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7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH!

7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH!

7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH!

7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH!

7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH!

7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH! 

7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

Richard glances around, secretly smiling. PREACH BOI, PREACH! 


I did not mean to send the same message like 5 times...


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9 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Oh, but here's the thing: I would argue that people who are into sports, or makeup, or anything that mainstream are in fact nerds. They don't admit it because the general connotation of that word from a bygone era was negative. But we're in a new era now. An era where being a nerd is cool. And those people who are super into sports, or makeup, or fishing, or whatever it may be; they have just as much a vested interest in those hobbies that another person might have into Brandon Sanderson's works. 

"We're in a new era, ladies and gentlemen, where everyone is a nerd, whether they realize it or not. Unless they have no hobbies, in which case they're boring. And our good friend Edema Rue is anything but boring."

"That's a good point, actually. Though, if you insist that everyone is a nerd, then what is the point of the term at all?  If everyone counts as a nerd, then there is no point in insisting Eddie is a nerd, because it's already implied. Your quest to prove Eddie's nerdy-ness disproves your point about the universal nature of the term. The fact that we are having this argument means that your 'new era' is not as realized as you like."

"Not to mention the definition of the term nerd implies obsession and intense interest, one can be a casual enjoy-er of a hobby--thus doing something with their free time but not qualifying as a nerd."

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3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"That's a good point, actually. Though, if you insist that everyone is a nerd, then what is the point of the term at all?  If everyone counts as a nerd, then there is no point in insisting Eddie is a nerd, because it's already implied. Your quest to prove Eddie's nerdy-ness disproves your point about the universal nature of the term. The fact that we are having this argument means that your 'new era' is not as realized as you like."

"Not to mention the definition of the term nerd implies obsession and intense interest, one can be a casual enjoy-er of a hobby--thus doing something with their free time but not qualifying as a nerd."

"I never said the new era was realized. It is the unfortunate truth that the world still does not understand what the word truly means. This includes Eddie. As I said from the beginning, it would be nice to get her legal status as a nerd ratified, so then we can move on to the psychological aspect of it."

He looked to the wider room. "Most of us here generally consider ourselves nerds, of one thing or another. We know it's a good thing. So why does the wider world look down on it? What mental stigmas still exist around that status? And have those stigmas taken root inside Eddie?

"I was called here as an attorney, but really, what the world needs are therapists. And pioneers. To change the way the world looks at the term 'nerd'."

He turned back to JM. "We're arguing semantics, but let's place that aside for a moment. By my definition, or even by any definition, would you say Eddie is a nerd?"

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

He turned back to JM. "We're arguing semantics, but let's place that aside for a moment. By my definition, or even by any definition, would you say Eddie is a nerd?"

"No, because she does not want to be. You speak of a world where there is no negative stigma with the term, and people can be freely excepted as what they want to be. Then, you should respect that Eddie does not consider herself a nerd."

"Going back to definition, a nerd is 'extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a particular subject, especially one of specialist or niche interest,' as I just said, Eddie could be a casual enjoyer of books and other media--being a nerd implies an extreme. Not to mention the 'one of specialist of niche interest,' part. If you know Eddie at all, then you know she has many interests."

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:


"As I said earlier, for the intents and purposes of this case, utilizing the common definitions thrown around by pop culture, and the connotations associated with them, is not feasible. Because it is impossible to concretely define the term "nerd" without falling into an argument over semantics, we're going with the definition I provided; the definition that most of the people in the community of the Shard would associate with the word. Trying to differentiate between a 'nerd' and a 'geek' in this courtroom is going to get us nowhere, because I believe they effectively point to the same definition for our purposes."

"The jury would still like to hear opposing definitions. One attorney cannot determine what definition will be used throughout the entire case. The judge should receive definitions from both sides, then come to a conclusion of what will be used.

1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

Prosecution makes their opening statement, defense makes their opening statement. Prosecution calls up first witness, questions witness, defense questions witness, prosecution calls up next witness, repeats until prosecution has no witnesses. Then defense calls their witnesses and the same pattern continues the other direction. Once all witnesses have spoken, jury deliberates

Objections I remember:

Leading the witness - trying to get a very specific answer from a witness

Relevance - trying to get irrelevant information from witness

Hearsay - asking for secondhand information

Almond that's good for you to know too



To clarify, leading the witness is only applied to the directing attorney (pros. questioning the pros.'s witness or def. questioning the def.'s witness). When cross-examining the witness (pros. questioning the def.'s witness or vice versa) you usually ask only yes or no questions, meaning that any question would be leading. However, leading the witness is allowed in cross-examination. Also, ONLY THE OPPOSING ATTORNEY CAN CALL OBJECTIONS!

more objections (please note that these are summaries of the objection, if you want to know more, go to this site):

Compound question: Attorneys can only ask one question at a time, not multiple in one question.

