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QF 72: The Rebellion - Now or Never

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Posted (edited)

Vote Count: 

TUO (2): Stick, Kas, 

Coffee (1): TUO,

Please @ me if I missed your vote. 

Also, this afternoon, I'll be hosting a rather complicated scavenger hunt race for a neighbors family reunion, so if you're gonna have any mechanical questions, ask before noon Mountain time, or expect your answer after 8:30 or 9 Mountain Time at the earliest. If I find a break, I'll check up, but no promises. 


Edit: guys 9 pages is so many comments. It's fun, but exhausting to keep up on. 

Edited by CadCom
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im going to vote stick! this is because aet and myself are lovers meaning that if one of us die both of us loose. and because there could be a village in with tuo and coffee

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I wouldn’t vote me: 

a. I could be Kelsier 

b. Aet seemed villagery early in the cycle, so if we have indeed been switched that makes me a villager currently 

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23 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Edit: guys 9 pages is so many comments. It's fun, but exhausting to keep up on. 

What did you unleash...

@The Unknown Order From your POV, what are the Kandra Spy/Kelsier doing?

I'll note only the OG Oracle is told what their role is so for anyone in the cc set: <Stick, Coffee, TUO, Aet> to refuse to claim and play cc games instead is unforgivable - there's no other way this happens other than a LeaderMin conversion, and if a LeaderMin conversion happens, then exeing them is good for us anyway.

In the case of the Drunk, it's more of a toss-up but fills in the picture as I forgot the Drunk does not know what role they acquired.

Edited to add:

31 minutes ago, Stick. said:

alright, seems like a straightforward game - we vote out TUO and that should be sufficient. to be safe, aeo can place a vote on coffee if she wants

I'll add that this is in theory a good plan but doesn't work.

On 6/27/2024 at 9:42 PM, CadCom said:

   Hazekiller Rebel: If a hazekiller is lynched, the person he is voting for is killed as well.

In other words, the only way it triggers on Aeo is if we exe Aeo, thereby making this the exe with extra steps.

Edited by Kasimir
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9 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

guys, disregard the fact that Kas confirmed my role already, I'm actually the Hemalurgic Troublemaker and I swapped TUO and Coffeecat 👀

Please no

2 hours ago, Coffeecat said:


Am i missing something?


Either way, there are a few worlds:

Stick/aet has a kelsier in it. TUO is therefore either evil, or either kandra. Only two options there right?

Stick/Aet has no kelsier? whyy! are they both evil? that is some high collaboration but I feel like they would be more trusting of me, in this world they want me to be HT so no one votes them. This makes TUO... Kelsier or kandra?


There is another world where TUO is the rogue Hazekiller, which actually seems plausible. They pick me, and CC me as soon as I say something to either kill me or be killed.

As of right now, I am not voting TUO because of the kandra/K!Kelsier(wow confusing) possibilities.
I don't think a pure evil player would just pick out someone like that to try to get them killed.


  Reveal hidden contents

-Claimed jester jokingly
-denied it as a joke(fair enough) but did not claim.
-Voted TUO for no good reason
-hardclaims Kelsier
" Damn ok, so RBM and Aet are loverised, and TKN claims swapping Aet and Light, so Light and RBM are actually loverised " <-Everything about this is WRONG HAHAHA

-"Tonally screwing around" well said
-Confused over stick voting them
-Claims HT.............. why? RBM and Light swapped, two people who are currently not very active, one of whom said they might actually be a functional villager now. I am wondering why TUO didn't claim at the start either.
-TUO said there was no reason for me to hold off claiming, which is strange considering they didn't claim until I did

-noncomittal 'hello goodbye' message
-noncomittal villager claim
-Comments on having had their role messed with... WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
-I am realizing Aet wasnt actually doing much in the way of reading just... being there and talking. without reaallly providing anything. Fits neutral and evil plays.
-Interestingly, said they wouldn't claim because they were not sure if they were anything at all. HM
-Hardclaims kelsier

-Randoed as their favorite role?

-''Im village! <_>"
-"Oh wow i actually am just a villager"
-Claims matchmaker, matching RBM and Aeo.
-Soft confirmed by Aet, I trust for now.    

