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1 hour ago, CadCom said:

Hmm. Sorry I don't have as much time on the weekends. Is there a reason you've switched to RBM?

Seems like that’s true of a few people…

Consider it encouragement to future Seekers to get their actions in :P

And also I think E!Drake would have let me win, and RBM’s stories don’t entirely line up. And to TUO’s point, we probably shouldn’t ignore the 50-50 on Exelo.

1 hour ago, The Unknown Order said:


What the heck else would I be?

But I appreciate your actually trying to solve the pair that almost certainly has an evil in it.

Idk. Scadrian Infiltrator? Double Agent? 4B? Captain CadCom isn’t a hard guess as the only non-voter last cycle, and you only gave/softed one cycle’s results. But that’s the same as RBM, @xinoehp512 and @DrakeMarshall are still who-knows-where, and I’m trying to organize a Village when I’m not even a Villager.

(I win with the Village, techically I’m more an independent contractor)

Edit: I see you Xino

Edited by Ashbringer
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hello hello it is I

so, with all due respect to everyone involved, wtf

RBM hardclaimed a redscan on me

I hesitate to say this, but at the end of the day that's basically a PoE of 2 right there to anyone who's reasonable. folks should be voting in that right now.

...but here we are with folks voting TUO, who I think is obviously town

after... whatever D2 was.

lynch me if you must, but I think it pretty clearly doesn't help anyone but the Fourth Bridge and the Elims to delay resolving me/RBM

please, please reconsider

that's all for now, stay tuned while I continue to catch up


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Fair, Drake, I'm sorry, but this game around I trust you less. 

To me it seems the main claim you've made beyond you're telling the truth and RBM isn't is that RBM would have known they were essentially at LyLo. And could therefore make a bold claim. Well...same goes to you. You could make a bold defense knowing we were at Lylo. 

@DrakeMarshall who did you target last night?

@xinoehp512 I've seen you lurking a couple times. Care to comment?



RBM (3): Ash, TUO, Drake

Drake (2): CadCom

No votes: RBM, xino

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Jacks didn't know who to believe anymore.

They were close to discovering the Scadrian; he could feel it. If the ship didn't eat itself inside out first.


Ahhh why is this my decision it doesn't make any sense. None of this makes any sense.😭

Man, I was so sure it was Drake but I've looked at his perspective now and it makes sense, since RBM's claim makes this a 50/50. 

Again, I'm terrible at this game. You should not be leaving this decision up to me.

Fine! RBM. It's possible this won't matter anyways.




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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

Jacks didn't know who to believe anymore.

They were close to discovering the Scadrian; he could feel it. If the ship didn't eat itself inside out first.




Is this meant to be a vote? I usually ignore things inside quotes but am aware you are RPing.

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LG101: Night Three - Subterranean Homesick Blues

As bridgemen from Maintenance cleaned out the officer’s lounge, and the medical officer took Cofi’s body down to the morgue for further examination, Lieutenant Ara sat on one of the unoccupied armchairs. Someone’d coaxed the 4B into behaving again, probably from Engineering, and if the lighting panels were a little dimmer near her, she supposed the 4B was entitled to her tantrums for the time.

She wondered who was at her post. Kimril, maybe. Or maybe the 4B’d done what she was always supposed to do, and oversaw Life Support systems and air supply to each part of the research station without needing Ara to hover about and micromanage her like an overanxious parent. 

Cofi’s indicator remained stubbornly dead, like one of those Awakened circuit-boards from Nalthis. Relve’s, for the moment, glowed steadily blue. Some part of her wondered if Relve had anything to do with it. As far as she knew, Cofi and Relve had been at each other’s throats that day, when Roya and Relve were accusing each other of being saboteurs, and when the crew had finally chucked them both in the brig for being general nuisances, and just to be safe.

Better the brig than the airlock, Ara thought.

She sighed. Then again, Relve was stuck in the brig, which was heavily monitored by cameras and security. Last she’d heard from Jacks, Relve’d been in the brig all night, though she figured Security was concerned either Relve or Roya’d managed to escape. So how was he going to have been the one to have killed Cofi?

