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MR70 - Cycle Three: Second Time's the Charm

Just start talking


RoyalBeeMage has died! They were a Golem Citizen of Ankh-Morpork!

Xinoehp512 was attacked but survived! 

Some Things to Note:

  • PMs are closed! You must use an action to open them.
  • Ties will kill all players involved.
  • This cycle will end in two days at 12:00 PM Central Time on Monday the 19th of August 
  • Have fun!


  1. @Aeternum the silent and stoic type, apparently 
  2. @Coffeecat as In the watchiest of Watchmen
  3. @xinoehp512 as Lobsang of the History Monks. No, not that one, no not that one either.
  4. @Ashbringer as Schroedinger's AraRaash, who looks a little out of place
  5. @Araris Valerian as Reg Shoe for whom mostly dead really is slightly alive
  6. @RoyalBeeMage You can call them... nobody Golem Citizen of Ankh-Morpork 
  7. @Experiencealmost late but worth the wait! Wizard Citizen of Ankh-Morpork
  8. @Lego Mistborn who is so new his character doesn't exist yet


Edited by The Unknown Order
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I'm really confused why people are going for Ash, wasn't Aet the one pushing for RBM and Araris. I'm actually thinking I want Aet dead for this sudden shift. It is like you just need someone to vote who isn't you. 


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Coffeecat. I said last cycle that it didn't make sense for Aeternum to be elim, and I stand by that. In particular, why would e!Aeternum claim golem last cycle while implying that at least one golem must be elim? I'm just guessing that there's an e!Librarian, and nobody has violated enough of the rules to actually get hit by the kill. That would balance out having a bunch of village golems.

4 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

I stand by my vote from last time round. Araris

Could you remind me why this is a vote you feel strongly about? I don't recall you making a significant argument as to why I'm suspicious. And if you refuse to reconsider, who do you think might be my partner?

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26 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Could you remind me why this is a vote you feel strongly about? I don't recall you making a significant argument as to why I'm suspicious. And if you refuse to reconsider, who do you think might be my partner?

I know for a fact that there can't be 4 golems, and of the claimants: RBN is dead, and proven, Atarnum could be elim too, but just hasn't triggered my distrust yet, you however very early made the claim for no reason, which cuffee also noticed back in cycle one, and you were probably most eager in killing RCM (Yes, I know I voted Ezp, but I didn't argue for or against him, I just voted someone), and then there's me, I know my role, but you all don't, so I understand suspicion at me claiming late. My hope would be that you realize I'm not claiming to try and make it clear I'm innocent, but if not, I propose a 3-way execution between all of us golem claimants. At lest one, maybe two of us are lying, and the liars are probably Elim.

YOLO, unless you're a golem, then YOLT.

Edit: not to mention you're a zombie, so you can't be a Golem.

Edited by Lego Mistborn
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12 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

I know for a fact that there can't be 4 golems

Coffee. How do you know this for a fact? I certainly don't have any special insight into the role distribution. TUO could quite easily just be trolling us all. I played a blackout game a while back where every single villager had a kill and an extra life.

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5 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Coffee. How do you know this for a fact? I certainly don't have any special insight into the role distribution. TUO could quite easily just be trolling us all. I played a blackout game a while back where every single villager had a kill and an extra life.

You quibble, but I don't truly know for a fact. I'd say it's fairly certain, and the fact that you only had that to say just adds to my suspicion. You're deflecting instead of giving me an actual reason not to be suspicious.

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42 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

You quibble, but I don't truly know for a fact. I'd say it's fairly certain, and the fact that you only had that to say just adds to my suspicion. You're deflecting instead of giving me an actual reason not to be suspicious.

Coffee. If your logic is flawed, I would say that constitutes a reason to not be suspicious. But if you're just going to tunnel on me, I'll engage with the other players and hopefully make some progress solving the game.

I'd wager the elims are in xino/Coffee/Ash, so I'm fairly happy to exe anywhere in there. 

Edited by Araris Valerian
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I haven't seen any extra shots, so I'm guessing we're in a world without Librarian.

