not a Returned in Warbreaker and I doubt she would become one later on. If it's about possible time gap between Warbreaker and SA I'd rather see Vivenna reaching 5th Heightening by traditional means (colletcing Breaths) and therefore becoming virtually immortal. Unless she died and Vasher worldhopped later, but I really sincerely hope that's not the case :(


Actually, I also recall Lightsong having brown eyes (though that may just be how I imagined him and now I'll believe it's true until I'm proven otherwise). Well, in my headcanon Blushweaver had green eyes and I like to imagine Vivenna with violet ones, though it's just how I picture her, so it may be very far from canon. It's nice that Brandon gives only vague descriptions of characters - we can imagine them however we want them. I'm almost completely sure that Vivenna's eye color wasn't specified in the book.


@supersciguy maybe you can tell us your theory anyway? I'm curious :)

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Vivenna has Returned blood in her. Her eye color could be completely hidden by an accidental shape shift at an early age. The long and the short of it is that it's impossible to know what her eye color is.

I did a search and its not confirmed. There isn't a POV in the book that would describe her eye color anyway, if you think about it. Even Vasher wouldn't have done it, even though he's tots in love with her.

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Vivenna has Returned blood in her. Her eye color could be completely hidden by an accidental shape shift at an early age. The long and the short of it is that it's impossible to know what her eye color is.


Interesting... I never thought of it. That would mean that she may have the eye color she thinks she should have - like brown to fit it with Idrian opinion about bright colors... Good thought :lol:



I did a search and its not confirmed. There isn't a POV in the book that would describe her eye color anyway, if you think about it. Even Vasher wouldn't have done it, even though he's tots in love with her.


True... The only PoV's we see are from Vivenna and Siri (who would have no reason to speak/think of Vivenna's eye color), Lightsong (who never even met Vivenna) and Vasher (who's definitely not the kind of person to talk about eye colors). As for your last sentence... really? Or is it sarcasm? Because I can see them falling in love in the sequel, but now they're just friends...

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Nightblood seems to think that Vasher loved her. I don't know for sure, though. He for shizzle thinks she's hot.


I have issues with trusting a psychopatic sword with opinions about interpersonal relationships :ph34r: Besides I believe that Nightblood said that Vasher likes Vivenna, which by now only indicated that he's fond of her even while he tried to act like he didn't care at all... But I don't think Nightblood would know the difference between "like" and "love". I can totally see him trying to understand humans more (and therefore become more human himself, as he wants to be) by asking questions like "what does love mean?" in the sequel. Prefarably he would drop such bomb on Vivenna as Vasher wouldn't answer anyway :lol:


Anyway, as for the end of Warbreaker I think Vasher and Vivenna were already good friends (if they weren't he definitely wouldn't let her go with him). I believe it could blossom into something more (actually, I'd really like to see this :ph34r: ). But yes, I also think that Vasher considers Vivenna rather, hm... eye-catching (I'm pretty sure it was hinted somewhere), but he would never, ever admit this aloud ;) And it may even work also other way around, I mean, at one point in the book Vivenna was contemplating Vasher's chest :ph34r:


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Lol, that's true for the most part, not to mention hilarious. Vivenna is a lot more human. 


Vasher said once that Nightblood couldn't progress, though. It could only follow its command. The only difference between Nightblood and a normal Awakened object is the ability to speak. 

Edited by Jabberwocky42
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Lol, that's true for the most part, not to mention hilarious. Vivenna is a lot more human. 


Vasher said once that Nightblood couldn't progress, though. It could only follow its command. The only difference between Nightblood and a normal Awakened object is the ability to speak. 


Vasher's wrong, as per the annotations:

Note that Nightblood is capable of more change than Vasher assumes. Vasher has a bit of a blind spot when it comes to Nightblood. He makes assumptions he wouldn’t make regarding other people or elements of Awakening. It’s hard for him to regard the sword without bias. If you want to know more about this, read the sequel. (Er, if I ever write it.) Which is tentatively named Nightblood.


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Lol, that's true for the most part, not to mention hilarious. Vivenna is a lot more human. 


Vasher said once that Nightblood couldn't progress, though. It could only follow its command. The only difference between Nightblood and a normal Awakened object is the ability to speak. 


I'm not sure... I definitely recall him trying to. He thinks of himself as a human (his argument against being left in a closet was that he needs light and fresh air and when Vasher told him that he's just a sword, he clearly acted insulted). I think that Nightblood does progress slightly - I may be mistaken but I remember Vasher saying something that the sword is learning but no matter what he cannot overwrite the memories of his first hours "alive" (about Shashara and Denth). Remember - he doesn't just speak. He has sentience, that was clearly indicated when Vasher explained Vivenna the four types of awakened objects (actually, he told her there are four but explained only 3, she figured out some of the rest). Being sentient is more than just being able to speak.


