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LG101: Night Two - Suspicious Minds

The atmosphere on the Fourth Bridge was tense, grim even. It was easy to dismiss Ayet’s death as being the result of paranoia run amok. It was harder to pass any sort of verdict on Aeorin’s death that didn’t lead to the conclusion that Command wasn’t particularly jumping the gun: the Fourth Bridge was dealing with determined adversaries from Scadrial, who had managed one way or another to infiltrate the background checks and security processes and make their way aboard the research station.

Working together, a team from Engineering had managed to restore enough of the comms system to allow security broadcasts to be heard throughout most of the station. As Kethen had predicted, the makeshift repairs and juryrigging fixed the broadcast system but things like private calls and streaming axehound videos were still strictly off-limits. A good day for Security, and for productivity on the Fourth Bridge, Kethen thought cynically. 

After the task was complete, he headed right to long-delayed sleep, intending not to wake up until it was his shift—whenever his next shift was; the boss hadn’t been particularly clear, likely on account of the fact someone had detonated a bomb in Comms and all that. Oh, and Aeorin had been murdered.

Kethen was too sleep-deprived for trauma at the moment and figured he could continue to function and then freak out about Aeorin’s corpse much later.



Because Kethen was sleeping, he missed an argument that was raging on board the Fourth Bridge about whether Roya was a Scadrian saboteur, or whether Relve was.

Jacks ended up detaining Relve in the brig for safety reasons—no one could agree about whether that was for Relve’s safety, or everyone else’s, as Cofi had claimed to have gotten a severe case of food poisoning after consuming one of Relve’s brews in a special Command-only lounge, and Roya’d backed her up. Meanwhile, Tuon had ended up confining Roya in the brig on charges of being a Scadrian saboteur, and Roya’d hotly denied the claim, arguing that it was Relve instead.

The arguments went around, and around in circles, and the lights on the Fourth Bridge darkened sporadically as bridgemen argued about who should be chucked out the airlock. Perhaps the Captain could’ve put an end to the squabbling, but no one had seen him for days.

In the end, no one went anywhere, unless you were Relve or Roya, in which case you wound up in the brig, and everyone went off decidedly grumpier.

No airlocks were opened.

In any case, nothing important happened today.




Nobody was exed! Nobody was a Scadrian Saboteur because if Somebody had been Scadrian, Security would've found them...right? 👀 

Man, Everybody hates Nobody. 

The Night has begun! It will end in 24 hours at 2330hrs SGT(GMT+8) on 26th July!

Apologies for the short write-up but I'm tired and have been up since 6AM so this will have to do.

Security Watchlist:


DrakeMarshall (3): Coffeecat, RoyalBeeMage, xinoehp512
RoyalBeeMage (3): Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, The Unknown Order

Crew Manifest:


1. Aeternum - Intelligence Officer
2. Aeoryi - Radio Officer
3. @Coffeecat
4. @Ashbringer
5. @DrakeMarshall
6. @xinoehp512
7. @RoyalBeeMage
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom

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...so assuming worst case scenario, we've pushed Lylo back to next cycle I think? But it'll be Lylo right into the end, instead of into a sad night cycle. 

Generally, I think it's best to not reveal the third member of the lieutenants group, in the hopes that the elims hit that member. But if those in the group or others out of the group disagree, we can certainly entertain that. 

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56 minutes ago, Coffeecat said:

Completely misjudged that, apologies to drake and ||||||, let me see what we can do after this

I would like to know what you misjudged? You no longer stand by your assertion that Drake might be an elim in the Lieutenant doc? 

Or did you think a tie would execute both? (In which case, I'm hard reading you as elim)

Or did you think the lieutenant won at the end of the day cycle?

I do appreciate you keeping the other member of the doc safe. 

Though I'm running into a few issues, as I believe the last remaining person would be the lieutenant. (And that could be me, ash, TUO or Xino) If Drake is Evil then one of those 4 is also evil from my best guess. If Drake isn't evil then 2 of those 4 are evil. 
I'm gonna do a full re-reading analysis now. Someone else say something while I do so, so my posts don't get merged please. 

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2 minutes ago, CadCom said:

You no longer stand by your assertion that Drake might be an elim in the Lieutenant doc? 

I'm a lot less sure now that xino made last cycle a tie. Now I'm also suspicious of xino, but Drake and xino are opposed most of the time so I'm just confused. 

3 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Or did you think the lieutenant won at the end of the day cycle?

This, and Drake being evil.


4 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Drake isn't evil then 2 of those 4 are evil. 

Could it be one of those four and RBM?


Either way now I just wanna be a sheep and follow an elim bandwagon to my doom, but I can't. 