We now have 4 people with Golem claims, 1 who is dead town. Great spot for an elim to be hiding, but it's unlikely there's more than one elim in Araris/Lego Mistborn. Proposing a 3-way execution is an interesting proposition that I think could benefit the elims a lot more than town, so I'm a bit hesitant to go there right now, honestly?

@Lego Mistborn , what did you mean by "you're a zombie"?

Xino is possibly a Golem (that gives us 5 Golems), possibly was protected by a Wizard (which would give us 2 town Wizards likely, I'm not sure how reasonable that is, but Coffee/Ash would have to be a Wizard then)? Orrrr is maybe Lord Vetinari (no idea how that role works but I see text indicating can't die)?

We still have vote manip guy around here somewhere - I was guessing at it being Xino, but I have no idea. I've been considering asking for claims, but I don't know if that's necessary right now. Worth noting.

Not really sure if I want to take another look at my possible diff check on Araris/RBM, kind of worried about Araris since Golem is possibly the best role for an elim to claim, and he chose to claim extremely early for some reason. Outside of that, I like his solving and posts, so, eh.

I more or less have a reason to townlean everyone other than Ashbringer right now, iirc, so that's where I'm at.















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8 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

If your logic is flawed, I would say that constitutes a reason to not be suspicious. But if you're just going to tunnel on me

Point to me where my logic is flawed. All you have done so far is deflect and refuse to actually rebut my suspicions. And if I'm tunnelling, provide me with options. Nobody else has triggered my spidey sense, not Exo, Not royel bee mage, not eternum, not cofee, not zino. I'm open to other options of course, but the more you just deflect, the less open I become. And I'm not the only one who's been suspicious of you, just the only one who didn't jump on the RBN wagon.


4 hours ago, Aeternum said:

@Lego Mistborn , what did you mean by "you're a zombie"?

Just a joke on Arrarris playing Reg Shoe, who is a zombie. Not actual evidence at all.


4 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Proposing a 3-way execution is an interesting proposition that I think could benefit the elims a lot more than town, so I'm a bit hesitant to go there right now, honestly?

How so? Any townsfolk in that group would be golems so it's not wiping anyone out. I think the benefit of finding out who's lying about golem-hood is worth it.

4 hours ago, Aeternum said:

I more or less have a reason to townlean everyone other than Ashbringer right now, iirc, so that's where I'm at.

Lack of evidence to the contrary is hardly a good reason to target someone when there is evidence otherwhere. Or maybe I just missed something, like I said, I'm open to evidence against other people.

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1 hour ago, Lego Mistborn said:

How so? Any townsfolk in that group would be golems so it's not wiping anyone out. I think the benefit of finding out who's lying about golem-hood is worth it.

It would be open to elims messing up the vote since they have more info, and also there is mois somewhere who might also mess up the tie if they are involved 



I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow I'm going to have a well composed idea of what I think is happening

I hope

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1 hour ago, Lego Mistborn said:

How so? Any townsfolk in that group would be golems so it's not wiping anyone out. I think the benefit of finding out who's lying about golem-hood is worth it.

It also would take the extra life away from all of us who are Golems, making it easier for the elims to kill us in the future. There's a possibility of there being an e!Golem too, in which case it wouldn't confirm all the Golems as town. I see where you're coming from with this suggestion, but I don't know if it's worth going there right now? Stuff like this isn't something I'm good at, so if anyone weighs the pros and cons and comes to a conclusion on whether it's worth it or not, lmk.

Can you summarize why you're suspecting Araris?

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2 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Point to me where my logic is flawed.

Well, your suspicion seems based on my early claim C1, and the fact that there are 4 golem claims. The problem with that is I got RBM killed for being a golem. Why would an elim claim to have a role, then exe someone on the assumption that at least one of said role is elim? That's exactly why I think Aet (and you) are village. It's a terrible strategy, because if the plan is "exe all the golems until someone flips red", eventually I (and you and Aet) would be on the chopping block.