Vasher is a man grumpy from nature, something around few hundreds years old. I don't think he can act in a very "human" way. One of my hopes for sequel is that Vivenna will somehow force him to be more human, at least sometimes... But I don't know, he doesn't seem very different in WoR...

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Vasher is a man grumpy from nature, something around few hundreds years old. I don't think he can act in a very "human" way. One of my hopes for sequel is that Vivenna will somehow force him to be more human, at least sometimes... But I don't know, he doesn't seem very different in WoR...

Actually I think Vasher is closer to 300 as Peacegiver began the line of God Kings and they have reigned over Hallandren for 300 years. Sidenote, I wholeheartedly support VasherxVivenna.

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The reason he might not seem different in WoR is because he still has the prime directive of destroying evil. He probably will grow to discover what evil actually is in Nightblood. 

Even anyway, we only see him for a few short sentences in WoR. :P


I meant that Vasher is still the same in WoR :lol: Nightblood said only one sentence in fact. But I do hope he will discover more on what evil really is. I hope for someone to explain to him something along the lines of "all people can be good and evil at once so they all deserve a chance". But of course, there are still the Unmade - they are evil, period. And apparently Nightblood is capable of destroying them ;)



Actually I think Vasher is closer to 300 as Peacegiver began the line of God Kings and they have reigned over Hallandren for 300 years. Sidenote, I wholeheartedly support VasherxVivenna.


I know. So, 300 years since the Peacegiver and then unknown some before. In my book "few hundred" is from over 200 to 900 (later it's "almost a thousand"). As for VasherxVivenna - I'm glad I'm not the only one :lol: I really hope for this to happen in Nightblood...

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone else think that Vasher and Vivenna falling in love will just confuse poor Nightblood? It was created with the command 'Destroy evil', but given no context for that statement. If he was designed to destroy evil and has no concept of evil, then he certainly won't have any concept of love.


He has, however, already stated that he likes Vivenna (which is the main reason Vasher allowed her to accompany him at the end of Warbreaker, I believe), but to me, all that means is that Vivenna is not evil.


I think he's going to have a whale of a time when Szeth finally takes him to Uruthiru, what with Dalinar's and Kaladin's stick-up-butt-for-goodness routines. Then Nightblood discovers what love is, when he instantly falls for Dalinar.

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The only thing about eyes mentioned in Warbreaker is when Lightsong is feeding on the girl. The "color in her eyes faded," or something like that. 

Something to keep in mind is that none of the main characters in any books have been Worldhoppers, which kind of makes sense. 

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The only thing about eyes mentioned in Warbreaker is when Lightsong is feeding on the girl. The "color in her eyes faded," or something like that. 

Something to keep in mind is that none of the main characters in any books have been Worldhoppers, which kind of makes sense. 


Are you forgetting Vasher? Or Galladon? Or Demoux? Eye colors may not have been mentioned, but I would classify all of them as main characters.

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Are you forgetting Vasher? Or Galladon? Or Demoux? Eye colors may not have been mentioned, but I would classify all of them as main characters.

I do consider Vasher a main character. I wasn't really talking about eye colors when I made the main characters comment either. Sorry for the confusion.

I really would not consider Galladon or Demoux main characters, in that the focuses of their books are not on them, specifically. The main storylines are about Raoden, Sarene, Vin, and Elend.

I feel like that is intentional on Brandon's part, as it seems like he wants the Seventeenth Shard and other Worldhoppers to be a side-plot right now and bring them out to the forefront later, in the third Mistborn trilogy.

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I really would not consider Galladon or Demoux main characters, in that the focuses of their books are not on them, specifically. The main storylines are about Raoden, Sarene, Vin, and Elend.

I feel like that is intentional on Brandon's part, as it seems like he wants the Seventeenth Shard and other Worldhoppers to be a side-plot right now and bring them out to the forefront later, in the third Mistborn trilogy.


You have an interesting definition of "main character," my friend. Out of curiosity, do you believe Siri or Susebron to be the main character of their sections of Warbreaker? Of both Galladon and Demoux, I can understand someone arguing Demoux is not a main character, but I'm honestly surprised you do not consider Galladon to be one. If it weren't for Galladon, the Elantris story would have never even happened. Galladon played such a major role throughout the book, even if the POVs were Raoden, Sarene, and Hrathen.

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You have an interesting definition of "main character," my friend. Out of curiosity, do you believe Siri or Susebron to be the main character of their sections of Warbreaker? Of both Galladon and Demoux, I can understand someone arguing Demoux is not a main character, but I'm honestly surprised you do not consider Galladon to be one. If it weren't for Galladon, the Elantris story would have never even happened. Galladon played such a major role throughout the book, even if the POVs were Raoden, Sarene, and Hrathen.

I'm sorry about Galladon. I was thinking of someone else. Demoux is not a main character. Siri and Susebron, I believe, both are.

Edit: What I should have said originally is that none of the characters that are the main focus of a book have turned out to be Worldhoppers. I wouldn't consider even Galladon to be the main focus of his book.

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