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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

i am a golem... i dont know what else that means. i have not read the rules for golem that much. will be right back after I read that. my alignment is village... i think. my unique rule gives some gray area there.

As a golem myself, I find it rather suspicious that you claim your role gives gray area with your alignment. Your GM PM states your alignment and the respective win condition, no two ways about that. RBM. Also, my gut tells me that there won’t be two village golems, and that Moist is likely a villager, since 8 players is rather low for an elim with vote manip.

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Hi. I am claiming Golem. Hence my reaction to Araris yesterday.


This is my gimmick





One of us is definitely not a Golem. RBM not posting yesterday also means he wouldn't have triggered his gimmick, and therefore would've lost his extra life, no? Don't know when that triggers, though.


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Alright what.
I'm actually willing to believe RBM for now... since that is pretty much the ONLY explanation for their survival i can see. As for their being village... Not sure? I'm sort of suspicious of both Aet and Araris here. this is some wild CCing happening here.

@Aeternum, why do you vote Araris? i would like to hear reasoning

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24 minutes ago, Coffeecat said:

Alright what.
I'm actually willing to believe RBM for now... since that is pretty much the ONLY explanation for their survival i can see. As for their being village... Not sure? I'm sort of suspicious of both Aet and Araris here. this is some wild CCing happening here.

@Aeternum, why do you vote Araris? i would like to hear reasoning

RBM surviving the kill means he is also a Golem (to my knowledge nothing else survives the kill), and I know I am a Golem. Makes me think he's lying.

I considered pushing it yesterday, but didn't feel the need to out myself and wanted to see where his claim was going.

That being said, wouldn't be surprised if there was some cursed distro for a game of this size.

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I find the incredibly high number of potential golems unsettling, and I'm still distrusting of araris (is that text red? I cannot tell) whereas I'm most inclined to believe RBN. I suppose cofeecat makes a good point, but I still think it's sus. Golem makes a good fake claim imo because you don't have any way to be proved wrong unless you die and at that point it doesn't matter.

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Yep that text is red!

It's possible that there are three Golems in the game, but unlikely all three are town. RBM's is confirmed, I'm pretty sure? Correct me if there's another protective role, and I'll check right now. I know I am a town Golem. So from my point of view, Araris's claim is the least likely to be true, and it's possible that one of those two is an elim. RBM also getting vote manip'd makes me think he's more likely town, unless the vote manip person for some reason didn't vote him and still vote manip'd?

But I'd say town, which is probably 6 people, having 3 Golems + a Wizard, making up 2/3 of town, is pretty unlikely.

I gotta check the roleset lol.

Edit: I'm 90% certain RBM has to be a Golem here, and given someone vote manipping him (and Experience flipping town), he's likely town, unless I'm having a skill issue moment. Which makes Araris very likely to be an elim, in my opinion.

Edit edit: I'm skill issuing lol

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Ok I thought about it. Here's where I'm at.

Vote manip guy

- because it's not Experience (wizard) or me (Golem). And both of us who were on RBM wagon, who would be the most likely to have vote manip'd someone onto the wagon.

- It would be surprising if someone on Experience wagon vote manip'd off of the wagon and into the RBM wagon when the ability to move their vote literally exists

- RBM can't be vote manip guy cuz why would he do that to himself. Also was afk all cycle

Therefore, vote manip guy is almost always in Xino/Araris.


Araris/RBM/Aet Golem claims

- I know my role and alignment lol

- 3 town Golems is probably pretty unlikely. One of RBM/Araris is likely an elim. Tbh maybe a difference check (e/v), bc why would both elims claim the same role

- RBM is confirmed Golem (executed but survived)

- Therefore Araris is likely lying, regardless of RBM's alignment. Lying is pretty wolfy. Hence why I'm voting him.



- RBM got vote manip'd into getting killed

- Why would an e!vote manip guy try to kill the cw to a town wagon, instead of the town wagon itself? At least, I assume that's what happened? So vote manip guy is probably town, and RBM can be either (conftown if vote manip is elim, though)??

- Please sanity check me.

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3 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

As a golem myself, I find it rather suspicious that you claim your role gives gray area with your alignment. Your GM PM states your alignment and the respective win condition, no two ways about that. RBM. Also, my gut tells me that there won’t be two village golems, and that Moist is likely a villager, since 8 players is rather low for an elim with vote manip.

See but I do know my alignment but there is gray area… next cycle will make things clearer hopefully.

3 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Hi. I am claiming Golem. Hence my reaction to Araris yesterday.

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This is my gimmick





One of us is definitely not a Golem. RBM not posting yesterday also means he wouldn't have triggered his gimmick, and therefore would've lost his extra life, no? Don't know when that triggers, though.


I don’t know if I lost a life. I need to check…

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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

See but I do know my alignment but there is gray area… next cycle will make things clearer hopefully.


I think next cycle will indeed clear up your alignment :P

If you’re a Golem, what’s your rule? I’m curious.


Edit: I do think there’s some possibility of secret rules, or even Neutral ones (DEATH?). But I don’t think we can do what we happened in the LG and stall for an extra cycle. That didn’t end well.

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20 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:


I think next cycle will indeed clear up your alignment :P

If you’re a Golem, what’s your rule? I’m curious.


