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Dragonsteel Prime and Aether of Night Connection

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With the public release of Dragonsteel Prime and knowing that Aether of Night was supposed to be set in the future after DS Prime, apparentely even having some of the same characters... i have been on the lookout for any conenctions and I thought id make this post to theorize and discuss on potential Conenctions :)


ill spoiler the DS Prime info(not sure if i need to? Just being safe though)


To start off, I Imagine that the "Shards" in Aether of Night are probably the characters from DS Prime that Brandon was talking about(Hoid is also apparentely in the book... but i dont think anyone has ever found him... so that might just be Brandon misremembering...)

DS Prime spoilers


Maybe Decay is supposed to be Aronack??? Im kind of convinced he is.... Not sure who The Former would be though....


Another interesting potential connection i found is that In Aether we find out that during their battle the Fell Twins used their powers(Order & Chaos) to create different "tools" to aide their side in the battle... which culminated in them eventually creating the Night and Illuminous Aethers which are said to be Order and Chaos(the raw power of creation...) in their pure forms... which The Former says was forbidden to men...

DS Prime spoilers


And In DS Prime we learn that magic(Investiture/power) is supposed to be forbidden for humans to use... maybe that is something that is still supposed to be in effect by the time of Aether of Night and thats why The Former said that granting men Order & Chaos in their pure forms was forbidden?


I havent done a proper reread of Aether since DS Prime's release so thats all i can think of off the top of my head... what connections have you found?😄

Edited by Eternal Khol
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