Because, Ara acknowledged, that was the thing: Ara was pretty sure Cofi’d been killed, and they’d tried to disguise it as suicide, and pretty much everyone on 4B seemed to have the same line of thought. Security was investigating the death as a potential case of foul play, which was Command-speak for “someone might’ve killed her and we’ve got ninety-nine problems and this is right among the top of them.”

With a groan, Jacks sat down opposite her. “Well,” Ara said, nursing her glass. “What’ve you got for me, Jacks?”

“Beyond the fact the Captain has restricted the investigation details to need-to-know basis?” Jacks arched an eyebrow. Ara glared back at him.

“I’m his lieutenant. The least he could do was—”

“What’s your connection to Cofi, Ara?” Jacks cut in.

She drummed her fingers on her knees. Be careful, whispered the voice, wise to the ways of this game. Ara temporised, “We were drinking buddies. The usual. Can’t always be holding down shifts with Life Support.”

She did not want to explain the indicators.

Jacks was alright, but sometimes Security got into a real snit about the strangest of things. The use of pencils instead of quills. That sort of thing. The last thing she needed was to become the leading suspect when Security was hunting down Cofi’s murderer.




“I’m beginning to think they’ve forgotten about us, here,” Relve sighed. He’d already counted the lighting panels, the walls, the bed (fastened to the floor and the far wall), and pretty much anything within the cell that could be counted. They’d had breakfast, and it’d been pretty uninspiring so far, which probably suggested they’d let Raris get to the cooking, and while Relve was pretty sure Raris was a fairly competent Second Steward, what he was completely awful at was cooking.

Raris hadn’t discovered spices, which should’ve been illegal for an Alethi man, but Relve supposed this was the sort of moral decay that came when men denied the Almighty and the good moral guidance of Vorinism. Raris’s entire philosophy on cooking boiled down to some form of “if it tasted awful, it was good for you,” and that sort of thing killed both your tastebuds and your soul.

And now with Relve in jail, nevermind that the crew’d gotten one thing right and put Roya in jail too, they were staring at the sort of bland, tasteless, insipid rubbish that Raris thought passed for cooking, and the outlook for everyone was dreadfully bleak.

At least the cell was clean. They dumped some drunk bridgemen in the brig too, let them sober up and work out that being drunk on duty or off duty wasn’t acceptable on the Fourth Bridge, and Relve wasn’t big about cleaning up puke and piss.

In the cell on the opposite end of the corridor, Roya glared at him. “This is entirely your fault, traitor,” the research officer spat. “We both know you’re the one lying here.”

Relve just shrugged at him. Figured that Roya’d come off the mix, but one way or another, nothing Relve said here was really going to change the situation anyway. Which meant that Relve wasn’t about to waste his time on another argument that was going to change things.

By Relve’s reckoning, the crew was probably going to get into another argument about them, but it seemed for the best. One way or another, if his dying was what got them to really look at Roya, considering that Roya was seriously shady, then he supposed that was just what was going to have to happen.

Footsteps echoed down the corridor.

Relve glanced outwards, through the bars.




Roya seethed in the unfairness of the situation.

He’d done the hard work of following the trail of breadcrumbs, piecing things together, and had unmasked a saboteur. And for all of that, for doing what even Security had failed to do, he’d been chucked right into the brig alongside the smug Scadrian saboteur and told the crew were going to decide his fate. He was suspicious enough of Relve; the last thing he was going to do was to accept any kind of drink from the bartender!

But no one believed his protests. And so he sat in the brig and stewed. And stewed.

Were the saboteurs going to try for him?

He wasn’t sure. He supposed that they’d consider him a threat, given he’d unmasked Relve. At the same time, the brig was being securely monitored. In the far corner, a security camera blinked blue, reminding him he was being watched all the time. Every movement, every breath. Maybe a Scadrian Mistborn could bust down the doors and kill him. But doing so would raise at least three different alerts and then Security would converge in full force on the brig.

