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LG101: Day Three - GlitchxCity

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LG101: Day Three - GlitchxCity

Roya was certain of it: there was something fishy about Relve.

The way Roya saw it, you could assume the Scadrian saboteurs were all Mistborn, but if you did, then you sort of just accepted the Scadrians could do pretty much anything and hoped for the best. Or you could start with conservative assumptions and see where that got you. If you assumed the Scadrians needed access, seeing as they’d gotten to Comms, and they’d embedded themselves well within the crew of the Fourth Bridge, then you were looking for someone who had connections, and ways of getting contraband on the Fourth Bridge.

That was a small slice of the Fourth Bridge, but instantly placed Relve square in the middle of Roya’s subject pool.

And then, well.

Digging through the personnel records, and the deployment records, and the shipments revealed the smallest inconsistencies. A cargo supposed to contain dried fruit from Theylen mysteriously disappearing between two invoices. Roya wondered if that was how you smuggled contraband onto the Fourth Bridge: a little accounting sleight-of-hand between one requisition and the next invoice, and friends who were willing to switch out the cargoes. 

The prints were all and very well, but on a hunch, Roya siphoned some power and asked the 4B to run a comparison on the Rosharan grid. A couple of hours later, he had his answer: the background belonging to Relve had been recycled from an orbituary buried more than five decades ago in the Kholinar Tribune. Some spacer who’d died before being able to make it out to the Fourth Bridge.

Roya’s eyes were beginning to feel dry and he swore he was hallucinating black spots on the brushed chrome keyboard of his terminal. Grimly, he sipped at his kav and made himself keep on digging. If you dug, sometimes you saw where the story fell apart.

And then he’d gone to the crew with his findings, and no one had believed him.




Relve was certain of it: there was something fishy about Roya.

You developed a sense for it, as a bartender. Sometimes it was the way they carried themselves, the way they looked about them, like they were bristling with energy and ready to start crem. Sometimes it was the speed at which they were knocking back Pan-Vorin Gargleblasters, which told you nothing good was going to come out of it, with how much Horneater Lager went into making that cocktail.

Sometimes the energy in the bar was dark, edgy. You knew people were ginning up for a fight, and that was the point Relve pressed the quiet button that alerted Security. You weren’t supposed to get this drunk and rowdy on the ol’ 4B, but a bunch of things that weren’t really supposed to happen were capable of happening anyway.

Well, he’d had that feeling that night, with the way Roya was staring and nursing his drink, eyes bloodshot and looking like a man who was going to start something, or a guy who hadn’t slept well in weeks. Relve wasn’t too sure about that. He’d asked for a Blackthorn Crusher, neat, which made Relve suck in a startled breath but something about Roya suggested it wasn’t the time to ask if he should be going that hard on the drinking with the night cycle that young.

So he diluted it. Cut it with a little something he smuggled into his sector of the Fourth Bridge, a bunch of tranqs from Medical. The mix wasn’t strictly-speaking legal, but Relve was especially proud of it. Not enough to knock Roya out, mind, but just enough to put him out of whatever mischief he’d set his mind on, make sure it stayed harmless.

‘Course, then Roya’d wobbled about for a while and Relve’d called a security officer to escort him to his quarters. Didn’t remember which one. 4B was teeming with them these days and the last thing he wanted was for Roya to get lost or hurt on the way back. People got jumpy, what with the whispers of Scadrian saboteurs on board the 4B.

And then Roya had gone to the crew, whipping up wild stories about him being a Scadrian saboteur, and the way Relve saw it, well, if you wanted to destroy the 4B, that’s what you did, didn’t you? Take out the guy keeping everyone well-fed, and watered, and who made sure Security had what they needed and Engineering was still keeping together and people were happy. 

Also there wasn’t any way in Braize he was a saboteur, nor was Roya getting up to anything with what Relve’d slipped him.

And no one had believed him.




