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More Titles

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Titles are fun, but a lot of books have come out since they were updated, and so we have a lot of new things that could be titles. AFAIK no titles have been added since 2014. I'm trying to put together a list of all the titles that could be added. For reference, these are all the Cosmere books that have come out since 2014:

Shadows of Self
The Bands of Mourning
Mistborn SH
White Sand V. 1-3
Sixth of the Dusk
Rhythm of War
The Lost Metal
Sunlit Man


These are the titles we already have:


10000+ God Beyond - Cosmere Realmatics
9000 9999 Adonalsium - Cosmere Realmatics
8500 8999 Hero of Ages - Scadrial | M:E1
8192 8499 The Broken One - Roshar | SA
7800 8191 Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7500 7799 Splintered Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7200 7499 Splinter - Cosmere Realmatics
6800 7199 Dragon - Yolen | Dragonsteel (Lumar | Tress)
6400 6799 Stormfather - Roshar | SA
6000 6399 Herald - Roshar | SA
5700 5999 Sliver - Cosmere Realmatics
5350 5699 Nightwatcher - Roshar | SA
5000 5349 Worldhopper - Cosmere Realmatics
4750 4999 God of Color - Nalthis | Warbreaker
4500 4749 Lord Ruler - Scadrial | M:E1
4250 4499 Unmade - Roshar | SA
4096 4249 Dawnshard - Cosmere Realmatics
3761 4095 Prime - Roshar | SA
3500 3760 Lerasium Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
3250 3499 Bondsmith - Roshar | SA
3000 3249 Voidbringer - Roshar | SA
2750 2999 Knight Radiant - Roshar | SA
2500 2749 Most Ancient - Roshar | SA
2250 2499 Steel Inquisitor - Scadrial | M:E1
2048 2249 Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
1900 2047 Tarachin Superstar - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1800 1899 Dawnsinger - Roshar | SA
1700 1799 Rambleman - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1600 1699 Savant - Cosmere Realmatics
1550 1599 Gerontarch - Roshar | SA
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Roshar | SA
1450 1499 Listener - Roshar | SA
1400 1449 Enefel - Sel | Elantris
1370 1399 Kalad's Phantom - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1338 1369 Compounder - Scadrial | Mistborn
1337          So l337 Hoid Can't Compete - Cosmere Realmatics
1300 1336 Surgebinder - Roshar | SA
1260 1299 Radiant Squire - Roshar | SA
1220 1259 Kandra - Scadrial | Mistborn
1180 1219 Twinborn - Scadrial | M:E2
1145 1179 Returned - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1111 1144  Scadrian Waffle Cook - Scadrial | M:E0
1080 1110 Stone Shaman - Roshar | SA
1050 1079 Cryptic - Roshar | SA
1024 1049 Honorspren - Roshar | SA
1000 1023 Sentient Awakened Object
980 999 Truthless - Roshar | SA
950 979 Highprince - Roshar | SA
920 949 Worldbringer - Scadrial | M:E0
890 919 Full Feruchemist - Scadrial | M:E1
860 889 Full Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
830 859 Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
800 829 Seer - Scadrial | M:E1
777 799 Spinner - Scadrial | M:E2
760 776 Wyrn the King - Sel | Elantris
730 759 Elantrian - Sel | Elantris
700 729 Originator - Scadrial | M:E2
667 699 Svrakiss - Sel | Elantris
666       Torturer of Heralds - Roshar | SA
650 665 Shade - Threnody | Hell (Canticle | Sunlit)
625 649 Soulcaster - Roshar | SA
600 624 Forger - Sel | Rose
575 599 Dakhor Monk - Sel | Elantris
550 574 Lord Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
512 549 King's Wit - Roshar | SA
496 511 Son of Honor - Roshar | SA
475 495 Vanisher - Scadrial | M:E2
450 474 King's Tester - Roshar | SA
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
400 424 Envisager - Roshar | SA
375 399 Artifabrian - Roshar | SA
350 374 Ferring - Scadrial | M:E2
325 349 Stormwarden - Roshar | SA
300 324 Bloodsealer - Sel | Rose
278 299 Silent Gatherer - Roshar | SA
256 277 Misting - Scadrial | Mistborn
225 255 Arbiter - Sel | Rose
200 224 Gyorn - Sel | Elantris
180 199 High Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
160 179 Oldblood - Roshar | SA
145 159 Cobalt Guard - Roshar | SA
128 144 Hazekiller - Scadrial | M:E1
110 127 Forescout - Threnody | Hell
100 109 Houselord - Scadrial | M:E1
90 99 Babsk - Roshar | SA
80 89 Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
75 79 Arteth - Sel | Elantris
70 74 Idrian Monk - Nalthis | Warbreaker
64 69 Obligator - Scadrial | M:E1
56 63 Lighteyes - Roshar | SA
50 55 Grand - Sel | Rose
45 49 Noble - Sel | Elantris
40 44 Crew Leader - Scadrial | M:E1
32 39 Ardent - Roshar | SA
25 31 Pahn Kahl - Nalthis | Warbreaker
20 24 Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker
16 19 Noble-Blooded - Scadrial | M:E1
10 15 Bridgeman - Roshar | SA
7 9 Spearman - Roshar | SA
5 6 Darkeyes - Roshar | SA
2 4 Skaa - Scadrial | M:E1
0 1 Spren - Roshar | SA

