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An Interesting Death Rattle

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I was looking at the death rattles and I came across this one: 

He must pick it up, the fallen title! The tower, the crown, and the spear!

 The fallen title might be the shard of Honor. The spear probably represents Kaladin, the crown Dalinar, and the tower Navani. The other 2 are bondsmiths so does this mean that Kaladin will become the third? Maybe he goes to the Nightwatcher along the way to Shinovar or something? The spear could also represent another bridgeman. I don't quite know what this means, but it seems interesting.

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If anything it suggests the opposite - that Kaladin will lose his title (arguably he already did, no longer a leader in the army) as will Jasna (the crown) and Dalinar (the Tower, representing leadership of the Knights Radiant at Urithiru). The better question is who would be a plausible candidate for any of that? Personally I can’t think of any answers.

But the placement of “the spear” hardly suggests that Kaladin is about to pick up new titles. 

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2 hours ago, coolsnow7 said:

If anything it suggests the opposite - that Kaladin will lose his title (arguably he already did, no longer a leader in the army) as will Jasna (the crown) and Dalinar (the Tower, representing leadership of the Knights Radiant at Urithiru). The better question is who would be a plausible candidate for any of that? Personally I can’t think of any answers.

I hadn't thought of it that way. Szeth is the closest I can think of for someone who could pick up the titles, but even he isn't a good fit.

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6 minutes ago, SPECTRE120 said:

I hadn't thought of it that way. Szeth is the closest I can think of for someone who could pick up the titles, but even he isn't a good fit.

I posted a dark horse theory that there will be a bunch of shardic intent reshuffling and Szeth will wind up as a single shard but with combination Honor + Odium intent - except instead of War, the intent will be Vengeance. The mechanism for these changes would be the Change Dawnshard. 

Idk doesn’t fit this Death Rattle but it’s along the same lines. 

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Oooh I’m intrigued by this death rattle. I don’t think it’s already happened—although maybe you could argue Dalinar refounding the Knights Radiant (fallen title), reclaiming Urithiru (tower), becoming its king (crown), and prosecuting the war (maybe spear?) could possibly fit—so what could it be? Perhaps everything goes insanely awry and someone has to pick up the title of Champion, reforging the coalition after something goes wrong with the tower and the crown (the spear may already be available to be claimed…). But who?

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