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Ask DragonHeir Anything


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Hello everyone! 
I’m bored, but also don’t have that much time, so I decided to start the lowest effort thread from my list that I’ve been procrastinating. 
So yeah, ask me anything. 
Just a note, you should ping me if you want me to get to the question in a reasonable length of time. I haven’t figured out how to get notifications for a specific thread actually on the shard instead of in the mess of automated emails I generally just mark as read without reading. 

Edited by Dragonheir
Realized that responses don’t give me notifications.
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2 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

What color are your bones????????????????????????

You’re assuming I have bones, it seems. As far as I’m aware, you’re right. Supposedly, my bones are made from spellsteel, so they reflect light weirdly. There’s not very much light there anyway, so I’d say they’re probably like ultraviolet or ultra-ultraviolet. Put ultra-ultraviolet down as my answer. (Do you have a list or something?) 

2 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

Favorite breed of chicken?

I don’t really encounter a lot of chickens. There’s probably a really cool type of chicken that does something really strange, so I’ll pick that one. 

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