I completely understand that the admins are busy and have other things to do, so please don't pester them about adding this; they are doing a great job already. In no particular order, here are the new titles. I've given rough ideas of where some of them should go, but it's very hard to order these things, because titles are a bit wonky (For example, compounder is below listener, which doesn't make much sense to me).
Minor spoilers for all Cosmere works

General Cosmere:


10000+ God Beyond - Cosmere Realmatics
9000 9999 Adonalsium - Cosmere Realmatics
7800 8191 Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7500 7799 Splintered Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7200 7499 Splinter - Cosmere Realmatics
5700 5999 Sliver - Cosmere Realmatics
5000 5349 Worldhopper - Cosmere Realmatics
4096 4249 Dawnshard - Cosmere Realmatics
1600 1699 Savant - Cosmere Realmatics
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Multiple | Cosmere Realmatics
1337          So l337 Hoid Can't Compete - Cosmere Realmatics

  • Avatar - should probably be just below shard
  • Vessel - somewhere around splinter
  • Worldsinger
  • Silverlight Scholar
  • Silverlight Native



8192 8499 The Broken One - Roshar | SA
6400 6799 Stormfather - Roshar | SA
6000 6399 Herald - Roshar | SA
5350 5699 Nightwatcher - Roshar | SA
4250 4499 Unmade - Roshar | SA
3761 4095 Prime - Roshar | SA
3250 3499 Bondsmith - Roshar | SA
3000 3249 Voidbringer - Roshar | SA
2750 2999 Knight Radiant - Roshar | SA
2500 2749 Most Ancient - Roshar | SA
1800 1899 Dawnsinger - Roshar | SA
1550 1599 Gerontarch - Roshar | SA
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Roshar | SA
1450 1499 Listener - Roshar | SA
1300 1336 Surgebinder - Roshar | SA
1260 1299 Radiant Squire - Roshar | SA
1080 1110 Stone Shaman - Roshar | SA
1050 1079 Cryptic - Roshar | SA
1024 1049 Honorspren - Roshar | SA
980 999 Truthless - Roshar | SA
950 979 Highprince - Roshar | SA
860 889 Full Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
830 859 Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
666       Torturer of Heralds - Roshar | SA
625 649 Soulcaster - Roshar | SA
512 549 King's Wit - Roshar | SA
496 511 Son of Honor - Roshar | SA
450 474 King's Tester - Roshar | SA
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
400 424 Envisager - Roshar | SA
375 399 Artifabrian - Roshar | SA
325 349 Stormwarden - Roshar | SA
278 299 Silent Gatherer - Roshar | SA
160 179 Oldblood - Roshar | SA
145 159 Cobalt Guard - Roshar | SA
90 99 Babsk - Roshar | SA
56 63 Lighteyes - Roshar | SA
32 39 Ardent - Roshar | SA
10 15 Bridgeman - Roshar | SA
7 9 Spearman - Roshar | SA
5 6 Darkeyes - Roshar | SA
0 1 Spren - Roshar | SA

