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Breaking the fourth wall to bring you this fourth wall breaking clarification:


Q: Can I be the Double Agent if my role says X?
A: If you are the Double Agent, you will know you are the Double Agent. The whole Bourne Identity deep cover stuff is just flavour, it's cruel and unusual punishment to make players potentially Evil and not let them know and it might work in a different game but it is not intended to be how the role works in this game.


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So a quick summary of important details: 
Aet votes TUO
About 12 hours later (if I math correctly) Xino votes RBM
Coffee finds that suspicious. Doubles on TUO
Ash follows Xino onto RBM
Drake votes for Aeternum, noting reasons including PMs. 
Aeo follows suit, voting Aet
Aet swaps to Ash - Requesting they do something noteworthy.
Aet and Ash have a discussion about noteworthiness of Ash's vote
Aet removes his vote from Ash

Kas Posts this updated vote count 


The Unknown Order (1): Coffeecat
RoyalBeeMage (2): Xinoehp512, Ashbringer
Aeternum (2): DrakeMarshall, Aeoryi

While I'm typing this, Xino retracts from RBM and moves over to Coffee
so now we have a 4 way vote, all within one vote of each other, with only about an hour left. ,


The Unknown Order (1): Coffeecat
Royalbeemage (1): Ashbringer
Aeternum (2): DrakeMarshall, Aeoryi
Coffeecat (1): Xinoehp512

I honestly thought coffee's vote was kind-of soft village vibes. So with that, And the fact that I think more potential for vote manipulation allows the village to gain more information: I'll just add a new name to the pot Xinoehp215. Sorry for those in the camp of trying to avoid vote manipulation. Sometimes I do feel that way, but that's not the side of the bed I woke up on today.

If I have time to reread the rules in the next hour, that could change, but I'm very busy at work, so it's unlikely. If I end up regretting it, I'll let you know in the night cycle. 

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[loud blare of the alert klaxon]

All crew return to your emergency stations. All crew return to your emergency stations and stop whatever you are doing. This is not a drill.

A suspected Scadrian has been apprehended trying to break into Command quarters.

The Fourth Bridge is currently under security lockdown.


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Posted (edited)

LG101: Night One - Asylum For The Feeling

Technician Ara Ra’Ash scowled at the panel of lights ahead of her. The announcement blasted over the Fourth Bridge’s comms system had made it clear all bridgemen were to report to their emergency stations posthaste, but the Chief had also made it clear that you didn’t leave the life support systems unattended unless someone was here to relieve you. Especially if the ship was under emergency lockdown.

No one was here, and the sole bridgeboy that came by had brought a chullsteak dinner (small consolation), enough spiced kav to keep the whole Engineering department running, and an alertness fabrial, so she figured this meant she was on the night watch too. Nice of them to tell her this way, she supposed. 

It was a truth rarely acknowledged that the Fourth Bridge was capable of more than they were really prepared to ask of her. Years after they had discovered the secrets of intelligent spren systems, they were still doing things like getting Ara to push buttons which were really about getting the Fourth Bridge to rectify inefficiencies in the air supply, as though the Fourth Bridge wasn’t capable of observing and rectifying those inefficiencies on her own. That was the whole point of having an intelligent spren system running the entire Fourth Bridge, after all.

Ara wasn’t particularly worried for herself. The life support systems were gated off by security access only. No, instead, her attention was fixed on the indicators for the reactor. She was supposed to hammer the button to vent that area if anyone unauthorised attempted to access it, and her finger’d been all but on the button for the past hour or so. Still, no one except Kimril’d accessed that area, and he’d called in and been authorised each time. Would the Scadrian saboteurs try, or wouldn’t they? It was the question that kept her staring at the reactor button, wondering.

Still, the announcement said they’d caught a saboteur trying to access Command quarters. Ara wondered, briefly, what they were trying to achieve there. Information? Assassination?




Etanem officially did not exist.

He was officially not listed on the crew manifest, except as Ayet, a security officer, and his job description was simultaneously eyerollingly-boring and astoundingly vague. In fact, several of his colleagues had described him as being probably one of the most boring people to ever work on the Fourth Bridge, the sort that just faded into the background, like the entire army of technicians and engineers and low-level security officers that kept the Fourth Bridge running. 

He was, in essence, the perfect sort of person you put on a research station that was strictly-speaking supposed to be conducting research and was absolutely never, dead Honour forbid, doing something as sneaky as manning a Rosharan listening post into contested space and sending out the occasional illicit probe.