Ara Ra'Ash stared at the flickering lights. The panel wasn't on the fritz anymore, not since the captain and crew had decided that potential Scadrian infiltrators could be held in the brig instead of the emptiness of space. But the Life Support was still off. All those little adjustments that normally, the ship made on its own. The little niceties that made Ara question why she still had her job in place. Ever since they shoved poor Ayet out the airlock, ever since Aeorin died and proved them right... it wasn't the same.

She'd messed around with the controls before. Seeing how far she could push the air filtration systems in empty rooms before the great shipspren took over and gave its warnings in the form of a small alert and a potential chewing-out from the Captain. But it had always had a gentle tone, correcting a lost child. She'd never had to fight it before.

She did now.

"Come on, 4B, work with me here," she said, rerouting air throughout the ship as the lights flickered from blue-green to yellow-green and every almost-green color in between. She didn't think the Fourth Bridge had appreciated her inner voices' little message, but she also didn't think the shipspren had it out for her. It could have done much worse, like seal her in this room with no food or water, which would have been exceptionally annoying. It hadn't even touched her air supply.

Instead it seemed more inclined to keep her busy, forcing her to focus on ensuring the flow was correct and not... whatever else 4B was up to. It kept trying to change the Life Support - and several other things, she considered—in a few different rooms. The brig was the main one. It seemed split between trying to subtly asphyxiate Relve and Roya and trying to help them. It also kept trying to refill the engine compartment, which had been vented prematurely. Ara wasn't sure, but it also seemed like the Security room also was turning slightly yellow when she wasn't looking. The detonation in Comms made it clear to everyone that there were actually Scadrians aboard.

Ara, I talked to the Fourth again. 

Ara pulled out a set of indicators out of her pocket. She'd been checking them about once every minute for a while, although the kav was starting to fail. But both were still blue. Both of her friends were still alive.

"There's not much more we can do for them, is there?"

I doubt it. Survival only lasts so far. Not without drawing undue attention. Time to calibrate the Reactor perpendicularity?

"Just about. Can't go without a parting gift, can I?" Lieutenant Ara said, a devious smile starting to appear.

Oh rusts, AraRaash…

One indicator blinked. Flickered.

And then it went out.




During the night cycle, the corridor lighting panels leading to the brig were dimmed, as was true for most of the Fourth Bridge

Jacks took the corridor at a run, boots hitting the flooring in a staccato. The air seemed painfully thin, and part of his brain wondered what Life Support was doing. One hand went to his painrial. The lethal fabrial was there as a backup, but he’d the idea that Command’d probably prefer the Scadrians captured alive for interrogation. You couldn’t ask any questions of a corpse.

The security indicator that had silently triggered his alerter continued to go off. 

Faster, he growled. Pushed himself. He was worried he was too late, whatever it was. Ara’s words echoed in his mind, about the difficulty of keeping a Scadrian Mistborn locked up in the brig. Really, if either of Relve or Roya broke out, Jacks privately feared they would struggle to contain them.

And then he came to a stop.

The door to the officer’s lounge was wide open, and a medical officer was kneeling on the floor, administering CPR to the still form of Cofi. Jacks took in the situation quickly. The medical officer was going to do whatever he could. His job then was to secure the area.

He glanced about him, quickly scanning for threats.

A noose dangled from the rafters, near one of the battered old armchairs. There was a stain in the corner, but Jacks figured it was probably food. The officer’s lounge was private, and he’d seen it only a couple of times. It was also ancient enough to have known Honour.

The lounge smelled of smoke, of grease, and an old tune played in the background. He absently recognised it as one of the postwar Parshendi songs that became popular in Thaylen City.

No threat. The scene was secure.

He turned to the medical officer, opening his mouth to ask if the officer needed any help, but the officer was shaking his head, even as the lights in the lounge abruptly grew dimmer, almost-black, and the music shifted. He wasn’t a Listener, but that Rhythm…

Another post-war song, the song of Loss, played on the speakers, and the lights stayed dimmed. The medical officer drew his jacket over Cofi’s face and torso.

Jacks wasn’t superstitious, and he didn’t think of the ol’ 4B the way some of the other bridgemen did, but he had the unmistakeable feeling that the shipspren was agitated by the death.