  • Singer - Lower rank
  • Fused - Kind of overlaps with Voidbringer, so somewhere around there
  • Sleepless - High rank
  • Ancient Guardian
  • Enlightened Spren
  • Trademaster
  • Vizier



8500 8999 Hero of Ages - Scadrial | M:E1
4500 4749 Lord Ruler - Scadrial | M:E1
3500 3760 Lerasium Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
2250 2499 Steel Inquisitor - Scadrial | M:E1
2048 2249 Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
1338 1369 Compounder - Scadrial | Mistborn
1220 1259 Kandra - Scadrial | Mistborn
1180 1219 Twinborn - Scadrial | M:E2
1111 1144  Scadrian Waffle Cook - Scadrial | M:E0
920 949 Worldbringer - Scadrial | M:E0
890 919 Full Feruchemist - Scadrial | M:E1
800 829 Seer - Scadrial | M:E1
777 799 Spinner - Scadrial | M:E2
700 729 Originator - Scadrial | M:E2
550 574 Lord Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
475 495 Vanisher - Scadrial | M:E2
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
350 374 Ferring - Scadrial | M:E2
256 277 Misting - Scadrial | Mistborn
180 199 High Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
128 144 Hazekiller - Scadrial | M:E1
100 109 Houselord - Scadrial | M:E1
80 89 Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
64 69 Obligator - Scadrial | M:E1
40 44 Crew Leader - Scadrial | M:E1
16 19 Noble-Blooded - Scadrial | M:E1
2 4 Skaa - Scadrial | M:E1

  • Survivorist
  • Maskless/Denier of Masks
  • Airship Captain - Low rank
  • Sword of Harmony - high rank, maybe right below lord ruler?
  • Hidden Guard
  • Sequence
  • Suit
  • Man of Gold and Red - High rank because of how cool they are
  • Pathian
  • TimeTeller
  • Paranatural Detective



1400 1449 Enefel - Sel | Elantris
760 776 Wyrn the King - Sel | Elantris
730 759 Elantrian - Sel | Elantris
667 699 Svrakiss - Sel | Elantris
600 624 Forger - Sel | Rose
575 599 Dakhor Monk - Sel | Elantris
300 324 Bloodsealer - Sel | Rose
225 255 Arbiter - Sel | Rose
200 224 Gyorn - Sel | Elantris
75 79 Arteth - Sel | Elantris
50 55 Grand - Sel | Rose
45 49 Noble - Sel | Elantris

  • ChayShan Master - Right below Dakhor Monk?
  • Ire - highish rank
  • Resealer - somewhere around Forger
  • Potioneer



4750 4999 God of Color - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1900 2047 Tarachin Superstar - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1700 1799 Rambleman - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1370 1399 Kalad's Phantom - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1145 1179 Returned - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1000 1023 Sentient Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker
70 74 Idrian Monk - Nalthis | Warbreaker
25 31 Pahn Kahl - Nalthis | Warbreaker
20 24 Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker

  • Biochroma Scholar - Lowish rank
  • Lifeless - very low rank
  • Priest of the Iridescent Tones



6800 7199 Dragon - Yolen | Dragonsteel (Lumar | Tress)

  • Sho Del - Lowish rank



650 665 Shade - Threnody | Hell (Canticle | Sunlit)
110 127 Forescout - Threnody | Hell

  • Admiral of the Night Brigade - very high rank
  • Fortfolk


  • Spore Eater
  • King's Mask
  • Doug - needs to be 0
  • Sprouter
  • Aether Fabrian


  • Nightmare Painter
  • Yoki-Hijo - High rank
  • Kihomaban - Low rank
  • Central Soldier
  • IMS Scholar
  • I think it'd be funny if for exactly 1,618 rep (the golden ratio) that there was a rank like "Dramascope Specialist" or something


  • Charred
  • Lodestar
  • Sunlit One
  • Greater Good

First of the Sun:

  • One Above
  • Aviar Trapper
  • Home Isler


  • Aetherbound
  • Prime Aether - probably somewhere around shard, maybe slightly below?


