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Hi i’m Sophie, very new to the shard

Im a 16 year old girl, (turning 17 in december) from sweden who loves Brandon’s writing

I started reading SA in i believe late 2019, (could have been early 2020, I do not really remember) when a friend insisted the books couldn’t be explained on a short walk and that I had to read them myself. 

I’ve read all of SA, only the first mistborn book and a couple of stand alone books from Brandon.

Im not very well versed in the cosmere and only look up things to figure out if my predictions are true. 


which they actually tend to be, as i figured that the rat in tress of the emerald sea was charlie the second he was introduced

(though i did not research anything in this particular instance and that is not really ABOUT the cosmere, i am aware)

I guess that’s me, glad to join the Shard!

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12 minutes ago, Sophiee said:

Hi i’m Sophie, very new to the shard

Im a 16 year old girl, (turning 17 in december) from sweden who loves Brandon’s writing

I started reading SA in i believe late 2019, (could have been early 2020, I do not really remember) when a friend insisted the books couldn’t be explained on a short walk and that I had to read them myself. 

I’ve read all of SA, only the first mistborn book and a couple of stand alone books from Brandon.

Im not very well versed in the cosmere and only look up things to figure out if my predictions are true. 

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which they actually tend to be, as i figured that the rat in tress of the emerald sea was charlie the second he was introduced

(though i did not research anything in this particular instance and that is not really ABOUT the cosmere, i am aware)

I guess that’s me, glad to join the Shard!


part of me wants to tell you to eat the cookie, even if it’s a bad idea…


what food from the cosmere do you want to eat the most?

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12 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Welcome to the Shard! Who's your least favorite character?

Oh god, that’s a hard question. Do you mean in SA? or in all of Cosmere? or Mistborn? 

I don’t really have a favorite and least favorite, it changes.

In WoK, it was Shallan, just because I found her journey rather boring, but i never disliked her character

In WoR it was Dalniar, not really for any reason but he was the least interesting if i remember correctly.

In Oathbringer it was Kaladin, i didn’t like his stubbornness (that is the one he gets thrown in jail, right?)

in RoW i don’t think i have a favorite or least favorite, hard to choose

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6 hours ago, Sophiee said:

in RoW i don’t think i have a favorite or least favorite, hard to choose

If you can't choose a least favorite, Moash is a good default. Storm that guy.

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