Besides officially-not-existing, Etanem was, at the moment, attempting to slip into Command quarters, to have a word with the Captain. The last he’d heard, the Captain was at the helm, but Etanem was pretty sure he’d have to come back to Command quarters at some point, and was prepared to wait. Better to hash things out in private—Scadrian saboteurs was a big concern to Roshar’s military—than anywhere like the helm where bridge officers could still walk in on such a conversation.

In a way, Etanem would later believe he’d gone soft. Rusty, maybe. He was really not the sort cut out for fieldcraft: his expertise was in setting up those remote listening posts and maintaining them, and running the occasional probe meant to map out Scadrian capacities and incursions into contested space in the Teneb Cluster.

He’d just slipped past one of the emergency stations when he heard someone call out, “Oy! What are you doing here, it’s security lockdown!”

He was about to identify himself as a security officer, but a glass bottle came crashing down on his head, and the world spun about him.

“Get him, he’s a Scadrian!”

The blows fell, and Etanem dizzily tried to protect his head with his arms, but the spinning world turned to black.




“You okay in there, Ara?”

Ara blinked and briefly shifted her gaze away from the indicators, then remembered she was best off using the mirror, so she pushed a button and lowered it from the ceiling instead. She had to keep monitoring the lights panel, after all. It was Jacks—he’d come by, probably on his rounds.

She never really knew what Jacks did. He was supposed to be with station security, but sometimes he seemed a bit of a loose cannon to her. Not that Ara was really interested in saying as much. Working life support suited her just fine.

“I’m fine,” she said. “Heard there was something about a Scadrian saboteur?”

Jacks’s mirrored expression turned grim. “Rosharan intelligence officer. Ran afoul of some trigger-happy yokels at an emergency station and they clubbed him and dumped him out the airlock without so much as reporting to security.”

She’d wondered—there was the flicker in the chamber lights that told her the airlock’d been used, and the Captain’d asked her how many times they could open and shut the airlock, and she knew they’d figured one of those Scadrian Mistborn would bust right out of a brig and mow down anyone who tried to contain them, but still, the knowledge they’d just dumped an innocent Rosharan out the airlock without asking so many questions…

She’d said, “I don’t like it. I doubt Security likes it. Old 4B here definitely won’t like it. But that’s just the only way to deal with it. Nowhere to go but… out.”

And if they guess wrong?

Ara ignored the inner voice. They both knew the answer. They always guessed wrong.

"If the Captain goes through with this and the rest of the crew finds out, they're going to tear each other apart," Jacks had said. "It's human nature."

“Looks like they didn’t wait to find out,” Ara said, and felt a sudden chill trickle down her spine.




Aeternum was clubbed and ejected out of the airlock! He was an Intelligence Officer!

The Night has begun! It will end in 24 hours at 2330hrs SGT (GMT+8) on 23 July 2024! PMs remain open.

Thanks to @xinoehp512 and @Ashbringer for actually RPing so I could have an easier time doing the write-up: go upvote them if you enjoyed that last bit!

Security Watchlist


Aeternum (2): Aeoryi, DrakeMarshall
Coffeecat (1): xinoehp512
RoyalBeeMage (1): Ashbringer
The Unknown Order (1): Coffeecat
xinoehp512 (1): CadCom

Crew Manifest


1. Aeternum - Intelligence Officer
. @Aeoryi
3. @Coffeecat
4. @Ashbringer
5. @DrakeMarshall
6. @xinoehp512
7. @RoyalBeeMage
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom


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Alright, so I just reread the rules more thoroughly, and unless I missed something, only the station captain can actually affect the vote, and they wouldn't have been able to do so D1, as they need to not vote to have an ability to do so. 

In that case, my reasoning of allowing possible vote manipulation to get information was kind of pointless.


I'd like to get more info from Drake about the contents of their PM that made you so suspicious of Aet, as I'm now a bit disappointed we lost that role. (Oh and aet too. Sorry we lost you too). I'll also go back and reread that interaction too.

Edited by CadCom
Added last sentence
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Storm it, Jacks thought to himself. Storm it, storm it, storm it. If he'd just been a little faster, a little more willing to hop through doors as they were opening, maybe he would have been able to get there in time to save Etanem from the void of space. As it was, all he'd been able to do was zap the perpetrators with a painrial and throw them all in the brig. He doubted most of them would get anything more than a slap on the wrist before being allowed to resume their duties; the ship simply couldn't afford to lose so many bridgemen, especially not during a time like this.