  • Acolent - Low rank
  • Mastrell - Maybe 1 or 2 below Mistborn?
  • Sand Lord - very high rank, maybe just above or below god of color
  • Taisha - right above Houselord
  • Trackt - Lower rank
  • A'kar - High rank
  • Starcarved
  • Darksider
  • Fen
  • Lestrell
  • Realmatic Scholar

Can anyone else think of new titles? Please don't mention every single spren or things like that; be realistic in what would actually be a title. Thanks to @Treamayne for helping with the formatting. 

Edited by SPECTRE120
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12 hours ago, SPECTRE120 said:

(Minor spoilers for all the books mentioned)

Maybe edit the title to mention Minor Spoilers - all published works?

12 hours ago, SPECTRE120 said:

I'm trying to put together a list of all the titles that could be added.

I think it's important to start with what we have


10000+ God Beyond - Cosmere Realmatics
9000 9999 Adonalsium - Cosmere Realmatics
8500 8999 Hero of Ages - Scadrial | M:E1
8192 8499 The Broken One - Roshar | SA
7800 8191 Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7500 7799 Splintered Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7200 7499 Splinter - Cosmere Realmatics
6800 7199 Dragon - Yolen | Dragonsteel (Lumar | Tress)
6400 6799 Stormfather - Roshar | SA
6000 6399 Herald - Roshar | SA
5700 5999 Sliver - Cosmere Realmatics
5350 5699 Nightwatcher - Roshar | SA
5000 5349 Worldhopper - Cosmere Realmatics
4750 4999 God of Color - Nalthis | Warbreaker
4500 4749 Lord Ruler - Scadrial | M:E1
4250 4499 Unmade - Roshar | SA
4096 4249 Dawnshard - Cosmere Realmatics
3761 4095 Prime - Roshar | SA
3500 3760 Lerasium Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
3250 3499 Bondsmith - Roshar | SA
3000 3249 Voidbringer - Roshar | SA
2750 2999 Knight Radiant - Roshar | SA
2500 2749 Most Ancient - Roshar | SA
2250 2499 Steel Inquisitor - Scadrial | M:E1
2048 2249 Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
1900 2047 Tarachin Superstar - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1800 1899 Dawnsinger - Roshar | SA
1700 1799 Rambleman - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1600 1699 Savant - Cosmere Realmatics
1550 1599 Gerontarch - Roshar | SA
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Roshar | SA
1450 1499 Listener - Roshar | SA
1400 1449 Enefel - Sel | Elantris
1370 1399 Kalad's Phantom - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1338 1369 Compounder - Scadrial | Mistborn
1337          So l337 Hoid Can't Compete - Cosmere Realmatics
1300 1336 Surgebinder - Roshar | SA
1260 1299 Radiant Squire - Roshar | SA
1220 1259 Kandra - Scadrial | Mistborn
1180 1219 Twinborn - Scadrial | M:E2
1145 1179 Returned - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1111 1144  Scadrian Waffle Cook - Scadrial | M:E0
1080 1110 Stone Shaman - Roshar | SA
1050 1079 Cryptic - Roshar | SA
1024 1049 Honorspren - Roshar | SA
1000 1023 Sentient Awakened Object
980 999 Truthless - Roshar | SA
950 979 Highprince - Roshar | SA
920 949 Worldbringer - Scadrial | M:E0
890 919 Full Feruchemist - Scadrial | M:E1
860 889 Full Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
830 859 Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
800 829 Seer - Scadrial | M:E1
777 799 Spinner - Scadrial | M:E2
760 776 Wyrn the King - Sel | Elantris
730 759 Elantrian - Sel | Elantris
700 729 Originator - Scadrial | M:E2
667 699 Svrakiss - Sel | Elantris
666       Torturer of Heralds - Roshar | SA
650 665 Shade - Threnody | Hell (Canticle | Sunlit)
625 649 Soulcaster - Roshar | SA
600 624 Forger - Sel | Rose
575 599 Dakhor Monk - Sel | Elantris
550 574 Lord Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
512 549 King's Wit - Roshar | SA
496 511 Son of Honor - Roshar | SA
475 495 Vanisher - Scadrial | M:E2
450 474 King's Tester - Roshar | SA
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
400 424 Envisager - Roshar | SA
375 399 Artifabrian - Roshar | SA
350 374 Ferring - Scadrial | M:E2
325 349 Stormwarden - Roshar | SA
300 324 Bloodsealer - Sel | Rose
278 299 Silent Gatherer - Roshar | SA
256 277 Misting - Scadrial | Mistborn
225 255 Arbiter - Sel | Rose
200 224 Gyorn - Sel | Elantris
180 199 High Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
160 179 Oldblood - Roshar | SA
145 159 Cobalt Guard - Roshar | SA
128 144 Hazekiller - Scadrial | M:E1
110 127 Forescout - Threnody | Hell
100 109 Houselord - Scadrial | M:E1
90 99 Babsk - Roshar | SA
80 89 Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
75 79 Arteth - Sel | Elantris
70 74 Idrian Monk - Nalthis | Warbreaker
64 69 Obligator - Scadrial | M:E1
56 63 Lighteyes - Roshar | SA
50 55 Grand - Sel | Rose
45 49 Noble - Sel | Elantris
40 44 Crew Leader - Scadrial | M:E1
32 39 Ardent - Roshar | SA
25 31 Pahn Kahl - Nalthis | Warbreaker
20 24 Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker
16 19 Noble-Blooded - Scadrial | M:E1
10 15 Bridgeman - Roshar | SA
7 9 Spearman - Roshar | SA
5 6 Darkeyes - Roshar | SA
2 4 Skaa - Scadrial | M:E1
0 1 Spren - Roshar | SA