He had been too late after all.




Coffeecat was a Security Officer!

The Day has begun! It will end in 48 hours at 2330hrs on the 28th July!

Crew Manifest:


1. Aeternum - Intelligence Officer
2. Aeoryi - Radio Officer
3. Coffeecat - Security Officer
4. @Ashbringer
5. @DrakeMarshall
6. @xinoehp512
7. @RoyalBeeMage
8. @The Unknown Order
9. @CadCom


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Posted (edited)

Reminder that the write-up is fiction mixed with a heavy dose of 'Kas-brain-at-2330hrs' and 'Kas is dead tired of writing fight scenes so strike me down with a lightsaber' and shouldn't be taken as a literal guide to the night's events.

Though if you need me to tell you that given both the RBM and Drake sections...


Edited by Kasimir
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Just now, The Unknown Order said:

You were the Lieutenant I suppose?

That was my guess from looking at several of Drakes posts D1 and N1. 

It seems the elims don't want anyone to win except them. Because killing someone other than coffeecat would have been better for them to win quicker and easier.

I think at some point today I'll claim my role, but I want to see a few interactions first. 

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9 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

You were the Lieutenant I suppose?

Yup. For the maybe 2 other people who haven’t figured it out by now. Wasn’t going to claim but we weren’t exactly being subtle about it :P

But, that means I’m Village now. And means I can talk about a few things. I didn’t explicitly get alignments from anyone - would be somewhat of a different story if I did. But, The Unknown Order, I’m relatively curious if you had a better reason for saving Drake than I did, because I was about 70% sure he was Evil at that point…

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2 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Yup. For the maybe 2 other people who haven’t figured it out by now. Wasn’t going to claim but we weren’t exactly being subtle about it :P

But, that means I’m Village now. And means I can talk about a few things. I didn’t explicitly get alignments from anyone - would be somewhat of a different story if I did. But, The Unknown Order, I’m relatively curious if you had a better reason for saving Drake than I did, because I was about 70% sure he was Evil at that point…

...cause I believed him. I didn't and still don't buy RBM’s claim at what was probably LyLo.

Also, why, if you were pretty sure he was evil, aren't you voting him now?

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4 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

...cause I believed him. I didn't and still don't buy RBM’s claim at what was probably LyLo.

Also, why, if you were pretty sure he was evil, aren't you voting him now?

So was it more about RBM than Drake?

Because the main reason I (and Coffee, I think) thought he was Evil was because he was pushing for my win so hard in the doc, even after it became clear that that would force an early Exelo. But now I haven’t won, Coffee’s flipped Village, and I actually have an incentive to think about things.

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Ok. So a quick look at Lylo. We're at 6 players. Which means we'd be at lylo whether the elims lynched a lieutenant doc member or not. By tomorrow's day cycle, we'd be at 2-2 or worse no matter what. 

So that means the kill on coffeecat was for other reasons. (Next in line? too much info? Ruined plans?)

Let's look at everyone:
@Ashbringer: Confirmed village
@DrakeMarshall: Claims RBM lied
@xinoehp512: No strong reads
@RoyalBeeMage: Claims Drake Elim
@The Unknown Order: If drake evil, probably team mate
@CadCom: Good Guy. I'll actually claim now. I'm station captain. That's the real reason I didn't vote last cycle. That and, I was on before rollover, as I usually am, and saw it was tied, so I didn't touch it to push it out one cycle further, plus give me double vote power this cycle. 

I'll do more analysis in a bit. My 2 year old "Wants a clean shirt"

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9 minutes ago, CadCom said:

I'll do more analysis in a bit. My 2 year old "Wants a clean shirt"

Now, does the 2 year old want the clean shirt or does the parent want the clean shirt?

11 minutes ago, CadCom said:

CadCom: Good Guy. I'll actually claim now. I'm station captain. That's the real reason I didn't vote last cycle. That and, I was on before rollover, as I usually am, and saw it was tied, so I didn't touch it to push it out one cycle further, plus give me double vote power this cycle. 