Edit: I do think there’s some possibility of secret rules, or even Neutral ones (DEATH?). But I don’t think we can do what we happened in the LG and stall for an extra cycle. That didn’t end well.

my rule requires me to claim a different alignment each time depending on even or odd numbers. i know my alignment and that is the gray area.

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2 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

my rule requires me to claim a different alignment each time depending on even or odd numbers. i know my alignment and that is the gray area.

How would that work? You have to claim elim half the time and town half the time? Huh.

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5 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Araris/RBM/Aet Golem claims

- I know my role and alignment lol

- 3 town Golems is probably pretty unlikely. One of RBM/Araris is likely an elim. Tbh maybe a difference check (e/v), bc why would both elims claim the same role

- RBM is confirmed Golem (executed but survived)

- Therefore Araris is likely lying, regardless of RBM's alignment. Lying is pretty wolfy. Hence why I'm voting him.

This… doesn’t add up. You say I’m likely lying, but don’t give any evidence. In particular, is it impossible that there are 2 village golems and one elim one? I’ll note that the fact you’re making the argument makes me lean village on you, since if I’m telling the truth, my role gets proven and yours comes into doubt (on the premise that 3 golems doesn’t make sense).

Of course, if I get exed then I can stop with having to change my vote all the time, since the extra life will be gone already. Gonna revote RBM with my next post.

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1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

This… doesn’t add up. You say I’m likely lying, but don’t give any evidence. In particular, is it impossible that there are 2 village golems and one elim one? I’ll note that the fact you’re making the argument makes me lean village on you, since if I’m telling the truth, my role gets proven and yours comes into doubt (on the premise that 3 golems doesn’t make sense).

Of course, if I get exed then I can stop with having to change my vote all the time, since the extra life will be gone already. Gonna revote RBM with my next post.

RBM could be an elim Golem, yeah whoops. One of us three is either a) lying or b) elim (or c) both!). Knowing my role & alignment, you two look like a juicy difference check to me.

RBM does actually flip on this one, so I'm going to RBM, rather than wasting two cycles flipping you.

I do think that RBM's weird gimmick claim doesn't make a lot of sense given what gimmick you claimed and what gimmick I claimed, though.

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3 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

I do think that RBM's weird gimmick claim doesn't make a lot of sense given what gimmick you claimed and what gimmick I claimed, though.

Thanks for posting; RBM. Not too sure what the gimmicks might be, but I don't know how much that matters in RBM's case, since there is no way around him being a golem. I'm also a bit worried that some weird distro stuff could be going on, but the lack of a third death/kill attempt suggests that there is no elim Librarian, which 3 village golems would point me toward.

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Ajfkskgl I forgot he is confirmed Golem despite writing it in my post.

3 town Golems feels unlikely given all the other roles possible, but again, maybe this is a cursed distro.

Although, having 3 town Golems feels like a lot of anti kill power?

Edit: There's also the question of the wagon yesterday, and whether an elim was pushing it. Maybe RBM is just bait lol.

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Alright, I approve of this Exe. Isn't it nice when we can all work together? Although I am suspicious when all the leading figures agree to vote the same person, usually if the executee is Elim we will get at least some pushback! 

Either way, RBM dying today would give us a lot of information, I don't really think he is the Elim here, but I'm willing to give it a go.

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46 minutes ago, Coffeecat said:

Alright, I approve of this Exe. Isn't it nice when we can all work together? Although I am suspicious when all the leading figures agree to vote the same person, usually if the executee is Elim we will get at least some pushback! 

Either way, RBM dying today would give us a lot of information, I don't really think he is the Elim here, but I'm willing to give it a go.

Obligatory RBM to Coffee switch. Have to say this sounds really hedgy. You approve of the exe, but are suspicious of it. You don't think RBM is elim, but are willing to kill him anyway. C'mon, we can do better than that. And could you specify what you mean by "RBM dying today will give us a lot of information"? Either RBM is elim or village. What sort of info, in your opinion, do we stand to gain in either of these circumstances?

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You know how my post was supposed to be read, cmon. I am not sure about RBM being evil, but I'm ok with it happening since RBM flipping would give us a point of reference on who else might be Elim. If RBM is good, then it casts a negative light on the other golems, if he is evil, then yay! And I would feel better about trusting Araris and Aet. I didn't think I would need to explain that knowing RBMs alignment would give us more of an idea on who else might be evil or not. 

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3 minutes ago, Coffeecat said:

You know how my post was supposed to be read, cmon. I am not sure about RBM being evil, but I'm ok with it happening since RBM flipping would give us a point of reference on who else might be Elim. If RBM is good, then it casts a negative light on the other golems, if he is evil, then yay! And I would feel better about trusting Araris and Aet. I didn't think I would need to explain that knowing RBMs alignment would give us more of an idea on who else might be evil or not. 

Right so you want to kill me to find out who the other elims are?

*start’s British sarcasm* Great plan! Really good idea.

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5 minutes ago, Coffeecat said:

That's usually how votes go, I'm not saying you are village, I was just leaning village on you. At this point I prefer knowing your alignment for certain.

Do what you want. It’s not like I can really stop you.

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