Then we break that up by Shardworld to verify what is covered, what is not (and what may be "condensed"[1]). Example "adds" are bulletted at the end of each section:



10000+ God Beyond - Cosmere Realmatics
9000 9999 Adonalsium - Cosmere Realmatics
7800 8191 Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7500 7799 Splintered Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7200 7499 Splinter - Cosmere Realmatics
5700 5999 Sliver - Cosmere Realmatics
5000 5349 Worldhopper - Cosmere Realmatics
4096 4249 Dawnshard - Cosmere Realmatics
1600 1699 Savant - Cosmere Realmatics
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Multiple | Cosmere Realmatics
1337          So l337 Hoid Can't Compete - Cosmere Realmatics

  • Avatar
  • Vessel



8192 8499 The Broken One - Roshar | SA
6400 6799 Stormfather - Roshar | SA
6000 6399 Herald - Roshar | SA
5350 5699 Nightwatcher - Roshar | SA
4250 4499 Unmade - Roshar | SA
3761 4095 Prime - Roshar | SA
3250 3499 Bondsmith - Roshar | SA
3000 3249 Voidbringer - Roshar | SA
2750 2999 Knight Radiant - Roshar | SA
2500 2749 Most Ancient - Roshar | SA
1800 1899 Dawnsinger - Roshar | SA
1550 1599 Gerontarch - Roshar | SA
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Roshar | SA
1450 1499 Listener - Roshar | SA
1300 1336 Surgebinder - Roshar | SA
1260 1299 Radiant Squire - Roshar | SA
1080 1110 Stone Shaman - Roshar | SA
1050 1079 Cryptic - Roshar | SA
1024 1049 Honorspren - Roshar | SA
980 999 Truthless - Roshar | SA
950 979 Highprince - Roshar | SA
860 889 Full Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
830 859 Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
666       Torturer of Heralds - Roshar | SA
625 649 Soulcaster - Roshar | SA
512 549 King's Wit - Roshar | SA
496 511 Son of Honor - Roshar | SA
450 474 King's Tester - Roshar | SA
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
400 424 Envisager - Roshar | SA
375 399 Artifabrian - Roshar | SA
325 349 Stormwarden - Roshar | SA
278 299 Silent Gatherer - Roshar | SA
160 179 Oldblood - Roshar | SA
145 159 Cobalt Guard - Roshar | SA
90 99 Babsk - Roshar | SA
56 63 Lighteyes - Roshar | SA
32 39 Ardent - Roshar | SA
10 15 Bridgeman - Roshar | SA
7 9 Spearman - Roshar | SA
5 6 Darkeyes - Roshar | SA
0 1 Spren - Roshar | SA