Argumentative: Attorney's CANNOT MAKE AN ARGUEMENT WHEN DIRECTING OR CROSSING A WITNESS! IT IS NOT ALLOWED! Save your arguments for your opening and closing statements, and let your questions (and the witness's answers) make your argument for you.

Asked and Answered: You cannot ask the same question to the same witness multiple times

Outside the Scope of Re-direct/Re-cross: In the secondary direct (re-direct) you can only ask questions relating to what was brought up in the cross-examination. In the secondary cross-examination (re-cross) you can only ask questions relating to what was brought up in re-direct

 -Important note: In the first cross examination, you can ask questions relating to the direct, but you can also ask questions not relating to the direct.

Non-responsive Witness: If a witness doesn't actually answer the question (ie, dancing around the answer but not answering it) an attorney can object and repeat the question (if the judge sustains that objection)

More Prejudicial than Probative: This one is annoying to explain, and likely will not be used because the burden of proof is so high, but if you want to know, follow my prior instructions to find the site with the objections on it

Narrative: The witness cannot just talk without the attorney asking questions. The attorney asks questions, the witness answers them. Once (s)he is done answering the question, (s)he stops talking and the attorney can dismiss them or ask another question. If a question calls for a narrative (ex. "What happened the day of the murder?") than the opposing attorney can object on terms of the directing attorney calling for a narrative

Foundation: you can't go from 0-100 immediately. The witness must prove that they know enough info for their testimony to be useful (this must be done through answers to prior questions of the attorney questioning them)

Speculation/Personal Knowledge: The attorney cannot call upon a witness to speculate. The witness's testimony must be their own personal knowledge, not what they think happened (unless they are an expert witness, but we're gonna ignore that for this "trial"

Character Evidence: We're gonna ignore this one cause this is a trial about Eddie's character

Hearsay: gonna clarify this. Statements made outside of the court cannot be used as evidence (ie, you can't have JM testify of what Eddie said, Eddie has to testify of it). If you want that statement to be useable as evidence, call the person that originally said it to confirm or deny if they said it.

This took waaaaaay too long to type up.

53 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Richard's mouth drops open. "Did the judge just leave... to go to the zoo? yipes, i knew this job was stressful, but come on!"

"It's alright, I'm also the bailiff."



I probably would not recommend the rules of mock trial for this because it wouldn't work very well. I would just do this as a fake trial without general rules.


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1 minute ago, Immortal Platypus said:

I probably would not recommend the rules of mock trial for this because it wouldn't work very well. I would just do this as a fake trial without general rules.


That's what I've been saying this whole time


17 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"No, because she does not want to be. You speak of a world where there is no negative stigma with the term, and people can be freely excepted as what they want to be. Then, you should respect that Eddie does not consider herself a nerd."

"Going back to definition, a nerd is 'extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a particular subject, especially one of specialist or niche interest,' as I just said, Eddie could be a casual enjoyer of books and other media--being a nerd implies an extreme. Not to mention the 'one of specialist of niche interest,' part. If you know Eddie at all, then you know she has many interests."

"It appears as though my way of thinking does not align with yours, after all. I had thought you were on my side, but you have shown otherwise.... You are dismissed."

Is it spreading? Why doesn't Eddie want to be a nerd? Why does everyone in this courtroom want to argue over the definition?

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20 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

I probably would not recommend the rules of mock trial for this because it wouldn't work very well. I would just do this as a fake trial without general rules.


I agree, I'm not smart enough for rules

16 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


"It appears as though my way of thinking does not align with yours, after all. I had thought you were on my side, but you have shown otherwise.... You are dismissed."

Is it spreading? Why doesn't Eddie want to be a nerd? Why does everyone in this courtroom want to argue over the definition?


WAIT I THOUGHT I WAS ON THE DEFENSE?? I wasn't on your side.

"Well damn," She said as she stepped down. "Alright then."

Edited by J. Magi
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