And Relve would still be dead. He’d unmasked Relve. He should’ve felt content with that, should’ve basked in the achievement, but all Roya felt was resentment and an underlying sense of hopelessness.

What was the point, if no one believed him?

The door to his cell hissed open. The mechanism was old, and Jacks had to force it open the rest of the way.

“The crew took a vote,” Jacks said. His eyes were cold.

Hope died, crushed like a cigarette beneath the heel of boot.

Roya felt cold, himself. Ice coating his bones, running slick along his veins. He heard the sound of the airlock disengaging, imagined what that death would feel like.

“On your feet,” Jacks commanded.

Numb, Roya obeyed, as Jacks snapped security cuffs about his wrist.

So this was how it ended, he thought.



RoyalBeeMage was ejected out the airlock! He was a Research Officer!

The Night has begun! It will end in 24 hours at 2330hrs on the 29th July 2024!

Security Watchlist:


RoyalBeeMage (4): Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, The Unknown Order, xinoehp512
DrakeMarshall (2): CadCom

Crew Manifest:


1. Aeternum - Intelligence Officer
2. Aeoryi - Radio Officer
3. Coffeecat - Security Officer
4. @Ashbringer
5. @DrakeMarshall
6. @xinoehp512
7. RoyalBeeMage - Research Officer
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom


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Well that doesn't look great for Drake. 

On the off chance that you are village aligned, hopefully you can target and poison the correct elim tonight. @Kasimir does the poison work for regular night actions as well as the elim kill action?

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, CadCom said:

On the off chance that you are village aligned, hopefully you can target and poison the correct elim tonight. @Kasimir does the poison work for regular night actions as well as the elim kill action?

I'm a bit confused about what you are asking?

Edited to add:

Basically as long as the target has a night action, it will be redirected. If the target is an Elim who has a night action and the kill, both get redirected. The only exception is the oneshot unblockable kill - if the Elims burn that, then the normal action (if any) is redirected, but the kill goes straight through.

Edited by Kasimir
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2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

@Kasimir, is there any way for us to win?

Without getting too much into the weeds: the Village or 4B (I neither confirm nor deny if there's one in this game) winning would require the Elims to fail to send in a specific order tonight. However, the Elims have botched their orders previously (I can't say more), so I am requiring them to stick the landing. If I receive a set of orders that make it clear they aren't going to screw up this cycle, I am happy to call the game without going through the full 24 hours.

Otherwise, there exists a very thin slice of opportunity for the Village or the 4B, if they get their orders right.

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45 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

I think it looks absolutely spectacular for Drake


Edit: Also, @Ashbringer, we wanted you to win but Drake didn't want to die so he made up Coffee’s mind for him.





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sorry 😕

since Kas can't just outright say certain things, I can hopefully do it for him:

xino is probably a Medical Officer who could potentially block the kill tonight, and in this case the village could still have majority vote tomorrow and win

however, the elims have a 1-shot ability to make their kill unstoppable, which we forgot to use last night 😛 otherwise there would have been 2 deaths

I don't imagine we'll forget tonight.

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Just now, Ashbringer said:

If you two literally stab me in the back after figuratively stabbing me in the back…

We didn't stab you in the back! Coffee did.

11 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Drake, TUO!

I challenge you to a duel!

Yeah, I'm going to have to decline.

We gaslit you fair and square. 

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16 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

We didn't stab you in the back! Coffee did.

Yeah, I'm going to have to decline.

We gaslit you fair and square. 


But not really though!

Because if you'd done what you planned to do and made the kill unlockable, it would have revealed Drake as evil.

So you only gaslit me by accident.

Come on! I don't want you to drop the kill or anything, I just want you to "forget" to make the kill unblockable again, not poison me, and see if I can guess who you kill.


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4 minutes ago, CadCom said:

I cannot bear to live on a craft that was commandeered by my enemy. You can sacrifice me if you so choose.

Alright then.

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:



I mean, we didn't really discuss making the kill unblockable. We have trouble talking to each other due to timezones.

Actually, if we had been able to discuss, we would have killed Ash, which wouldn't have confirmed Drake as evil.

So completely fair gaslightery.


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