  • Singer
  • Fused
  • Sleepless



8500 8999 Hero of Ages - Scadrial | M:E1
4500 4749 Lord Ruler - Scadrial | M:E1
3500 3760 Lerasium Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
2250 2499 Steel Inquisitor - Scadrial | M:E1
2048 2249 Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
1338 1369 Compounder - Scadrial | Mistborn
1220 1259 Kandra - Scadrial | Mistborn
1180 1219 Twinborn - Scadrial | M:E2
1111 1144  Scadrian Waffle Cook - Scadrial | M:E0
920 949 Worldbringer - Scadrial | M:E0
890 919 Full Feruchemist - Scadrial | M:E1
800 829 Seer - Scadrial | M:E1
777 799 Spinner - Scadrial | M:E2
700 729 Originator - Scadrial | M:E2
550 574 Lord Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
475 495 Vanisher - Scadrial | M:E2
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
350 374 Ferring - Scadrial | M:E2
256 277 Misting - Scadrial | Mistborn
180 199 High Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
128 144 Hazekiller - Scadrial | M:E1
100 109 Houselord - Scadrial | M:E1
80 89 Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
64 69 Obligator - Scadrial | M:E1
40 44 Crew Leader - Scadrial | M:E1
16 19 Noble-Blooded - Scadrial | M:E1
2 4 Skaa - Scadrial | M:E1

  • Survivorist
  • Maskless
  • Airship Crew



1400 1449 Enefel - Sel | Elantris
760 776 Wyrn the King - Sel | Elantris
730 759 Elantrian - Sel | Elantris
667 699 Svrakiss - Sel | Elantris
600 624 Forger - Sel | Rose
575 599 Dakhor Monk - Sel | Elantris
300 324 Bloodsealer - Sel | Rose
225 255 Arbiter - Sel | Rose
200 224 Gyorn - Sel | Elantris
75 79 Arteth - Sel | Elantris
50 55 Grand - Sel | Rose
45 49 Noble - Sel | Elantris

  • ChayShan Master
  • Ire
  • Resealer



4750 4999 God of Color - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1900 2047 Tarachin Superstar - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1700 1799 Rambleman - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1370 1399 Kalad's Phantom - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1145 1179 Returned - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1000 1023 Sentient Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker
70 74 Idrian Monk - Nalthis | Warbreaker
25 31 Pahn Kahl - Nalthis | Warbreaker
20 24 Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker

  • Biochroma Scholar
  • Lifeless



6800 7199 Dragon - Yolen | Dragonsteel (Lumar | Tress)



650 665 Shade - Threnody | Hell (Canticle | Sunlit)
110 127 Forescout - Threnody | Hell

Hope that helps. Lots more ideas (including the books not derived from this list) but I don't want to spam them all out. 

[1] - For example, Noble-Blooded and Noble are a bit redundant, when just "Noble" could reference Scadrial, Nalthis, Sel and Lumar. . . 

12 hours ago, SPECTRE120 said:

Please don't mention every single spren or things like that

If anything, things like this could be by category (emotion spren, radiant spren, greater spren) similar to obligator/prelan/high prelan. .  .

Edited by Treamayne
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2 hours ago, alder24 said:

I'm all for it, but Wind and Truth will be released in around 3 months, how about we at least wait for it before updating ranks? 

I don't think the point is to update ranks. From the OP:

17 hours ago, SPECTRE120 said:

I completely understand that the admins are busy and have other things to do, so please don't pester them about adding this

I thought the point was to brainstorm possibilities so that if and when the admins/mods are ready to update the ranks, they will have a resource already compiled to draw from and ideas to consider. Such as:

  • Doug needs to be 0
  • Combining close duplicates like Prelan/High Prelan or Noble/Noble-blooded to make space for new ranks
  • 1618 needs to be a Virtuosity reference (1.618 - Golden Ratio)
  • etc.

I don't think we even need to put them in order (though maybe suggesting low-mid-high) - just have a list of Ranks and ideas.

Edited by Treamayne
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Things will be updated sometime. I've wanted to do that for a while. 

I would expect the highest tier to increase to fit in more things.

Lots of good things to fit in, though! TimeTeller definitely has to be one. I love the titles that make people say, "Wait... what even is this?"

