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Hi! I have loved brandon Sanderson ever since my dad introduced me to it, 2, 3 years ago with mistborn. My favorite world is probably stormlight. 

Now a question, what is your favorite quote from hoid, and what shard do you think he held? (Sorry if I insulted you by calling you a nerd, it was ment as a compliment.)

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Hey there!! Welcome to the Shard!


If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week, which country would you visit and why?

6 minutes ago, sylfrena said:

Now a question, what is your favorite quote from hoid, and what shard do you think he held? (Sorry if I insulted you by calling you a nerd, it was ment as a compliment.)


RoW Chapter 80:


"It won't be like that for me," Kaladin said. "You told me it would get worse."

"It will," Wit said, "but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again."

As for the Shard, do you mean Dawnshard?

I have no idea what Shard or Dawnshard he held. 😋

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22 minutes ago, sylfrena said:

Why can't I eat cookies? Also, I love that quote too. Yes, I mean dawnshard😋

You can . . . .. . . . .. But you shouldn't . . . . . Stranger danger and all that.

Welcome to the Shard!

I don't remember the exact quote, but I remember loving Hoids monologue at the end of Oathbringer. As an artist I really loved the discussion on art and it's purpose.

Do you like bagels? If so, what kind? Do you want a bagel?

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10 minutes ago, J. Magi said:


You can . . . .. . . . .. But you shouldn't . . . . . Stranger danger and all that.

Welcome to the Shard!

I don't remember the exact quote, but I remember loving Hoids monologue at the end of Oathbringer. As an artist I really loved the discussion on art and it's purpose.

Do you like bagels? If so, what kind? Do you want a bagel?





Also, welcome to the shard @sylfrena! It’s a pleasure to meet you. 

What’s your favorite non-Sanderson book?

Edited by Edema Rue
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*Slides into the picture, forgets how to use Abrasion, and slams sideways into a wall, careening backward and sighing annoyedly*

Hello. Sorry about that.

*Pushes self up and stands, a hand on the wall*

Welcome to the Shard! Don't eat the cookies.

1. If you were a misting, what kind would you want to be?

2. What Radiant order are you?

Also, would you happen to have blond or dirty-blond hair?

8 hours ago, sylfrena said:

Now a question, what is your favorite quote from hoid, and what shard do you think he held? (Sorry if I insulted you by calling you a nerd, it was ment as a compliment.)

Same as @Through The Living Glass... it's such a nice quote and is literally my signature.

It also hit like a slap to the face when I originally read it because I was kind of just feeling generally down about life, but that was really a revelation.

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Ahhhhh, so many questions! I love bagles, and my favorite kind is probably cheesy ones. My favorite book outside of brandon Sanderson is called artorian's archives, but only the first few. If I were a misting I would probably be an steel pusher, and I am a wind runner.

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2 hours ago, sylfrena said:

Ahhhhh, so many questions! I love bagles, and my favorite kind is probably cheesy ones. My favorite book outside of brandon Sanderson is called artorian's archives, but only the first few. If I were a misting I would probably be an steel pusher, and I am a wind runner.

Welcome fellow nerd! And yes, don’t eat the cookies. But here’s some brownies. There’s no drugs, just powdered sugar on top. I promise!


Eddie denies being a nerd, claims she has a reason for it, and has not given the reason yet so. Do with that what you will.

Which of the Mistborn eras is your favorite so far?

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Welcome to the Shard! Would you like to join a cult?

12 hours ago, sylfrena said:

Now a question, what is your favorite quote from hoid, and what shard do you think he held? (Sorry if I insulted you by calling you a nerd, it was ment as a compliment.)

Same as @Through The Living Glass and @Hyper129's, it's an amazing quote.

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18 minutes ago, sylfrena said:

I would love to join a cult. Are there sacrifices?



*clears throat*

Wow this is a terrible first impression, I’m so sorry :P

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13 hours ago, sylfrena said:

Hi! I have loved brandon Sanderson ever since my dad introduced me to it, 2, 3 years ago with mistborn. My favorite world is probably stormlight. 

Now a question, what is your favorite quote from hoid, and what shard do you think he held? (Sorry if I insulted you by calling you a nerd, it was ment as a compliment.)


I’d say my favorite hold quote is “I’m lucky youre all so dumb.”

1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:



*clears throat*

Wow this is a terrible first impression, I’m so sorry :P


How many times have you been sacrificed again?


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Hello and welcome!

I don't have a favorite Hoid quote, but I have got a favorite Hoid moment--when Shallan and Kaladin bump into him on the Shattered Plains and Shallan runs up to give him a big hug.

If you could have any Cosmere character to be your roommate, who would you choose and why?

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19 hours ago, sylfrena said:

Hi! I have loved brandon Sanderson ever since my dad introduced me to it, 2, 3 years ago with mistborn. My favorite world is probably stormlight. 

Now a question, what is your favorite quote from hoid, and what shard do you think he held? (Sorry if I insulted you by calling you a nerd, it was ment as a compliment.)

Welcome to the Shard! What cosmerian creature would you keep as a pet?

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Ok, I won't eat the cookie. If I had a cosmire character for a roommate. That is a hard question for an overthinker. Also, what's so bad about the cookie. Is it hemerlergic?

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