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My Unique Sandercollecting

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So, I've posted about this on the collectors guild discord, but I figured I'd make it permanant.

My collecting goal(besides leatherbounds) is a set of the whole cosmere, except every book is a different edition. I'm going to list editions I've decided on, but share other editions you like. (I'm not that opposed to more that one version of a book. So, here is my list, in series-ish order.


  • TWoK : Hungarian
  • WoR : Hebrew
  • O : MMPaperback (I guess it's decided that this will be the one I showcase from my boxed set) ✅
  • Dawnshard 🇩🇪
  • RoW : Bulgarian (One of what's looking to be many)
  • KoWT :




  • TFE : UK edition MMPB ✅
  • WoA : Poland (2010) Japanese
  • HoA : 1st MMPB (I personally really like this cover, it's also one of my most abused copies owned) ✅


  • AoL : 🇧🇷
  • SoS : Trade Paperback
  • BoM : Bulgaria Polish
  • TLM : First Edition Hardcover ✅


  • Elantris : 🇫🇷 edition
  • TES : Chinese (Jian Gao cover) (everyone was recommending Warbreaker or another, but I like this cover the best of those that are available.)


  • Warbreaker : Russian


  • ToTES : Tor
  • Yumi 🇫🇷
  • TSM : german edition
  • IoTE



Arcanum Unbounded : 🇧🇬 (Bulgarian) edition

Am I missing any books that aren't included in one of the others? Or any cool editions I might have missed?

Edited by Lego Mistborn
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11 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Or any cool editions I might have missed?

I guess it depends on your defintion of cool, but I highly recommend Shadows Beneath (first Printing of Sixth of the Dusk). From my other post about this:

On 2/24/2023 at 4:31 PM, Treamayne said:

*Shadows Beneath is the "Writing Excuses" anthology and includes novellas from Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells and Howard Tayler. For each story it includes:

  • Final Draft
  • Transcript of the 'Workshopping" podcast
  • First Draft
  • Transcript of the "Alpha read feedback" podcast
  • Edit Draft
  • Author's Notes




One of my top favorite Cosmere books ever. 

Edited by Treamayne
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Could try getting a book club edition, a casewrapped book, an ARC, and one of the mass marked-sized hardcovers. For other languages, of the ones I own, I think the Czech Rithmatist and Taiwanese Arcanum Unbounded are cool. 

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