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I did start working on an overhaul a while back, at the same time as the other profile changes we did, but haven't worked on that in a bit due to getting busy with other stuff. 😅 I have been looking at previous requests and this is a good resource too, thanks! 

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On 8/21/2024 at 6:11 PM, SPECTRE120 said:

General Cosmere:

  Hide contents

10000+ God Beyond - Cosmere Realmatics
9000 9999 Adonalsium - Cosmere Realmatics
7800 8191 Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7500 7799 Splintered Shard - Cosmere Realmatics
7200 7499 Splinter - Cosmere Realmatics
5700 5999 Sliver - Cosmere Realmatics
5000 5349 Worldhopper - Cosmere Realmatics
4096 4249 Dawnshard - Cosmere Realmatics
1600 1699 Savant - Cosmere Realmatics
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Multiple | Cosmere Realmatics
1337          So l337 Hoid Can't Compete - Cosmere Realmatics

  • Avatar - should probably be just below shard
  • Vessel - somewhere around splinter
  • Worldsinger
  • Silverlight Scholar
  • Silverlight Native


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8192 8499 The Broken One - Roshar | SA
6400 6799 Stormfather - Roshar | SA
6000 6399 Herald - Roshar | SA
5350 5699 Nightwatcher - Roshar | SA
4250 4499 Unmade - Roshar | SA
3761 4095 Prime - Roshar | SA
3250 3499 Bondsmith - Roshar | SA
3000 3249 Voidbringer - Roshar | SA
2750 2999 Knight Radiant - Roshar | SA
2500 2749 Most Ancient - Roshar | SA
1800 1899 Dawnsinger - Roshar | SA
1550 1599 Gerontarch - Roshar | SA
1500 1549 Midnight Essence - Roshar | SA
1450 1499 Listener - Roshar | SA
1300 1336 Surgebinder - Roshar | SA
1260 1299 Radiant Squire - Roshar | SA
1080 1110 Stone Shaman - Roshar | SA
1050 1079 Cryptic - Roshar | SA
1024 1049 Honorspren - Roshar | SA
980 999 Truthless - Roshar | SA
950 979 Highprince - Roshar | SA
860 889 Full Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
830 859 Shardbearer - Roshar | SA
666       Torturer of Heralds - Roshar | SA
625 649 Soulcaster - Roshar | SA
512 549 King's Wit - Roshar | SA
496 511 Son of Honor - Roshar | SA
450 474 King's Tester - Roshar | SA
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
400 424 Envisager - Roshar | SA
375 399 Artifabrian - Roshar | SA
325 349 Stormwarden - Roshar | SA
278 299 Silent Gatherer - Roshar | SA
160 179 Oldblood - Roshar | SA
145 159 Cobalt Guard - Roshar | SA
90 99 Babsk - Roshar | SA
56 63 Lighteyes - Roshar | SA
32 39 Ardent - Roshar | SA
10 15 Bridgeman - Roshar | SA
7 9 Spearman - Roshar | SA
5 6 Darkeyes - Roshar | SA
0 1 Spren - Roshar | SA

  • Singer - Lower rank
  • Fused - Kind of overlaps with voidbringer, so somewhere around there
  • Sleepless - High rank
  • Ancient Guardian
  • Heavenly One/Shanay-im - Not sure if we need it if we already have Fused
  • Deepest One/Makay-im - wait I just realized that there are also things called deepest ones on Threnody.
  • Reacher - Right around Honorspren and Cryptic
    • Recommend removing individual Spren / Fused names and combining as Fused, Radiant Spren, etc. just like we use Misting rather than Thug, Tineye, etc.
  • Enlightened Spren
  • Trademaster
  • Vizier


