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Hello everyone,

My name is Stoic and I'm fairly new to the Cosmere. I stumbled upon Sanderson a couple of months ago with TWOK. I wasn't aware that there was any order to read the Cosmere, so I started there. I've currently read TWOK, WOR and now I'm reading Mistborn era 1 and Warbreaker before jumping back into Stormlight with OB. I'm excited to be part of this community! 



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Hi Stoic! 
Welcome to the Shard! I’m Dragonheir, and I’m also rather new. I haven’t yet standardized my new member questions, but here’s a few. 
Do you have any hobbies unrelated to Brandon Sanderson books? 
What do you think you’ll do on the shard? Do you want some suggestions? 

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Welcome to the shard!!

Reading orders can be stressful and complicated, but I wouldn't worry. I started with WoK as well, and it turned out alright!

Do you like bagels? If so what kind?


You should have a bagel instead of a cookie.

Edited by J. Magi
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