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Bindpoint Inversion


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There's something about Hemalurgy that stuck out to me recently, and it's made me consider some things regarding the Spiritweb. 

We know that when someone puts a Hemalurgic spike through the eye that it allows them to see via the Spiritual Realm, right? Essentially, just a modified version of a Coinshot/Lurcher, but without strictly needing either of those powers (Kelsier is a good example of this; he can bear no powers from Hemalurgy, yet his spike still grants him Connection vision).

we also know that Hemalurgic spikes are physical objects that require no prerequisite Connection to an individual who wishes to hold their power (likely holding Investiture in the Physical Realm,  much like Breaths, which may also help explain their similar transferability).

My theory is that in order for a Hemalurgic spike to staple a Spiritweb fragment onto a Hemalurgist's Spiritweb, it must draw their Spiritual Aspect into the Physical Realm, which is why eye spikes allow you to see via Spiritual Realm shenanigans as a side effect. 

What's more, this also lines up with why Kelsier is able to pin his Spiritweb to a body; since Hemalurgic spikes drag the Spiritual Aspect into the Physical Realm, this naturally aligns with pinning a Cognitive Shadow to a body.

This may also explain why Steel Inquisitors can survive without certain spikes for a time; their Spiritweb is more strongly stapled to their body, making them resistant to death.

It could also help explain Inquisitor's longer lifespan; depending on what spikes they have, perhaps certain organs function more on a spiritual, unfailing way while regular body parts fail (I actually think that this may be why the Heightenings grant an extended life too. They draw the three Realmatic components of a being together as enough Investiture anywhere pierces the three Realms, perfecting them and slowing the aging process).

Inquisitors were also incredibly strong. The Inquisitor Bendal threw an entire prison wagon at Kelsier during their fight in the Luthedel fountain square. Could this extra strength be a partial result of their Spiritual Aspect adding more to their physical prowess?

In any case, Bindpoints being inverted to draw the Spiritual Aspect into the Physical Realm may have more possibilities. Could certain organs being pierced by a Hemalurgic spike augment them, or at least significantly alter how they function? For example, muscle fibers interrupted by large chunks of metal doesn't seem to prevent them from functioning just fine, so are they magically altering how the muscles contract? Would a spike through the thymus prevent it from deteriorating with age, thus preserving auto-immune responses? Maybe a person with a spike running through specific parts of the brain could improve, or at least preserve certain brain functions (maybe by creating a more direct link between the Spiritual ideal of intelligence or brain function and the actual physical brain?)


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