Of course, perhaps they couldn't afford to be lenient either. How long before a few bridgemen decided they didn't like how the Captain was running things, and tried to take matters into their own hands?

I'll just have to be faster next time, he thought grimly. 



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Well then

At first blush I'm surprised by the number of one-off votes made in the last few hours of the cycle, given the context

tentatively going to reaffirm village reads on TUO + RBM

maybe the C-names are actually the evil ones here tbhhh but I don't want to sell any tunnels I want to go home and rethink my life

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Aeternum (2): Aeoryi, DrakeMarshall

Coffeecat (1): xinoehp512

RoyalBeeMage (1): Ashbringer

The Unknown Order (1): Coffeecat

xinoehp512 (1): CadCom

Not voting (3): Aeternum, Royalbeemage, The Unknown Order

Retroactive VC

Time to go find where people didn't vote, then.

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3 hours ago, Coffeecat said:

I should have changed my vote, storm it. But no voices asked ME for a scapegoat, so I don't know what xino is on about. 

It be night my dudes

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1. @Aeternum
2. @Aeoryi - Likely village.
3. @Coffeecat - A lil sus, but there's a Reason:tm: I'd really prefer to wait on this that should eventually become apparent.
4. @Ashbringer - A lil sus, but there's a Reason:tm: I'd really prefer to wait on this that should eventually become apparent.
5. @DrakeMarshall - This guy is really cool.
6. @xinoehp512 - ??????, nice RP though.
7. @RoyalBeeMage - Likely village.
8. @The Unknown Order - Likely village.
9. @CadCom - A lil sus.

That's my current legacy of reads with no context, have a nice day.

<CadCom, Xino, Coffee> or something liek that for PoE.

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I think Drake is under the impression that the evils were voting for one of the side trains, and/or not the main vote victims. 

TUA was one of the main trains, so I think that's why he is clearing them. Doesn't really make sense to me beyond going off his own gut.

I'll try to add more of my own thoughts instead of guessing someone else's thoughts after I sleep

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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Why clear TUA?

largely for the same reasons as RBM - D1 voting had a really slow start and I don't think that bodes well for the initial wagons being a hit

pitch in that TUA declined to self-pres, and I'm fairly sure that e!TUA isn't shy about self-pres

I... wouldn't call it a clear probably, clear's a strong word, but like, TUA looks reasonably village here

my only sticking point is really that TUA didn't vote, but the above outweighs that

47 minutes ago, CadCom said:

I'll try to add more of my own thoughts instead of guessing someone else's thoughts after I sleep

that would be appreciated, sleep well


oh also if I die tonight please remember that a game of this size likely doesn't last very many cycles

...I think it's reasonable to assume the average game length Kas expects is less than 4 cycles, otherwise the Fourth Bridge winning at the beginning of cycle 5 wouldn't be sufficiently challenging. Or to approach it from a different angle, ~2 deaths per cycle and 9 players (not all of whom are necessarily aligned along village/elim faction lines) does not a very lengthy game make.

So, we likely only have between 1 and 2 days to get it right, so just.. keep that in mind going forward


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Are we moving slow this game or what? It's definitely the slowest moving game since I've rejoined. 

Alright, let's start with Mechanical thoughts:

I agree with drake, we probably don't have much time to get this right, so let's pool our resources. My guess is that we have 2 saboteurs and one fourth Bridge (Spren) on board. @Kasimir If the Fourth Bridge is dead, but we still make it to the day their win condition is met, do they still win? Or must they be alive? Don't know how important the answer is right now, but could be good to know later on.

Going with my assumption of 2 Saboteurs, my guess is one sanitation officer and one Infiltrator.  Assuming the infiltrator is there, No alignment scan can be trusted fully. Parity would be 4 players left, which if we lose one person per cycle, is 4 turns from now. Night, Day, Night, Day. 

That means there are 6 villagers. We know the Intelligence officer was one. I know another (mine), and someone is the Radio officer (because we are able to PM). My guess for the other three (four including my own)(And this is entirely meta) would be Station captian, medical, research, and watch officers. 