-"People need to claim!" Set up their claim with Drake from early on. Honestly I have never played against E!Kas, so I don't know if this is a gambit they would try as an elim? either way very credible.
-Stick! how dare you not claim! you must be mad or evil!
-Votes Aet in response to them claiming villager
-Claims to have been spiked in a complex manner
-Kas is ok with me claiming a bit later, although I am forced to claim soon.

-soft cleared by Kas

I want to clarify I did begin to have doubts whether keeping my role secret at the start was a good idea, and partially claimed, mostly because I wanted people to tell me whether not claiming fully was a good idea. I claimed partially as HT to let people know of the situation without any specifics yet.

Also I am so looking forward to RBM claiming, this is the last piece of the puzzle and might clear me, if RBM's original role means light would know of their swap for whatever reason.


I was waiting for someone to figure this out :P

So, uh, yeah. Coffeecat

That didn't work.

23 minutes ago, Stick. said:

hey RBM, tuo is likely elim (and lying about his role) and if you’re unsure of where to vote atm I’d suggest joining me on that wagon!!

Rude. And wrong.

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3 hours ago, Coffeecat said:


Oh it's a joke I make and then people get mad and I says oops and then everyone sighs

3 hours ago, Stick. said:

thinking over the roles once again, i think it's fairly likely with the way TUO is playing that he WANTS us to think he's kelsier/kandra (i think he cc'd coffee before i claimed kelsier rand). i fell right into that trap earlier when i was questioning elim motivation to CC coffee there, but it makes perfect sense if he's just an elim trying to IKYK us into believing we shouldnt be voting an obvious elim


with that in mind, TUO - ill just go with the level 2 interpretation that tuo is elim trying to look like kandra


which means coffee is prob real HT and aet is kelsier. probability-wise im likely just some sort of a villager 

You're Kelsier then

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

For Stick's implication that Aet is now Kelsier to be true, Aet had to be a Village info role last night who chose to troll over reporting results even prior to knowing he was switched. Doesn't seem very Village tbh.

Reiterating that we know what roles are in this game and which are not accounted for. Anyone who wants to offer alternative roles needs to show how this maps onto CadCom's distro.

Yeah because I'm townsiding as a 3p so obviously as town I would choose to troll. Question mark.

52 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Vote Count: 

TUO (2): Stick, Kas, 

Coffee (1): TUO,

Please @ me if I missed your vote. 

Also, this afternoon, I'll be hosting a rather complicated scavenger hunt race for a neighbors family reunion, so if you're gonna have any mechanical questions, ask before noon Mountain time, or expect your answer after 8:30 or 9 Mountain Time at the earliest. If I find a break, I'll check up, but no promises. 


Edit: guys 9 pages is so many comments. It's fun, but exhausting to keep up on. 

I'm sorry, I'm talkative LOL. I will say that this is probably the first time I've ever done actual catch-up (32 posts currently) on SE!

45 minutes ago, Stick. said:

I wouldn’t vote me: 

a. I could be Kelsier 

b. Aet seemed villagery early in the cycle, so if we have indeed been switched that makes me a villager currently 

I SEEMED VILLAGER-Y? SINCE WHEN??? I was being as suspicious as possible.

How do I type in size 7 font, I'm gonna lose my mind over here.

If Coffeecat switched us, I'm probably elim, Stick is Kelsier. She is saying that if we swapped, she is town, I am Kelsier. Like ??? that's NOT HOW IT WORKS. Never in my life do I gamethrow on the Shard and troll everyone as town. The only possibility is that I am elim here, but I'm basically going to be volume cleared at this point because my elim meta is lowposting and making bad jokes lol. Says me townsiding but being 3p doesn't count.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this game is painful.

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18 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

That didn't work

no way youre saying this was meant to be a reaction test xD not buying it sorry


13 minutes ago, Aeternum said:


yea. it was part of the reason i doubted coffee's claim initially cuz they prefaced it by saying they found both of us extremely suspicious which didnt rly align with my perception of u at the time


15 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

If Coffeecat switched us, I'm probably elim, Stick is Kelsier.

i trust everyone in the thread to recognise that this is EXACTLY what kelsier would say rn. like what? xD youre claiming elim,,,

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Just now, Stick. said:

yea. it was part of the reason i doubted coffee's claim initially cuz they prefaced it by saying they found both of us extremely suspicious which didnt rly align with my perception of u at the time


I'm not going to comment

ah yes Aet enters the thread, says weird stuff, refuses to elaborate or claim, and then dances off into the sunset. This must be town.

