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Hallo! My name is Selia and I’ve been reading the cosmere books for a couple years now. I have practically no friends who read them and only one who is willing to discuss with me. The problem is that they have recently started the stormlight archive series borrowing my books so it’s not amazing. ANYWAY. I saw this and it made my day. Random things about me because idk what else to say right now…I play dnd and love mythology and hate Shallan. Most times. The best character is obviously Wit.

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Welcome to the shard!!

Cookies are overdone and overrated. You should have a bagel instead!! Do you like bagels? If so what kind?

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7 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Welcome to the Shard! Love your pfp!

Thanks! It’s part of my lockscreen which says I’m in PANic >:)

46 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

*sings* Ooooooooooh, welcome to the Shaaaaaaaaard!

If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week, which country would you visit and why?


Horneater Peaks or Thaylenah. Horneater Peaks sounds beautiful and isolated and Thaylenah is a merchant country and I’d like to see that.

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2 hours ago, Selia said:

I will totally join your cult. As long as no blonde people are allowed. I have a thing against them. How do I join?


*is offended in blonde*

Well... It's more for just anyone who isn't a ginger...

And you can just go to the thread and say something. We're currently beating up the leader of the ginger cult, so it's been fun

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1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:


*is offended in blonde*

Well... It's more for just anyone who isn't a ginger...

And you can just go to the thread and say something. We're currently beating up the leader of the ginger cult, so it's been fun

Sorry but not really. The girl who semi caused me to lose all my friends was blonde. (I don’t actually have anything against most blondes)

hm ok

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3 hours ago, Selia said:

Sorry but not really. The girl who semi caused me to lose all my friends was blonde. (I don’t actually have anything against most blondes)

hm ok

Yeah I figured, it's all good. That was meant to be sarcasm, but you know how well that's conveyed through text...

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17 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Yeah I figured, it's all good. That was meant to be sarcasm, but you know how well that's conveyed through text...

I figured it was sarcasm because I had been joking, but sometimes you just gotta play it safe lol.

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I’m very new as in I started in like March

BUT I’ve been in two campaigns with the same dm who also happens to be the only person I’ve convinced to read the stormlight archive. I’m planning to dm this fall since Monks is going to high school. I’m active on ddb so I do know some stuff and I’m making a new thread that I’m really excited for.

aaaaand I didn’t actually answer your question. Player but will dm this fall

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*Slides into the picture, forgets how to use Abrasion, and slams sideways into a wall, careening backward and sighing annoyedly*

Hello. Sorry about that.

*Pushes self up and stands, a hand on the wall*

Welcome to the Shard! Don't eat the cookies.

1. If you were a misting, what kind would you want to be?

2. What Radiant order are you?

Also, are you excited for the new Stormlight RPG that's coming out in a bit?

On 7/7/2024 at 4:17 PM, Selia said:

Sorry but not really. The girl who semi caused me to lose all my friends was blonde. (I don’t actually have anything against most blondes)

hm ok

Aww that sucks

Edited by Hyper129
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9 minutes ago, Hyper129 said:

*Slides into the picture, forgets how to use Abrasion, and slams sideways into a wall, careening backward and sighing annoyedly*

Hello. Sorry about that.

*Pushes self up and stands, a hand on the wall*

Welcome to the Shard! Don't eat the cookies.

1. If you were a misting, what kind would you want to be?

2. What Radiant order are you?

Also, are you excited for the new Stormlight RPG that's coming out in a bit?

Aww that sucks

Haven’t read mistborn yet, planning to check it out when I get back from Paris

Elsecaller. Edgedancer?

oooo I love rping. What’s the premise of it?

also someone asked me what the stormlight archive was about and I was like…sooooooo how long do you wanna be listening for?

what sucks?

4 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

That's so fair though 😂


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1 minute ago, Selia said:

Haven’t read mistborn yet, planning to check it out when I get back from Paris

Elsecaller. Edgedancer?

oooo I love rping. What’s the premise of it?

also someone asked me what the stormlight archive was about and I was like…sooooooo how long do you wanna be listening for?

what sucks?


1. The Stormlight thing is sooooo relatable

2. Yeah I'm a proud Edgedancer!

3. It sucks that someone made you lose friends, that should never happen

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1 minute ago, Hyper129 said:

1. The Stormlight thing is sooooo relatable

2. Yeah I'm a proud Edgedancer!

3. It sucks that someone made you lose friends, that should never happen

Ikr I know three ppl irl who’ve read it. 1. The kid who got me into it but won’t talk about it with me because he doesn’t respond. 2. My friend who read it because thick books. 3. Monks my lovely friend who actually talks about it with me. Except they’ve only read the first book so far

2. cool. Opinion on Lift?

3. Yeah but it doesn’t really matter that was a couple years ago. I have better friends now

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