Reads: (All soft and nearly neutral for now)
Aeo: village for now. I think Aeoryi sounds like a spren-ey name. So Probably spren (Jokes)
Coffee: No read (My fault. I don't remember any of your posts at the moment. I'll look back later)
Ash: No read (My fault. I don't remember any of your posts at the moment. I'll look back later)
Drake: Elim read for now. What were the contents of the DM with Aet? Just you asking for a claim, and them denying? 
Xino: Elim Read. Explained in my vote yesterday. 
RBM: Didn't vote. One of most likely candidates for Station captain, or elim. 
TUO: Also didn't vote. One of most likely canditates for Station capain or elim. 
CadCom: Always a good guy. Ignore that my name means Cadmium Compounder, which means I'm from Scadrial. My loyalty is to Roshar. 

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, CadCom said:

If the Fourth Bridge is dead, but we still make it to the day their win condition is met, do they still win? Or must they be alive? Don't know how important the answer is right now, but could be good to know later on.

They win. Essentially both the Village and the Elims have a hardcap of winning this game by N4 - if not, whether dead or alive, 4B wins.

Edited to add:

Sorry, I should be clearer - 4B's wincon is pegged to the start of D5. That means if either the Village or the Elims can close the game by the end of N4, 4B loses. If the situation is not resolved by the end of N4 and it goes to D5, 4B wins whether dead or alive. Everyone else loses in that world. The only role capable of winning with 4B (if difficult to do so) is the Lieutenant.

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I just re read the bulletin from D1. So it suggests the Lieutenant might be in play. Have to rethink a few mechanical things here. I'll get back to you at the day cycle if I'm still alive


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Posted (edited)

LG101: Day Two - The Lonely Hearts Club Band

The jazz band was playing something Relve thought really shouldn’t count as jazz without violence; stentorian polyrhythms marching on in a cadence that somehow didn’t make the listeners in the bar want to throw the band out the nearest airlock. Small wonders like that was enough to make a guy believe that maybe the Scadrians didn’t have malevolent intentions after all. What did he know about plants anyway?

The hydroponics bay had been deserted except for Jacks, who hadn’t been particularly helpful with his horticultural knowledge. “You’ll know,” wasn’t the most useful reply, though they’d whiled away the time speculating about whatever in Braize would make the Scadrians interested in a research station that spent an inordinate amount of time staring out into a pile of rocks floating in space and occasionally sending people out to take a closer look at the rocks.

It wasn’t as though there was some rare metal out there (the Scadrians were, as far as Relve knew, utterly kayana about their metals) or some sort of resource that would explain…all this.

Still, as Fourth Bridge dimmed the corridor lighting with the onset of the night cycle, Relve set himself up in the bar, nodded to the jazz band filing in, tried very hard not to wince as the band began a musical massacre, and prepared to minister to the bridgemen of the good ol’ 4B. A few of them (Relve very carefully ascribed more responsibility to this nebulous group and freely absolved himself in the bargain) had jumped on the intelligence officer, Ayet, for sneaking around and shoved him out of the airlock, though Relve really thought Ayet had it coming. What was with the sneaking? It was the sort of thing that made his scalp itch. No wonder he’d figured Ayet was probably one of the sneaky Scadrians instead.

Of course, Security and apparently, Jacks, had come down on everyone involved afterwards like a load of bricks for the mistake, but the way Relve saw it, they weren’t going to hold one of those Scadrian Mistborn anywhere anyway and Command’d acknowledged as much. You couldn’t make a Radiant Roaster without crushing a few olives anyway. Or something like that. Still, there were a bunch of bridgemen who were keyed up, nervous, and maybe a bit twitchy after the whole affair, and Relve fancied himself the ship’s Ardent, ministering to their souls as he whipped up brews on request and generally made sure they were mellow enough not to start anything else.





Aeorin was, to put it bluntly, bored out of her mind.

Being assigned radio officer duty was the one thing most bridgemen working Comms dreaded, especially at a time like this because the monthly re-supply shuttle had come and gone so you didn’t get to do anything with incoming or outgoing transmissions. You just sat there, monitored the array of comms fabrials, and hoped no one caught you falling asleep or playing hangman with the slate.

Of course, in times like this, Comms was being put through its paces, but the shipspren handled most of the transmissions: Aeorin’s job was to make sure the Fourth Bridge was doing just fine, which struck her as an awful lot like peering over the 4B’s shoulder while she did her job, and made Aeorin more or less useless since she didn’t really know who was using which channels apart from the security broadcasts playing on all channels.

