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Making Allomantically viable Tanavastium/Koravellium

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Tanavastium and Cultivation's god metal (Koravellium?) could potentially be used Allomantically, but because they're usually tied to a Spren's essence they're unusable for the Metallic Arts. 




What would happen if a person from Scadrial were to try to burn a manifested metal from Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

So you're meaning they're in Shadesmar, they manifest it, and they try to burn it, right?


Say a Spren of a Radiant manifests as a bead of metal instead of a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson

You're not going to be able to burn that if it's something that's coming from a spren, because that's not going to be treated as a metal in your body. Like, those are God Metals, and that one is actually alive and awake and it's just not gonna work. There are ways, though, that you could make that work. So it's totally possible, but you're gonna need something that's not an alive spren that's manifest like that. You're gonna need some way to get access to some tanavastium or something like that that's not, like, some living being.

So, what if you removed the consciousness and Identity of a Spren from a Shardblade?

Basically, travel to the Cognitive Realm and Hemalurgically strip that from them, and you'll probably be left with "free" Shardmetal alloy of Cultivation and Honor (you'll probably also need some Connection to Roshar if you're not a native, but that's an easy fix with Feruchemical or Hemalurgic duralumin).

Probably (definitely) evil, but hey, new powers. 

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I think the issue with burning shard blades stems from cognitive aspect. Simply put Shardblades are spren and not metal therefore they can't be burned.

We've seen that perception matters, Wax shooting a round after realizing there are THREE metal parts to a bullet, is an example.
So I think that if enough was done to the spren or even if you just managed to forge them down to nuggets. it would work. but as long as people see "a spren" then it'll remain unburnable.

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The least "awaken" tanavastium we know of is probably either broken/depowered chunks of shardplate, or Honorblades.  If by some means you managed to chip off a piece of an honorblade, for completely totally hypothetical example, that might be closer that anything else we have to what you want.  

The other thing would be to try and refine it from something else, like Cultivation's shardpool, or possible from Crem (one day in the distant future) since it's implied to have a magical component from the Highstorms.  

EDIT: There may be some realmic differences but I'd expect that whatever process is used for Purified Dor could be made to work on Storm/Life/Voidlights.

Edited by Quantus
Awful spelling...
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12 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Tanavastium and Cultivation's god metal (Koravellium?) could potentially be used Allomantically, but because they're usually tied to a Spren's essence they're unusable for the Metallic Arts. 

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What would happen if a person from Scadrial were to try to burn a manifested metal from Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

So you're meaning they're in Shadesmar, they manifest it, and they try to burn it, right?


Say a Spren of a Radiant manifests as a bead of metal instead of a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson

You're not going to be able to burn that if it's something that's coming from a spren, because that's not going to be treated as a metal in your body. Like, those are God Metals, and that one is actually alive and awake and it's just not gonna work. There are ways, though, that you could make that work. So it's totally possible, but you're gonna need something that's not an alive spren that's manifest like that. You're gonna need some way to get access to some tanavastium or something like that that's not, like, some living being.

So, what if you removed the consciousness and Identity of a Spren from a Shardblade?

Basically, travel to the Cognitive Realm and Hemalurgically strip that from them, and you'll probably be left with "free" Shardmetal alloy of Cultivation and Honor (you'll probably also need some Connection to Roshar if you're not a native, but that's an easy fix with Feruchemical or Hemalurgic duralumin).

Probably (definitely) evil, but hey, new powers. 

I don't think that will work, Hemalurgy steals only pieces of a soul and the spirit web of a spren is still there, technically alive (as spren can't be killed, you can't kill an idea). What you're describing is more or less Deadeye, which still can't be burned. You need to remove the entire spirit web of a spren with their cognitive aspect and that's way harder as it's tied to their physical form. 

Just grab Nightblood and hit a Honorblade a few times - it's easier.

1 hour ago, Sophrosyne said:

I think the issue with burning shard blades stems from cognitive aspect. Simply put Shardblades are spren and not metal therefore they can't be burned.

We've seen that perception matters, Wax shooting a round after realizing there are THREE metal parts to a bullet, is an example.
So I think that if enough was done to the spren or even if you just managed to forge them down to nuggets. it would work. but as long as people see "a spren" then it'll remain unburnable.

Perception won't matter in this case because Shardblade is alive, the investiture making up this god metal is alive, has its own spirit web and cognitive aspect. Perception won't remove it. If you were to kill all of that, you will be left with just a piece of raw investiture. 

TSM spoilers in case:


I think that's what happened to Aux at the end of TSM, all of what made him alive was used up and the only thing that was left was raw investiture which was no longer alive. Sigzil might have a piece of Rosharan god metals that can be burned. Aux is more dead than a Deadeye.

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