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Found these on YouTube by accident. You've probably seen them.

For Mistborn: 


Personally, I think Elend and Vin were screwed up pretty badly, and Spook looks a little off as well. 


For Stormlight Archive (I only know the first few characters, nothing before Lift):


I think Kaladin was bad, and Adolin's hair was completely wrong.


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I really hate to be that person but in the past, the shard has had a fairly strict 'no AI art' policy for posts like this (do to it's unethical means). I've never heard whether or not that policy has changed, so if it has that's my bad. I'm not entirely sure if this is alright or not, because the generated images aren't directly in your post (at the very least, I'd mention it's AI somewhere in the post, but that may just be me). Just something to consider for the future, if you weren't aware.

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Our policy isn't an outright "no AI art", but no AI art in the fanworks or gallery sections, and it's good practice to disclose when you've made something with AI. 

I'll note that it's fine to criticize AI art as being uncanonical (as long as you're not being rude about it), but in cases where something isn't stated to be AI you should be careful - you never know whether something is or isn't, and we do have a policy of not giving unsolicited critique to artists! Looks like those videos do say they used AI art, just saying for the future. 

Also, admittedly, I'm personally not sure there's much of a discussion to be had here? These videos exist, they don't match canon descriptions or your mental image of the character, cool, but I can't really see this going anywhere, just commenting that stuff is bad. That part's just my take. 

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:20 PM, AonEne said:

Our policy isn't an outright "no AI art", but no AI art in the fanworks or gallery sections, and it's good practice to disclose when you've made something with AI. 

I'll note that it's fine to criticize AI art as being uncanonical (as long as you're not being rude about it), but in cases where something isn't stated to be AI you should be careful - you never know whether something is or isn't, and we do have a policy of not giving unsolicited critique to artists! Looks like those videos do say they used AI art, just saying for the future. 

Ah, thank you so much for clarifying! I was unsure what the exact rules were, hence why I tried to remain neutral in my first post (I hope that came across). I'll keep this in mind for the future!

Edited by J. Magi
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