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How To Handle Stormlight RPG Spoilers

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Has it been decided how we’re going to handle any new Stormlight Lore introduced in the Stormlight RPG?

Will the RPG go under a spoiler period like regularly published books do?
Or are we counting it like WOBs regarding backlist titles, where it doesn’t need to be in a spoiler box?

If the RPG is getting a spoiler period, how should preview material be treated before the kickstarter fulfillment when the books go out to backers?

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For what it's worth I'd think it best to treat it similarly as it has similarly potential for spoiler as anything else right? If not more so as it's been confirmed that things like the halfshard spren and oaths will be revealed.

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Yo! Here's how we're doing this for now: 

  • Content from the adventures (Stonewalkers, Bridge 9, etc.) must be clearly tagged/labeled, so that players who haven't finished them yet can avoid it. 
  • Content from the handbooks will be treated like WoBs, and can be untagged anywhere Stormlight or Mistborn respectively can be untagged. 
  • We're going to have to see what's in the world guides, but let's tentatively give them a spoiler period of three months tagged and labeled everywhere when they come out. 
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22 hours ago, AonEne said:

Yo! Here's how we're doing this for now: 

  • Content from the adventures (Stonewalkers, Bridge 9, etc.) must be clearly tagged/labeled, so that players who haven't finished them yet can avoid it. 
  • Content from the handbooks will be treated like WoBs, and can be untagged anywhere Stormlight or Mistborn respectively can be untagged. 
  • We're going to have to see what's in the world guides, but let's tentatively give them a spoiler period of three months tagged and labeled everywhere when they come out. 


quick clarifying question,

Will it be a 3 month spoiler period following the PDF release in Q2 2025 (exact date TBD) or following the fulfillment of physical copies in fall 2025? Or one continuous spoiler period following pdf release until 3 months after physical book fulfillment?

These dates are for the Stormlight books, I assume Mistborn books will follow the pattern set by Stormlight for the Mistborn pdf/book releases in 2026.

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Let's say 3 months after the PDF release, since everyone who ordered a physical copy gets the PDF as well (I know there's a significant contingent of people who prefer/need to read physical, I prefer it myself, but if they want to hold out that long then they might just need to be careful which book spaces they enter until they catch up). 

Yep, Mistborn should follow the same pattern. 

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