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My theory’s that valors on Roshar and is the wind,this is probably untrue but maybe?

He thought the voice was syl,so it might be femine,valor is femine,valor is close to /similar tohonor and  Kaladin has exhibited a lot of valor before.(. Fighting pursuer without stormlight,resisting odiums influence,saving elokhar,and others). Not a lot of evidence,but Brandon has had a thing with shards talking to people.(ruin to vin,tanavast cognitive to Dalinar,odium to Dalinar etc)

Edited by Acolyte of Radiance
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I think it would be weird to introduce a new shard at this stage in the story.

From chapter 1 & 2 it seems that the voice can hear him talk and speak with him. I find it more likely to be one of the unmade hijacking connection to communicate with him as they have already been hugely present in the storyline and we know there is one in Shinovar, where Kal seems to be headed.

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Valor getting involved would make some sense, but Valor doesn't seem like a particularly... apologetic Intent? Not sure how to read that.

A few other things to note, is that if the Wind is someone who's been watching Kal for some time, Valor makes less sense as someone who probably is becoming involved post-Harmony's letter.

Another is potential spoilers from a WoB:


iirc there's a WoB or two that we will see the last unnamed Shard getting involved in SA5, or that it will at least be named. So if Valor's a possibility, that one theoretically is as well.


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1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

Valor getting involved would make some sense, but Valor doesn't seem like a particularly... apologetic Intent? Not sure how to read that.

A few other things to note, is that if the Wind is someone who's been watching Kal for some time, Valor makes less sense as someone who probably is becoming involved post-Harmony's letter.

Another is potential spoilers from a WoB:

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iirc there's a WoB or two that we will see the last unnamed Shard getting involved in SA5, or that it will at least be named. So if Valor's a possibility, that one theoretically is as well.


Could you link the wob you're referring to?

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41 minutes ago, GudThymes said:


Could you link the wob you're referring to?

This one, I think:



Not quite as detailed as I’d thought, but the fact it exists post-RoW is interesting. (I’d be curious if there’s an in-world reason #16 hasn’t spoken to Harmony but will come up in WaT; I think the out-of-world reason was more a narrowing down of Intent choice.


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14 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

This one, I think:

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Not quite as detailed as I’d thought, but the fact it exists post-RoW is interesting. (I’d be curious if there’s an in-world reason #16 hasn’t spoken to Harmony but will come up in WaT; I think the out-of-world reason was more a narrowing down of Intent choice.


Personally I read that as confirmation that all 16 will be named via SA5 not that she'll a actually be involved in the story. It definitely makes me question my point about valor but I do still think it could just be via letters or similar rather than direct action.

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