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QF 72: The Rebellion - Now or Never

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The nature of fire is that it is very useful, but also very dangerous. A single flame can light up a room. Feed it more, and it will provide heat for a small group. A bit more allows you to send out signals or warm a large gathering. Yet, the more the fire is fed, the more difficult it is to control. Without proper precautions, you may get burned, or burn down a city. That's what Kelsier and his crew were looking to do.

Rumors spread just like fire. By the time They had returned from destroying the pits of Hathsin, rumors had already begun to spread of their destruction. The noble houses were on edge, ready to war against each other, and the Steel Ministry. The Skaa, ready to rise up against the nobility. All that was needed was just a bit more fuel for the fire. 

Who actually destroyed the pits of Hathsin? Was it the survivor of Hathsin returning to complete his job? One of the noble houses, jealous of the resources provided another house? A rogue Inquisitor? The Lord Ruler himself? By the time all the houses had head of the news, there were as more possible answers to the question as there were houses. Just the way Kelsier's crew wanted it. 

The time to strike was now. They had One Night to change the course of history, and the fate of Scadrial. 

Weleome to QF 72
Mistborn: The Rebellion
Now or Never

A One-Night style game. 

This game will be short, and will take place over a total of 96 hours. 
I will be your GM, and Araris will be the IM

Sign ups will close Tuesday, July 2nd, either 6 AM or 3:30 PM MST/MDT (Who actually pays attention to whether DST is on of off?)
(Depending on several factors, this may be bumped to Wednesday at 6:00 AM) 

Cycles and Game Length


This game is based off a party game, called "One Night Ultimate", however, it has been adapted for use in SE. For further information, here is a link to a Wiki fandom for the game 

48 hour night: When the game starts, There will be an announcement of which roles are in play, then this thread will be locked. Players will be sent their PMs. Players will have up to 48 hours to submit their actions. If all actions are submitted early, then we will begin sooner.

48 hour day: We will then have a 48 hour day, for the Rebels to attempt to lynch a Steel Ministry member. At the end of the day cycle, the person with the most votes is lynched. In the case of a tie, all tied players will be lynched. 

Rules and Mechanics:


PMs will be closed 

The Ministry will have a doc to communicate in during the night portion, which will be locked at the end of the night cycle. Though I ask for discretion to not share specific action plans, rather just general strategy. 

There will be 3 more roles than there are number of players. Roles will be distributed randomly. There will then be one night cycle, where players submit actions, and one day cycle where voting will occur. Because some roles change the role and alignment of other players, players may believe that they are one role, however, in reality, they are another.

The action that you will perform will be based off your role at the beginning of the night cycle, not based on the role you have at the end of the night. Your action will not fail simply because your role changed. 

The player(s) with the most votes will die. If no player has more than one vote, no one will die.

The Rebels only win if at least one eliminator is killed

The Steel Ministry only wins if no ministry workers are killed

There are also a few neutral roles that may affect the victory for either team.

If there are more or less players than there are roles, then some roles may be duplicated, and some vanilla village players may be added, or removed by discretion of the GM based on what they think would keep the game most fair prior to role assignment. At the beginning of the first cycle, players will be informed exactly which roles are in play, There will be 3 more roles listed than there are players, because some roles will start out unused. These roles will be assigned to NPC1, NPC2, and NPC3, and they can be interacted with, though NPC roles will not perform any actions. 

A few quick notes: Role and action claims are beneficial for gameplay in the party game version of this game. I expect that to be the case here. There are some roles with similar actions across factions, and other roles with unique actions. With this game only being a single cycle, and PMs not being open, there are very few ways to verify a persons actual actions, or their current roles. In the party game version, this is done by reading reactions. So this game will have a few slightly different mechanics from the original game, and it is important to note it is an experimental format. It may not work out great, but it may be amazing. 



Steel Ministry: These are the Eliminators. They do get to know who the other members are at the beginning of the night but they will not know the roles of the other eliminators. Their goal is to not have any of their members lynched after the first night. 

     Leader of the Ministry

     Ministry Seeker

     Ministry Workers

     Kandra Spy*


Rebels: This is the village team. They do not get to know who each other are. Their goal is to lynch an Eliminator. If an eliminator is lynched, they win, regardless of how many of their own were lynched.






     Hemalurgic Troublemaker



     Confused Kandra


Neutral/Other Roles

     Lerasium-Spiked: They will join the win condition of the player they view. 

     Rogue Hazekiller. Their goal is to lynch their chosen target

     Kelsier Their goal is to be lynched. 

Lovers- Their goal is to not let their lover die. They do not win along with their team if their lover dies. 

Roles/Order of Actions/Win conditions. 


Lerasium-spiked: May choose to find out another person’s role at the beginning of the cycle, if they do so, they will become a copy of that role (His new role will be informed to him as soon as possible, and will be performed simultaneously or immediately after the original role performs the role)(It is not guaranteed that the new role will be able to be used if this player does not put in a request early in the turn, due to the cycle ending, and GM not having time to provide new role) If this player views an elim role, this player will get to know who the eliminators are. 

   Matchmaker Rebel: May Choose two players at random to be lovers. Lovers will be informed at the beginning of the Day cycle who their lover is, but they will not be given any way to communicate privately.

   Leader of the Ministry Ministry: May convert one player to join the ministry. That player’s role is now Ministry Worker. The rest of the ministry does not know who this person is, and that person will not be aware that they have become converted, Their role becomes listed as another unused role. (NPC4)

   Ministry Seeker Ministry: May scan to confirm role of one player or one NPC role. 

