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Mistborne era 2 Shadows of Self First time read!


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Hi everyone!, I recently joined Brandon's community and I received a great welcome, everyone was very friendly. So I would like to share my reading here, To share with the community, share theories, stories of your first readings and soak up more of the cosmere.

I have read all of Mistborne era 1, Stormlight archive, Elantris, Warbreaker, the arcanum and Alloy of law. After a long time I finally found time to read Shadows of Self.  Im VERY ready now.

First a little atmosphere, I always like to listen to something that gives me vibes of what I'm about to read. This theme is quite good, direct credits to the author.

A bit of context of my experience in the first book. I had heard that many people didn't like Alloy of law  because of how short it is, because of its plot or because it is very simple, among other things. Personally, I was left with a good impression, I already had in mind that things changed a lot and seeing the same familiar world but a long time later is very interesting. 

The twinborns fascinated me, so many possibilities, so many combinations. They depend on one's mastery and since skills are used more than ever, you hardly know what you are going to find.

I liked the protagonists very much, Wax and Wayne remind you of those friends who have been used to their jokes and nonsense for years. Wayne doing his thing and Wax reacting as if it were the most normal thing is very funny. I really like Steris and Marasi, especially Marasi, with all her past involved. She is very capable, with good moments, at times keeps the group focused and sometimes shares a brain cell with Wax and Wayne.

I love the atmosphere!. A mix of western with detectives and the cover of the book is.. uff...

As for the plot, it's fine. I was expecting something more interesting about the mystery of the trains, for example that they used shadesmar to "disappear" them, but hey, the machine... is fine. The antagonist is quite good, a gold compounder is good, especially with its resemblance to wax. and of course Ironeyes 👀.

That's all for now, i really want to get to The Bands of Mourning and The Lost Metal, I've been told great things about them.


Anything you want to share is welcome! Thank  for reading!


Edited by alastorBM
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Welcome to the Shard

6 hours ago, AlastorBM said:

I have read all of Mistborne era 1, Stormlight archive, Elantris, Warbreaker, the arcanum and Alloy of law. After a long time I finally found time to read Shadows of Self.  Im VERY ready now.

Thanks for including this list. So, if I am interpreting correctly, Your unread list is:

  • The Emperor's Soul (Recommend highly - very fast read and very foundational for Realmatics)
  • Mistborn Era 2
    • SoS
    • BoM
  • Mistborn Secret History (Spoilers for BoM)
    • TLM (Spoilers for RoW)
  • White Sand (Recommended before BoM and M:SH)
  • Sixth of the Dusk (Read before Tress and Isles of the Emberdark)
  • Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (Read before The Sunlit Man)
  • Tress of the Emerald Sea
  • Yumi and the Nightmare Painter (Spoilers for Oathbringer, and a bunch of other things)
  • The Sunlit Man (Spoilers for Silence, Oathbringer, and a bunch of other things)


Also recommend you put the video link inside of a Spoiler Tag to minimize scrolling required. Editing posts is covered here, should you need it.

Music Discussion can also be found here.

7 hours ago, AlastorBM said:

Anything you want to share is welcome!

Something we have learned from Similar Threads (SA and Mistborn Links respectively) - please be directive. If your ruminations are just your interal thought processes voiced externally, let us know. If you have questions you legitimately want asnwered, let us know that too. If you would like the answer available but warned if it is a spoiler so you can skip it and come back to read it after you get to that chapter/book, please make that clear too. It can get confusing trying to parse if a question is idle speculation based on teh chapter(s) you just read or a legitmate concern/question you need to understand/have answered (and different Sharders may interpret this differently). 

It does not need to be some long explanation - something as simple as "rhetorical" or "answer please"or "RAFO/Answer" or whatever convention you think works best for you (so long as we can understand what you want).

7 hours ago, AlastorBM said:

I really like Steris and Marasi, especially Marasi, with all her past involved.

If you like Steris now, you have not seen anything yet. Wait until [Redacted] where she really starts to shine.

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