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To all the high rep people

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how long have you been on the forums and how long does it take to build high reputation? is it purely just if people like your stuff alot, or does it truly depend on how long you've been on the site

just wondering!

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Not sure if I qualify for this, but the majority of my rep was probably gotten in 1-2ish years (I came back recently after a several year absence). I used to post in the Forum Games a crazy amount, so I think that prolificness probably was the main contributor. My actual post count is probably a fair bit higher than what it shows, they quit counting posts in the Forum Games a few months after I joined. Right now, I think status updates are what a lot of people get their rep from.

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It's gonna be some of both, right? People give rep for many different reasons, but generally in the theme of liking what the post says. And as you're around longer, that will accumulate and you'll gain more. Being active helps, but so does making great posts that others will enjoy. Neither is a guarantee; there are plenty of people who've been here for years and not gained a ton of rep, and also plenty of newer people who rise fairly quickly. 

But also remember that your reputation count isn't a measure of who you are as a person, or even how popular you are or how many friends you have! You can be awesome even without having much rep.

Also, don't ever post solely trying to get rep, or spamming; we will shut that down. Just make posts naturally and be thoughtful, and remember that whether you get upvotes or not, we're happy to have you here! 

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4 hours ago, Cerulean said:

how long have you been on the forums and how long does it take to build high reputation? is it purely just if people like your stuff alot, or does it truly depend on how long you've been on the site

just wondering!

The reputation points are just a fun game, nothing more. They have no real meaning, no real value, we don't judge anyone based on their reputation - it's just a little title from books we all love appearing under your name. Don't attach too much value to it, it ain't worth it, it's just a number. It's fun to see your titles change and wonder what's next, but you'll soon forget it's even there and miss many of those changes. 

Just be yourself and have fun on the forum. Post your thoughts, write about stuff you like, but don't try to please the masses just to gain more rep. We appreciate honesty and kindness, insightful posts, fun theories and new perspectives - and you will get likes for posts like this. Eventually you will rise through the reputation ranks if you’re just active enough. It might take a few months or a few years to get a thousand points, but as long as you stay with us, you will get there one day. 

But again, it's just a number. 

If you want to check what reputation titles awaits you in the future, you can find them here: https://www.17thshard.com/forums/topic/7084-new-reputation-levels/?do=findComment&comment=116468

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