Had a feeling. This is actually really good cause the elims can't hammer if we're spread out. 

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25 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

Now, does the 2 year old want the clean shirt or does the parent want the clean shirt?

38 minutes ago, CadCom said:

Actually, the kid. He is a clean freak. 

Anyways. I'm pretty sure at this point that the easiest place to find an elim is in RBM/Drake. With Coffee dying, it looks like it would either be drake or someone trying to frame Drake at least to me. Which isn't helpful. My gut is saying that the drake alliance is likely the guilty party. And that could be Drake, TUO. I'm probably going to hold off voting for now, but I'm likely to be slower on the weekend, so I may also try to get a vote in before that occurs.

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I do also think we could have a mass claim. We've got roles from Me, CadCom, RBM, and Drake. That leaves TUO and Xino as the odd ones out, and there's probably one more Elim or DA between TUO/Xino/CadCom. RBM and Drake is the better look-through but we've got other options.

@RoyalBeeMage, what does your Research hold this cycle?

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5 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

I do also think we could have a mass claim. We've got roles from Me, CadCom, RBM, and Drake. That leaves TUO and Xino as the odd ones out, and there's probably one more Elim or DA between TUO/Xino/CadCom. RBM and Drake is the better look-through but we've got other options.

@RoyalBeeMage, what does your Research hold this cycle?

It’s inconclusive. By that I mean that I thought that I submitted a name but turned out that because of some weird reason it didn’t actually send. I didn’t realize until now which is when I submitted for the next night cycle. Send it in early so you don’t forget it. He he. This can not make me look good.

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33 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

You know, I don’t think I believe that but I feel like we have other priorities



What the heck else would I be?

But I appreciate your actually trying to solve the pair that almost certainly has an evil in it.

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1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

You know, I don’t think I believe that but I feel like we have other priorities


Hmm. Sorry I don't have as much time on the weekends. Is there a reason you've switched to RBM?

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1 hour ago, CadCom said:

Hmm. Sorry I don't have as much time on the weekends. Is there a reason you've switched to RBM?

Seems like that’s true of a few people…

Consider it encouragement to future Seekers to get their actions in :P

And also I think E!Drake would have let me win, and RBM’s stories don’t entirely line up. And to TUO’s point, we probably shouldn’t ignore the 50-50 on Exelo.

1 hour ago, The Unknown Order said:


What the heck else would I be?

But I appreciate your actually trying to solve the pair that almost certainly has an evil in it.

Idk. Scadrian Infiltrator? Double Agent? 4B? Captain CadCom isn’t a hard guess as the only non-voter last cycle, and you only gave/softed one cycle’s results. But that’s the same as RBM, @xinoehp512 and @DrakeMarshall are still who-knows-where, and I’m trying to organize a Village when I’m not even a Villager.

(I win with the Village, techically I’m more an independent contractor)

Edit: I see you Xino

Edited by Ashbringer
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hello hello it is I

so, with all due respect to everyone involved, wtf

RBM hardclaimed a redscan on me

I hesitate to say this, but at the end of the day that's basically a PoE of 2 right there to anyone who's reasonable. folks should be voting in that right now.

...but here we are with folks voting TUO, who I think is obviously town

after... whatever D2 was.

lynch me if you must, but I think it pretty clearly doesn't help anyone but the Fourth Bridge and the Elims to delay resolving me/RBM

please, please reconsider

that's all for now, stay tuned while I continue to catch up


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Fair, Drake, I'm sorry, but this game around I trust you less. 

To me it seems the main claim you've made beyond you're telling the truth and RBM isn't is that RBM would have known they were essentially at LyLo. And could therefore make a bold claim. Well...same goes to you. You could make a bold defense knowing we were at Lylo. 

@DrakeMarshall who did you target last night?

@xinoehp512 I've seen you lurking a couple times. Care to comment?



RBM (3): Ash, TUO, Drake

Drake (2): CadCom

No votes: RBM, xino

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