My alternatives are Coffee/xino/Ash, like I said. I think all the golems are village (not inherently, but because all of them have tried to exe other golems based on there being too many) so that just leaves those three. I've been intermittently voting Coffee as a non-golem that keeps voting for golems.

The reason I claimed C1 was so that I could justify randomly changing my votes every post. I was also hoping an elim might think I was faking the claim and take a shot at me.

7 hours ago, Aeternum said:

I haven't seen any extra shots, so I'm guessing we're in a world without Librarian.

I'm worried that there could be a Librarian, and it's just been the case that thus far nobody has triggered 2/3 of the conditions to be a viable target.

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48 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

It's a terrible strategy, because if the plan is "exe all the golems until someone flips red", eventually I (and you and Aet) would be on the chopping block.

There's mostly likely only one elim Golem claimant if there is one. All it would take is for them to not be the first to die, considering how low numbers are (it's 4 v 2 rn, I think), they just need time to pick off anyone who hasn't claimed Golem and is town, which it possibly what the Xino attack was about. Flipping in the Golems gives them time, since actual Golems take 2 cycles to flip. That's also partially why I don't want to waste an elim within the Golems today, since it would just benefit the elims to go down to mylo (3 v 2) tomorrow, as I doubt Xino would protected twice in a row, and is probably town getting attacked by elims, unless anyone wants to claim the shot lol.

Anyways I lost my point somewhere there, but pushing Golems isn't really towny because "yeah but I could flip at some point" because realistically the elims don't need a lot of time to win here.

Hopefully that makes sense?

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1 hour ago, Aeternum said:

It also would take the extra life away from all of us who are Golems, making it easier for the elims to kill us in the future. There's a possibility of there being an e!Golem too, in which case it wouldn't confirm all the Golems as town.

Fair, my thought was just that anyone who isn't a golem but claims to be is also probably an elim. And I wanted to make it clear that I'm open to testing my own claim.

1 hour ago, Aeternum said:

Can you summarize why you're suspecting Araris?

  • I don't think there was a good reason to claim so early if actually a golem. I wouldn't have claimed the role yet except it felt necessary to make my case.
  • The attack on RBN was really unnecessary imo, he was kind of leading the charge there
  • A lot of it is just a hunch, but my hunch was right about RCM, so I trust it until more evidence arises.
  • However, it's much the same as the reasons you initially suspected him last cycle, so if you have any reason why you changed your mind, it might change mine.

If we want to exec cofee or someone else (other than me, duh) because she's sus to you, I won't get in the way of that. I'm also gonna step back a bit because again, I'm not experienced, my ideas should be taken with a grain of salt, etc.

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:


You can stop changing you vote XD, you already did it once.

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

I've been intermittently voting Coffee as a non-golem that keeps voting for golems

If we do this I will likely join that vote.

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm worried that there could be a Librarian, and it's just been the case that thus far nobody has triggered 2/3 of the conditions to be a viable target.

Absolutely, it is unlikely anyone would have received two yesterday, I've really only seen you changing your vote, and there hasn't been much editing of posts.


I'm gonna lie low for a while, just listen, like a good golem.

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If no one is claiming a shot on Xino, I am assuming Xino is town for basically eating the NK. Please claim the shot if you shot Xino, thanks.

I'm town. That means Ash/Coffee/Lego Mistborn/Araris holds 2 elims.

Lego Mistborn reads as very towny off of today, and looking back, I can see a potential softing post as well, so I don't really have a reason to believe he's lying other than my super cool stash of tinfoils that I'm leaving alone.

So that's leaving me with Ash/Coffee/Araris.

Araris claimed Golem, and although he's definitely the type of player to snow me, I'm going to believe in him for today, and I would still rather not flip a Golem claim today on the chance that we just don't get a flip and then have mylo (I think) tomorrow. Now, if we were super confident in Ash/Coffee/Araris, we could vote Araris today to drop his extra life, making him a viable choice tomorrow. But realistically, that doesn't matter - Ash/Coffee should hold at least one elim, and hitting the elim today would be huge.

