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Who the quotes from the Knights of Wind and Truth belong to?

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Doing my reread of Way of Kings, found some potential foreshadowing in favor of Syl:

”Soon you’ll hardly be a spren at all. You’ll be a little translucent philosopher. We’ll have to send you off to a monastery to spend your time in deep, important thoughts.” - Kaladin, to Syl, page 591, WoK.

i keep vacillating cuz I also like Shallan more and more, but if this is the foreshadowing of Syl doing WaT epigraphs that’s actually kind of fire, and Brandon did say he’s got foreshadowing in book one for stuff throughout the 10.

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14 minutes ago, Kesamijr said:

Doing my reread of Way of Kings, found some potential foreshadowing in favor of Syl:

”Soon you’ll hardly be a spren at all. You’ll be a little translucent philosopher. We’ll have to send you off to a monastery to spend your time in deep, important thoughts.” - Kaladin, to Syl, page 591, WoK.

i keep vacillating cuz I also like Shallan more and more, but if this is the foreshadowing of Syl doing WaT epigraphs that’s actually kind of fire, and Brandon did say he’s got foreshadowing in book one for stuff throughout the 10.

Hmmmm. I wonder if the author is an enlightened Syl. She would have been there but wouldn’t remember what occurred. 

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6 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

Hmmmm. I wonder if the author is an enlightened Syl. She would have been there but wouldn’t remember what occurred. 

Oh yeah true I guess so far it’s been written as if the author wasn’t there and written as if the author’s human, so maybe Sylauthor was already dead in the water, but did notice this!

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My main issue with it being Syl is that the author referred to “Kaladin Stormblessed”, not just Kaladin. Yes she is learning to write, but KoWaT doesn’t match her style is talking. She’s too whimsical to write a history, even if she is more serious in recent books. 

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1 minute ago, Lord Spirit said:

My main issue with it being Syl is that the author referred to “Kaladin Stormblessed”, not just Kaladin. Yes she is learning to write, but KoWaT doesn’t match her style is talking. She’s too whimsical to write a history, even if she is more serious in recent books. 

Yeah Syl’s not high on my list of favorite authors either.:/ but I did like reading what felt like foreshadowing to me!🤣

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I think it would be an interesting twist for Syl to undertake enlightenment. She doesn’t feel like she is fitting in with being an honour spren. Enlightened-Syl might have recently experienced a new childhood and wants to reconnect with the story of Non-Enlightened-Syl and Kal. 

We dont really know what enlightenment grants a spren or why sprren have chosen it. But certainly there must be a good reason. 

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Syl was a longshot, but is definitively ruled out now.


"I was not with them. I did not know of their quest.  —From Knights of Wind and Truth, page 10"


That also rules out Shallan and Dalinar who knew of the quest.

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50 minutes ago, the_archduke said:

"I was not with them. I did not know of their quest.  —From Knights of Wind and Truth, page 10"

This basicly ruled out ALL our suspects, because all of them knew about Kal's quest.

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

This basicly ruled out ALL our suspects, because all of them knew about Kal's quest.

Ooh, yeah, I suppose it does rule out Jasnah too then!

I guess it’s back to “Gaz became a philosophical historian” then. LOL

Or some ardent we’ve seen before (one of Jasnah’s correspondences who helped decipher the Eila Stele, perhaps? Or Rushu?)

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I feel like it's Szeth's sister.

In the epigraphs, it didn't mention him as Szeth-son-Neturo or Szeth-son-son-Vallano, just Szeth. I feel like that implies either familiarity with him, or maybe just an ignorance of Shin culture or lack of respect towards Szeth, but I'm leaning towards the first idea.

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@robardin Im sad, because it is probably not His Majesty Prime Aquasix Yanagawn the First, because he will probably know about Kal and Szeth mission, because they literaly write their visit in Azir Oathgate Logs, and he will probably be present on the meeting.

14 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

I'd like to put out Notum. A spren seems likely to "know the wind" and be a historian and philosopher. He didn't know about their quest. It's either some spren or an unknown character.

This actually very good guess. "His" part of Shadesmar is also mor or less Tukar or Azimir, so directions will match.

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I must point out that shallan can't be ruled out yet.


“We’re going to Shinovar with Szeth to scout out what’s happening there, then hunt down Ishar the Herald.”

does shallan know that kaladin will try to heal ishar? that szeth will try to bring justice to the stone shamans? kaladin's hurried explanation was vague enough that there's enough of an argument that she didn't knew their quest

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7 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

This basicly ruled out ALL our suspects, because all of them knew about Kal's quest.

This is real as hell. Still think Shallan could be in there cuz she kind of knows, but not really? And I guess Sigzil by the same measure as well? Jasnah is the queen so probably knows, but yeah this boosts the Veristiralians, a Shin character, Nohadon, A Fused (Leshwi?), Venli, and Lift as guesses to me?

Did we mention Renarin or Rlain as well? Feel in the Sig/Shallan, “what’s their quest” Group? Same with maybe Hesina/Lirin?

Does feel crazy that immediately after I post about the Syl forwshadowing we get the “I did not know of their quest” line though💀love being dragged around theorizing though tbh, I’m having a great time, great chapters!!

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