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TLDR at bottom if interested:

Aet(Village) gets things going, voting on TUO
Xino responds on RBM
Coffee puts another vote on TUO
Ash responds with RBM
Drake introduces a new candidate with about 12 hours left, in Aet. They make sure to explain why not TUO or RBM, and why Aet
Aeoryi(Village) goes with Aet (Questions an Ash/Xino pairing)
Aet switches to Ash, ash defends themselves, Aet removes vote
Xino switches to Coffeecat
I thought it seemed odd so I voted Xino, I also wanted vote shenanigans to show up to see if we could make any alignment choices.
-Didn't vote D1: Aet(dead), RBM, TUO

Aet voted out. 
I realized only the Captain has real vote shenanigans-and those have to be built up by not voting. 
Drake villages TUO,RBM
Coffee nightvotes Xino(Pocketing me?)
Drake gives suspicions list
Discussion on why did drake clear TUO (Does E!TUO self pres a lot? - Meta question. I don't take meta notes so does anyone else know?)

D2: (ThReE wHoLe PaGeS. YaY)
Drake does another analysis post. V! reads himself, TUO, RBM. E! reads Coffee, xino, CadCom(me) Me and Xino least trustworthy to Drake. Votes Xino
I analyze worst case scenarios. Realizing a mislynch could result in parity with certain distros. I argue outing the Lieut
Drake disagrees, incase elims aren't in the Lieut doc, might target one of them.
xino votes coffee again
Me, coffee go no exe. Coffee asks if captain votes no exe if it counts as a vote(Mechanic question)
RBM votes Drake, claims Research scan by someone else
IM questions, determined valid.
TUO questions reaction test.
Drake claims RBM is lying, bc Drake claims Steward (Poison) that RBM so RBM did self scan Votes RBM
Ash follows Drake
Drake worries about not ending game fast enough with no exe vote, and not getting enough info to make it worth it. 
Discussion ensues Regarding RBM/Drake claims
In drakes discussion, they bring up LyLo again, mentioning thatI may have missed that. (I'm the one who originally brought it up)
Argues that elims wouldn't lay low in this specific lylo situation. 
Bee asks what lylo is, Drake refuses to derpclear and TUO goes all the way against RBM because of this. 
I voice my disagreeance with RBM.
Coffee votes Drake, Claims Lieut doc w/ him and points out that the people in that doc have all really been laying low, exept for a couple mentions by Xino/Tuo.  Determins it's a better lynch to lynch someon in the doc, regardless of alignment (guarantee to avoid lylo.)
Are people overreacting or under reacting?(I'm just confused reacting. I don't 100% believe either of you)
I think Drake not sharing the lieutenant was the v!drake right call, looking back at it. If Coffee's claim had happened earlier in the cycle, I might disagree. but since it was late, I'm going to stick with it. 
Drake questions coffee's decision E! reads coffee. 
Coffee defends
Xino votes Drake
-Didn't vote (me) (Sorry) 

 @Coffeecat: In Lieut Doc. Counter-train successfully stopped RBM from dying. Likely not Lieut. If RBM evil, Coffee likely Evil too. However for the time being soft village read. 
 @Ashbringer: Been very quiet. They've commented, but flown mostly under the radar.  
 @DrakeMarshall: Likely not Lieut. Possibly Steward. Anti-claimed RBMs claim. Could be right. If elims saw that they were a single mislynch from Lylo, then they could have tried to go hard on a last ditch effort. On the other hand, E! Drake would also know this, and could be just trying to stop an exe on him to get through Lylo. Either hard village or hard Elim read. Not sure which yet. 
 @xinoehp512. Had targeted Coffee in votes twice, before switching to Drake on the second one. RP is hard for alignment reading. But it appears as if they had committed to RP even in the sign-up phase, so not much to go off of there. Prevented an RBM lynch, possibly exending the game to one more lylo, possibly ending the game earlier, soft village read for now. Could be 4B if that's in play (I'm leaning to it not being in play though)
 @RoyalBeeMage: Pretty much opposite of Drake. Either RBM or Drake is likely evil unless the elim placed a very alignment manip action. 
 @The Unknown Order: Has been mostly quiet. I guess maybe village vibes? Not really sure. 
 @CadCom: Good Guy. Apparently one of the more active people. Keep him alive. (In reality, I expect to die tonight. I've run several scenarios, and in each of them, I have at least a 1 in 3 chance of dying based off random chance, and if you factor what I imagine the elim team would do, it's much higher.)

So please look back at this post if I die. It might prove useful. 

1 hour ago, Coffeecat said:

Could it be one of those four and RBM?

At the time I wrote that, my answer would have been no, but now It's definitely a possibility looking back at everything. 

1 hour ago, Coffeecat said:
1 hour ago, CadCom said:

Or did you think the lieutenant won at the end of the day cycle?

