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My Worldbuilding

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So I thought I might share some of the world building I’ve done, just to see if anyone has any feedback or suggestions. This is all stuff for the world my current project is set in.

I’ll start with the setting. My story is set on a planet called Nexum. Nexum is a world similar to earth by size, gravitation, and distance from its sun, which is similar to our Sun. It has slightly more land than Earth, but it’s not a drastic difference. The geography of the world isn’t very important, so I won’t be too detailed. 
The story is mostly set in the city of Horandel, the capital city of the Grand Republic, the only existing political force on Nexum. I have some history that plays into the solitude of the Republic, which only takes up a small fraction of Nexum, if anybody wants to see that, though it isn’t that detailed. Horandel is a city on the brink of a new age, just at the transition from rudimentary industry to true second wave industry and electricity. The only thing that truly distinguished Horandel from any major city on our world during that age in history is the magic, which I can share if anyone is interested, that many people have.

Thats just a quick rundown, not very detailed. If anyone is interested in more information feel free to ask.

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9 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Can I hear about the magic? I can give feedback on it and how I think it would affect your world. 

So there’s two magic systems on Nexum, but only one of them is common. The common magic system is based off of metals, which grant abilities to those who can use them. The system is admittedly very similar to Feruchemy and may need some mild mechanic changes to compensate, but it’s fine.


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