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8500 8999 Hero of Ages - Scadrial | M:E1
4500 4749 Lord Ruler - Scadrial | M:E1
3500 3760 Lerasium Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
2250 2499 Steel Inquisitor - Scadrial | M:E1
2048 2249 Mistborn - Scadrial | M:E1
1338 1369 Compounder - Scadrial | Mistborn
1220 1259 Kandra - Scadrial | Mistborn
1180 1219 Twinborn - Scadrial | M:E2
1111 1144  Scadrian Waffle Cook - Scadrial | M:E0
920 949 Worldbringer - Scadrial | M:E0
890 919 Full Feruchemist - Scadrial | M:E1
800 829 Seer - Scadrial | M:E1
777 799 Spinner - Scadrial | M:E2
700 729 Originator - Scadrial | M:E2
550 574 Lord Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
475 495 Vanisher - Scadrial | M:E2
425 449 Ghostblood - Scadrial, Roshar | SA, M:E2
350 374 Ferring - Scadrial | M:E2
256 277 Misting - Scadrial | Mistborn
180 199 High Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
128 144 Hazekiller - Scadrial | M:E1
100 109 Houselord - Scadrial | M:E1
80 89 Prelan - Scadrial | M:E1
64 69 Obligator - Scadrial | M:E1
40 44 Crew Leader - Scadrial | M:E1
16 19 Noble-Blooded - Scadrial | M:E1
2 4 Skaa - Scadrial | M:E1

  • Survivorist
  • Maskless/Denier of Masks
  • Airship Captain - Low rank
  • Sword of Harmony - high rank, maybe right below lord ruler?
  • Hidden Guard
  • Sequence
  • Suit
  • Man of Gold and Red - High rank because of how cool they are
  • Pathian
  • TimeTeller
  • Paranatural Detective
    • Remove Spinner/Seer as we have Misting and Ferring


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1400 1449 Enefel - Sel | Elantris
760 776 Wyrn the King - Sel | Elantris
730 759 Elantrian - Sel | Elantris
667 699 Svrakiss - Sel | Elantris
600 624 Forger - Sel | Rose
575 599 Dakhor Monk - Sel | Elantris
300 324 Bloodsealer - Sel | Rose
225 255 Arbiter - Sel | Rose
200 224 Gyorn - Sel | Elantris
75 79 Arteth - Sel | Elantris
50 55 Grand - Sel | Rose
45 49 Noble - Sel | Elantris

  • ChayShan Master - Right below Dakhor Monk?
  • Ire - highish rank
  • Resealer - somewhere around Forger
  • Potioneer


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4750 4999 God of Color - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1900 2047 Tarachin Superstar - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1700 1799 Rambleman - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1370 1399 Kalad's Phantom - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1145 1179 Returned - Nalthis | Warbreaker
1000 1023 Sentient Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker
70 74 Idrian Monk - Nalthis | Warbreaker
25 31 Pahn Kahl - Nalthis | Warbreaker
20 24 Awakened Object - Nalthis | Warbreaker

  • Biochroma Scholar - Lowish rank
  • Lifeless - very low rank
  • Priest of the Iridescent Tones


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6800 7199 Dragon - Yolen | Dragonsteel (Lumar | Tress)

  • Sho Del - Lowish rank
  • Horwatcher?


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650 665 Shade - Threnody | Hell (Canticle | Sunlit)
110 127 Forescout - Threnody | Hell

  • Admiral of the Night Brigade - very high rank
  • Fortfolk


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  • Spore Eater
  • King's Mask
  • Doug - needs to be 0
  • Sprouter
  • Aether Fabrian


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  • Nightmare Painter
  • Yoki-Hijo - High rank
  • Kihomaban - Low rank
  • Central Soldier
  • IMS Scholar
  • I think it'd be funny if for exactly 1,618 rep (the golden ratio) that there was a rank like "Dramascope Specialist" or something


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  • Charred
  • Lodestar
  • Sunlit One
  • Greater Good

First of the Sun:

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  • One Above
  • Aviar Trapper
  • Home Isler


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  • Aetherbound
  • Prime Aether - probably somewhere around shard, maybe slightly below?


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  • Acolent - Medium  Low rank (in story - this is the lowest rank of any profession)
  • Mastrell - Maybe 1 or 2 below Mistborn?
  • Sand Lord - very high rank, maybe just above or below god of color
  • Taisha - right above Houselord
  • Trackt - Lower rank
  • A'kar - High rank
  • Starcarved
  • Darksider
  • Fen
  • Lestrell
  • Realmatic Scholar


More ideas added

Edited by Treamayne
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