So that's leaving Ash/Coffee, and while I don't know if I'd call that a solid solve, that is where I'm voting.

Coffee kind of always reads as wolfy to me, if I'm remembering how I felt about her in the LG and the whatever the other game was, so I'm not sold on her flipping elim, and I think Ash is more likely an elim when I read back.

I don't remember why I changed my mind on Araris last cycle, I think I just logically drew the wrong conclusion and assumed he was lying, since I retracted it after he asked about it.

I did just have a thought that I'm possibly very wrong on both elims claiming Golem would be not smart, because again, time is kind of on their side right now, and it's easy to skate by with the Golem claim and then later say "well why would both elims claims Golem" if we were to flip an elim Golem/"Golem". Am I overthinking? That kind of plays into my Lego Mistborn tinfoil as well lol.

Which would leave me at some sort of (Ash/Coffee) + idk, or exactly Araris/Lego Mistborn if I'm thinking about this right.

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48 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

No, my rule is that I have to change my vote every single post. Coffee

My bad. My scroll didn't account for processing other rules, it only told me how to follow my rule.

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21 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

TUO could quite easily just be trolling us all. I played a blackout game a while back where every single villager had a kill and an extra life.

We can't just work under this assumption.


22 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Coffeecat. I said last cycle that it didn't make sense for Aeternum to be elim, and I stand by that. In particular, why would e!Aeternum claim golem last cycle while implying that at least one golem must be elim?

The reason they claimed golem is so that they could vote on the other golems. Elims want us villagers to exe the golems, so they can be then NKd. Thats how i would go about it.

I am both suspicious of Aet and Araris here. I do wonder if they aren't partners. this would be a very wild play but something that could come out of Araris. Claim Golem at the start so no one wants to vote him. then have their teammate claim as well in order to throw suspicion on the real town golem, who claimed before Aet. 

Its a bit tinfoily but it kinda works for me. for now. I'm following Lego here. Araris.

Im not even sure araris is really a golem. even an evil golem.


Xino is soft confirmed in my eyes. I wish they were not active than just

On 8/22/2024 at 5:31 AM, xinoehp512 said:

Well! 🧐


8 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

I'm not experienced, my ideas should be taken with a grain of salt, etc.

Nah you are doing good here. interacting with claims, acting on your suspicions. Trust yourself. I am leaning Village on you. but if you are evil i would say your teammate has to be Aet or Ash.


Hasn't been very active so i cant read ANYTHING. which is suspicions by itself. Don't know how to feel about them. I don't see why Aet immediately went for them though. 


7 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Coffee kind of always reads as wolfy to me, if I'm remembering how I felt about her in the LG and the whatever the other game was, so I'm not sold on her flipping elim, and I think Ash is more likely an elim when I read back.

Sadly, i always read wolfy to everyone.

It seems their only reasoning for ash is: don't really suspect anyone else as much. which is fair enough.

However their pushiness and switching around left me with a sour taste in my mouth. They were sure one of the golems was Elim, but only for long enough to get RBM killed.



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1 hour ago, Coffeecat said:

The reason they claimed golem is so that they could vote on the other golems. Elims want us villagers to exe the golems, so they can be then NKd. Thats how i would go about it.

Coffee. (note this vote retraction is temporary and doesn't in any way reflect my suspicion of Coffee).

The problem with this logic is that it opens up Aet as the next exe. Logically, if at least one golem is elim, then anyone who claims to be a golem is placing themselves squarely in the POE. I think an argument can be made that even 2 village golems might be more than we'd expect, so e!Aet could just have voted on me for that reason without claiming to begin with. Also, the elims aren't going to NK the golems that survive the exe (most likely). They will leave those slots unresolved so that we have to waste a second exe on them. Especially if the POE of all golem claims contains an elim, like you are proposing it does. As an experienced elim, I can tell you that you never want to use the NK on someone who there is reasonable suspicion of (unless you can't avoid it due to a dangerous role or something similar).

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