I will push my self-meta until the day I die, so once again, I'm bad with roles and bad with gambiting. e!me claiming Kelsier here would never work because I suck at that kind of thing.

Just now, Stick. said:

i trust everyone in the thread to recognise that this is EXACTLY what kelsier would say rn. like what? xD youre claiming elim,,,

If we swapped, I do not know what my role is? So how on earth would I know I'm Kelsier right now. Having started as Kelsier, I'm not really playing by my wincon rn but I'll fix that.

I think in the world where Stick and me swap, it's likely Stick randed an elim role and I'm not an elim, if I understand this swapping thing correctly? 

In the world where it did not happen, I'm still Kelsier so: Aeternum since it would help me fulfil my wincon, or it helps town.

Whoohoo self-vote and AtE!

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20 minutes ago, Stick. said:

no way youre saying this was meant to be a reaction test xD not buying it sorry

No I'm saying I'm the Hazekiller who tried to get Coffee exed, but that wasn't working so I'm just going to try to fulfill my v!wincon instead.

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You do realise Rogue hazekiller and Hazekiller are different roles right? Only the latter is in our pool of possible roles 


so that doesn’t add up!

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17 minutes ago, Stick. said:

OK now you’re confusing me xD


Wanna join the TUO wagon? He just did some sus reaction test claiming that everybody ignored BTW

Nope, I'm either townsiding or playing by my wincon here! If the swap did happen (judging by TUO claiming... Hazekiller? Aeo also claimed that?) then rip my amazing 3p plan.

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1 hour ago, The Unknown Order said:

There is another world where TUO is the rogue Hazekiller, which actually seems plausible. They pick me, and CC me as soon as I say something to either kill me or be killed.

@CadCom Is this compatible with the green rather than neutral Hazekiller in the role list?

On 7/3/2024 at 8:50 PM, CadCom said:



Edited to add:

Next question: is @Aeoryi ccing this?

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2 hours ago, Stick. said:

alright, seems like a straightforward game - we vote out TUO and that should be sufficient. to be safe, aeo can place a vote on coffee if she wants


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15 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:


"what are rules? who needs rules? screw the rules and screw my team and screw the whole game with it :D "

Edited to add:

In my view, that's as much commentary as deciding both of you get to rewrite the rules however you want deserves. Going back to the Champion brawling now.

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I don't understand this is like witchhunt/Tinyhunt but if it was ~50% more crazier

18 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

"what are rules? who needs rules? screw the rules and screw my team and screw the whole game with it :D "

Edited to add:

In my view, that's as much commentary as deciding both of you get to rewrite the rules however you want deserves. Going back to the Champion brawling now.


That's not a real vote because of coffee's name being spelled incorrectly


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4 hours ago, CadCom said:

Vote Count: 

TUO (2): Stick, Kas, 

Coffee (1): TUO,

Please @ me if I missed your vote.

I also voted TUO


Hey what are people's thoughts about there being two jester type roles (both Kelsier and Kandra) in the game?

Like, Kas has already reasoned we probably don't have all 4 of the evil roles (+conversion), as that'd mean the rebels don't really have voting majority.

But if we suppose that it's a ministry member that's left out of the distro, isn't that honestly pretty cursed? It's the village's job to find and kill evils, and in this world, it's potentially the case that most of the evils are booby trapped to make the village lose. Is this really the world we're living in?

The distro I would pick is likely 2 conventional elims and 1 jester, and if that's our situation then the amount of trolling and husky screaming happening rn is actually pretty weird, and basically requires that the actual elims premeditated it in their doc last night.

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1 minute ago, LightRinger said:

I’m super confused to what’s going on, but I put someone’s name in red if I think they should be voted out?


If you put someone's name in red that means you want to vote them, green if you want to unvote

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