This, and Drake being evil.

hm. I feel like it should have been clear from our discussions that it was end of night cycle. Not gonna hold this against you on it's own, but with more evidence, I might. 
A few other things worth noting, If RBM isn't lying, then they had an unlucky scan, but not entirely impossible. Only Drake and an elim needed to target them. Drake knows who is in the Lieut doc, and wouldn't have targeted the claimed Lieut, since they don't have an action. with 8 people left at the time, removing drake and Lieut that's 1 in 6 chance of targeting RBM. If they chose to not target other member of Lieut doc, then 1 in 5. 
An elim wouldn't have targeted their other elim (I expect 2) or the person they knew they were killing. so that's 1 in 5.
I know there's more than just random chance happening here but given just random chance, it's still a 1 in 30 chance of happening or greater. 

If Drake isn't lying AND the above situation didn't occur, then RBM is likely evil, but didn't submit the kill (I think), which was only 50/50, so still better odds than the the situation if Would have poisoned, and killed self, right? This means that the other elim submitted the Kill. Did RBM do an action? If so, what was their action? Sanitation officer just would have obscured their own alignment. (If they used their action- they only have one use, so maybe not) If they are infiltrator, then they just changed their own alignment scan to reflect whatever their intent was) They could also be one of many neutral roles, but then the possibilities are much higher. 

Alright. I'm starting to go down rabbit holes, so I'm gonna stop for a bit 


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2 hours ago, CadCom said:

hm. I feel like it should have been clear from our discussions that it was end of night cycle

You are talking to the person that didn't realize that this game had nights


*Cofi followed Jacks to Relve's room*

*"Talk to me Jacks! Explain yourself!!"*


Did you want that tie? Do you have any reasoning to believe me and bee over Drake? 

Edit: I pressed the submit button after one quote, proving myself as the klutz of the game

Edited by Coffeecat
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30 minutes ago, CadCom said:

@Ashbringer @The Unknown Order 

you two have been unusually quiet today. Thoughts on the game?

I am unusually proud of being called out for flying under the radar, it means my whole mini-Araris shtick is working :P


Honestly, I got a bit caught off guard by realizing D2 could be Exelo, and then Coffee's claim vs Drake's claim took up that day. I'm more used to longer games with more people. I have more of an inclination to believe Drake - mostly because of the initial accidental-PM-gambit, but also because Drake and I had swapped roles during C1, so I knew he was a Steward before D2. (Also I'm not dead, but this game seems to have a lot of roles in it anyway.)

But that also leaves me alongside TUO, and I don't think I trust his silence as much as you probably don't trust the both of ours.

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

The door to Relve's cell slid open and Jacks walked in.

He looked Relve over in silence for a few moments, then spoke.

"You gonna talk?"



No one wants to talk to me? Also I thought ties meant both people were outed


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2 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

No one wants to talk to me? Also I thought ties meant both people were outed

I'll talk to you. Do you stand by your claim that you're a v!research officer?

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3 hours ago, Coffeecat said:

Talk to me Jacks! Explain yourself!!"*


"No, you explain yourself," Jacks replied. "What were you thinking, with this chicken-brained scheme of yours?"


All RP, all the tiiime

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29 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

No, you explain yourself," Jacks replied. "What were you thinking, with this chicken-brained scheme of yours?"

"I believe I have made my stance quite clear, if you refuse to listen that is on you"

"You followed my chicken brained scheme, without you at least we would have done SOMETHING!"

"now, will you explain yourself? Why should I even bother talking to you?"



At least explain yourself in RP, give us something to work with


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9 hours ago, CadCom said:

@Ashbringer @The Unknown Order 

you two have been unusually quiet today. Thoughts on the game?

Just not really compelled to do much. Felt we had a really easy exe RBM then exe Drake (didn't see the Lieutenant stuff until after rollover cause sleep).

I'm also kinda busy, you'll recall I originally signed up to pinch hit. That's because I just moved, and while I could make time, there's just not been much interest this game.

I guess if the elims don't hit the Lieutenant I might be willing to go for Drake, but I'm getting worse vibes from RBM rn so it’ll probably depend on what you guys think and how I feel tomorrow. 

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7 hours ago, Coffeecat said:

"I believe I have made my stance quite clear, if you refuse to listen that is on you"

"You followed my chicken brained scheme, without you at least we would have done SOMETHING!"

"now, will you explain yourself? Why should I even bother talking to you?"

Jacks didn't understand what Cofe was talking about, because he was talking about the plot to steal the escape pod.


I'd explain more but I don't have much time right now. If I survive the night I'll talk about my reasoning. If not... I dunno, I guess Drake did it.


Edited by xinoehp512
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