There was quite a bit of comms activity, Aeorin thought absently, but 4B was encrypting the calls and messages as she should be, which means an awful lot of nothing for Aeorin to be doing. 

(Sometimes it felt like everyone hadn’t really caught up to the capabilities of first-rate spren intelligence systems, and the bridgemen spent an awful lot of time just being redundant and acting as though 4B were a traditional ship. She supposed this would change if the spren intelligence system were damaged somehow, but what were the odds of something like that even happening? Access to the reactor and the core arrays was highly-restricted. Even Knights Radiant, for all their raw powers, were walled out by the state-of-the-art security systems.)

Still, Aeorin had figured out a small trick to make the boredom just a little more bearable. If she was careful not to siphon off more than absolutely necessary, and to keep the instance separate from the rest of the shipboard systems, she could get part of the Fourth Bridge to turn its attention towards playing a simple game of chess.

She was frowning at the last set of moves 4B’d played—seeming nonsensical, but with 4B, that usually meant something devious was about to hit her maybe five moves from now—and almost missed the chirp of the security card reader granting access to the room. 

The door hissed open. A shadow yawned.




Kethen yawned and stretched his arms out behind his back, fingers interlaced, and winced as he thought he felt something pop. He flexed gingerly, but at least nothing seemed to immediately hurt. Good enough for him—the last he’d heard, there was a long queue for the attention of the medical officers on duty, and he didn’t fancy the wait.

The crowd in the lounge wasn’t thinning, but Kethen’d revenge-procrastinated for about as long as he was going to. The dregs of his spiced hot chocolate were all but solidifying at the bottom of the mug, and the last thing Kethen wanted was to let the bartender scam him into another. He carefully switched off the reader fabrial he was carrying, watching the screen fuzz into darkness, and then packed it away in his bag. If he headed back now, he could get a couple hours sleep before it was time for his shift and—

Someone was pushing his way through the night crowd with the sort of purposeful stride that suggested he was looking for someone, and Kethen didn’t like the fact this fellow was headed right for him.

He glanced about briefly to his left and right, but the bridgemen there were studiously pretending they had nothing better to do, and Kethen took a quick glance at his alerter, but it hadn’t gone off. No one’d called for him at all. In fact, if he didn’t know better…

“Kethen?” asked the bridgeman, who had all the bearing of a security officer. Kethen sighed inwardly and hoped it wasn’t anything too time-consuming. “Third engineer, right?”

“Yeah,” Kethen said. “Who’re you?”

“Jacks,” the bridgeman offered his hand for Kethen to shake. Firm grasp, with the sort of calluses that suggested he probably hit some things for a living that weren’t buttons. “There’s a situation in Comms. You’re wanted.”

And they didn’t even have the courtesy to wait for him to get sleep, Kethen groaned inwardly. Something about Jacks unsettled him though. Jacks was tapping his boot against the floor, glancing between Kethen and the door.


“Not here,” Jacks said.

The sense of wrongness, of dread, deepened. They walked quickly out of the bar, out of the recreation area entirely, and towards Comms. Almost no one was in the corridors, though they crossed paths with security officers here and there conducting searches. Once, Kethen thought he heard them instruct another bridgeman to remain where he was.

The disquiet ripened as Jacks gestured towards the security card reader guarding the entrance to the Comms centre, and Kethen inhaled the stench of something charred. Lines of soot blackened the corridor outside. But still, the security card reader guarded access. Kethen swiped with his card and Jacks followed on his heels.

He thought he recognised the radio officer on duty. Aeorin. But more disconcerting than Aeorin’s death was the explosive that had ripped an ugly path of destruction through the array of comms fabrials, and Kethen understood then why his alerter hadn’t gone off, why Jacks had come for him, and why there hadn’t been any security broadcast at all.

“Can you do anything?” Jacks asked.

Kethen grunted. “I’m an engineer, not a miracle worker,” he said, shortly. Filed away the thought of the dead radio officer, sprawled in a pool of blood deep in a cold part of his mind where he could process it later and panic later.

“That a yes?”

“That a maybe,” he said. “Let me see what’s left. Maybe if 4B helps me out here, I can figure out a workaround to get general comms back online. You all can forget about streaming stuff here or sending each other axehound photos though.”

Jacks bent down and examined the reader fabrial that Aeorin had been holding onto. Kethen thought he caught a glimpse of a page, but his attention was entirely on the carnage in the Comms centre.

He wished he’d taken the bartender up on some kav after all.