   Seeker Rebel: May scan two other players or one NPC, role (including NPC4).

   Informant Rebel: May scan the role of one other player. If that player is not in the Ministry, the role itself is revealed in the write-up. This means that the player that posesses that role at the end of the night will have their role made known to everyone.  

    Confused Kandra Starts out Rebel: The confused Kandra may submit a list of up to 2 other players, in a specific order. They are informed of those Player’s roles. If either player is Kelsier, or a Ministry Worker, The Kandra becomes a copy of that role. If the first player they chose to view was one of these roles, they don’t get to view the second player. This means that the confused Kandra may change alignments, though the copy is only a copy of alignment and name, and the confused kandra will not inherit the ability to make a new action, or learn who any of the other Ministry workers are. 

   Spiked Rebel: May spike another player, and himself, and swap roles with that player. The Spiked will be informed of his new role. The other person will not be informed of the change, but will become the spiked (At that point spiked will be a vanilla-type village role)

   Hemalurgist Rebel: May swap one person’s role for one of the NPC roles, if they choose 

   Hemalurgic troublemaker Rebel: May choose to spike two people other than themselves, and swap their roles. Neither will be informed of the swap, and the hemalurgist will not learn of the roles that were swapped.

   Tineye Rebel: May scan a player to see if any actions have been performed by that player (Will come back Yes, or No). The role will not be revealed.

   Rogue Hazekiller Rebel or Neutral: During the night phase, this player may choose another player as a target. Doing so allows this player to change their second win, if their designated target is lynched, this role completes their win condition. The player with this role may win, regardless of whether the rebels or ministry win. 

   Drunk Rebel: Your role will be switched with one of the NPC roles. You will not know your new role. You may choose which NPC Role. But if you do not choose, it will still happen randomly

   Oracle Rebel: At the end of the night, they will be informed what their current role is. 

Other Roles(inherent abilities, No night actions)

   Steel Ministry workers Ministry: All ministry workers will know the who the other ministry workers are. It will not be revealed who iis who, unless the members of the group choose to do so. 

   Kandra spy Ministry wincon-if lynched, acts as a Rebel lynch: The Kandra spy is attempting to infiltrate the rebellion. This character wins if the Elims win. He will know who the Eliminators are, But they will not know who he is, If he is lynched, it is as if a villager is lynched, and the Eliminators win, including himself.

   Hazekiller Rebel: If a hazekiller is lynched, the person he is voting for is killed as well.

   Kelsier Neutral: His goal is to sacrifice himself, to start a religion about him. He wins if he is lynched. If he is lynched, all others lose.

   Lovers: Lovers gain a secondary wincon of making sure their partner survives. Both the individual primary and secondary wincon must be met in order for that player to win. If Lovers have separate alignments, then only one lover can win, but it is dependent on the other lover surviving. The exception to this is if one lover is Kelsier. Kelsier’s goal still is to be lynched




So far so good. 

Player List


Edited by CadCom
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I don’t quite get it, just because I’ve never done one of these, but I’m in!

Edit: does the game start on the 2nd? I may not be able to play…

Edited by LightRinger
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7 minutes ago, LightRinger said:

I don’t quite get it, just because I’ve never done one of these, but I’m in!

Edit: does the game start on the 2nd? I may not be able to play…

It would start on 7/2 or 7/3, and you will have 48 hours to submit an action, based on your role, which will be assigned by RNG. Then the next 48 hours, you will try to vote out a Steel ministry members. (Wolf or mafia member, if you're familiar with any of those party games. 

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39 minutes ago, CadCom said:

It would start on 7/2 or 7/3, and you will have 48 hours to submit an action, based on your role, which will be assigned by RNG. Then the next 48 hours, you will try to vote out a Steel ministry members. (Wolf or mafia member, if you're familiar with any of those party games. 

I had a roller-coaster of emotions, realizing I might not be able to play with when this starts, then realizing it's only a 4 day game and therefore I can.

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1 hour ago, The Unknown Order said:

I had a roller-coaster of emotions, realizing I might not be able to play with when this starts, then realizing it's only a 4 day game and therefore I can.

yeah i have the same problem. i am only able to play because of how long the cycles are and how it only lasts for 4 days. any longer and I wouldn't be able to play.


because I can I think I will. please sign me up.

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We currently have 8 players. I can run this with 8, but I would like 9 or 10 if possible. I will likely close this Wednesday 7/3 at 6 AM, instead of tomorrow 7/2 just to give a bit more time for people to join. If any of the current players oppose this due to their own schedules, then I will still close it tomorrow afternoon.

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Posted (edited)


Riots. Just as Kelsiers had planned, riots began suddenly across the city. At ports, at gates, in public squares and halls. Surely, with all the commotion, the Steel ministry would have to respond. And in fact they did. 

Inquisitors spread throughout the city like antibodies. Attempting to crush any rebellion and establish a strict curfew. Would it work? The steel ministry certainly hoped so. 

QF72 has begun: 

A few reminders: this first 48 hours is completely dark. No comments are allowed in thread. This cycle will end approximately 6:30 AM on Friday July 5th

PMs are closed for the whole game. 

If you are Lerasium spiked, please attempt to submit your initial target promptly, so you can be informed of their new role, and submit another action, if the role allows you to do so. 

Feel free to reach out in your PM with me if you have any questions. You should all be receiving your role assignments shortly. 


Roles in Play (In action Order)


Lerasium Spiked


Leader of the Ministry

Ministry Seeker



Hemalurgic troublemaker



Kandra spy





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