Aeoryi was killed! She was a Radio Officer! PMs are now closed! Please stop using any PMs you have as this is all illegal now and don't open any more!

The Day has begun! It will end in 48 hours at 2330hrs SGT (GMT+8) on 25th July 2024

Aeorin's reader fabrial:



Crew Manifest:


1. Aeternum - Intelligence Officer
2. Aeoryi - Radio Officer
3. @Coffeecat
4. @Ashbringer
5. @DrakeMarshall
6. @xinoehp512
7. @RoyalBeeMage
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom

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28 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Well. That hurts. I had decided to start PMing people today. Guess I won't do that anymore. 

Do it! Why let Kas stop  you from doing what you want? He has no power you don't give him.

@Coffeecat The player list says that we're supposed to kill you next. What's your defense?

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Ok time for a blow-by-blow of the game, it shouldn't even be very long.

  • Xino RPs
  • A bunch of people say hi <TUO, Aeo, Coffee, RBM>
  • More RP <Me, Ash, Xino>
  • Aet votes TUO, self-described as random later on
  • Xino votes RBM in RP form
  • Coffee votes TUO on suspicion that Xino's RBM vote was defending TUO - I actually somewhat think one should vote Xino in this situation, but this is the first vote with an actual reason given, which probably warrants some village credit
  • Ash votes RBM to "follow Xino" which is a bit odd given that Xino didn't share any reasoning for it, but then again, early consolidation isn't a bad thing
  • TUO dislikes the early consolidation smh
  • Ash/TUO likely not E/E
  • I vote Aet, Aeoryi jumps on Aet as well
  • TUO makes animal cracker sacrifices instead of self-pres, villagery tbh
  • Aet tells me why my vote is wrong and votes Ash
  • Aet/Ash interaction, Aet retracts (Ash your endgame-playing-skills are going to be relevant soon if not already :P)
  • Xino pivots to Coffeecat once RBM asks why they were voting for him. Doesn't really answer the question, though.
  • CadCom makes a analysis post and votes Xino, they are less likely to be E/E. It bears mentioning that this is the last vote of the cycle, one hour before rollover, with a lot of people saying they won't make rollover. Starting a new wagon at this point comes across as somewhat performative and implies that maybe CadCom is okay with the state of the current voting on Aeternum. Also, what's the benefit of allowing vote manipulation? Idk usually I see elims cast their late votes "to prevent vote manipulation" but I feel like either reasoning is reaching a bit, it's a lot less important than trying your best to get a hit.

aaaaaand that's D1, stay tuned for more

are connectives even that useful in this game? like, I doubt there's more than 2 elims, and there could pretty reasonably only be 1

well we might as well operate as if they're useful, but it's food for thought - we should also likely be aiming to profile what a lone wolf would be doing in this game state

anyways let's talk PoE

we've got 7 living players:

3. @Coffeecat
4. @Ashbringer
5. @DrakeMarshall
6. @xinoehp512
7. @RoyalBeeMage
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom

Assuming 1-2 elims, that's an approximate hit rate of 14-28%, for whatever that's worth

Anyways I'll remove myself from that

3. @Coffeecat
4. @Ashbringer
6. @xinoehp512
7. @RoyalBeeMage
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom

I'll also remove TUO and RBM, as I believe the reasons to trust them still hold merit

3. @Coffeecat
4. @Ashbringer
6. @xinoehp512
9. @CadCom

Willing to give Ash the benefit of the doubt for right now:

3. @Coffeecat
6. @xinoehp512
9. @CadCom

And that's the PoE. I predict that however many elims there are can be found in <Coffeecat, Xino, CadCom>.

I would tier <CadCom, Xino> on a level below CoffeeCat in trust.

It bears mentioning that CadCom wants to vote Xino. I think this is actually a solid reason to village!read CadCom above Xino atm. For one, it indicates that CadCom has a consistent worldview that actually makes sense for v!CadCom in this situation: if v!CadCom, then e!Xino is more likely, and the fact that CadCom (who knows they are village) arrived at e!Xino before anyone else would make quite a bit of sense. For two, I find that elims who are in a PoE of 2 are a lot less likely to try to gun for the other guy - they know that they'll get killed next regardless, and it's a lot harder for them to find the pure motivation to go down that route, as they would much prefer to aim to delay either of the 2 suspects being flipped as much as possible.

In conclusion, Xino.

I've probably been pocketed by good RP 😔

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