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"Order in the court! The accused stands before us being accused of the awesomeness that is Nerdism. How do you plead?"


Oh gosh hope I get everyone...

@Edema Rue @The Bookwyrm  @Spark of Hope @WhyEverNot_8 @Immortal Platypus @TheRavenHasLanded @Wierdo

Edited by Exotic Almond
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1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Order in the court! The accused stands before us being accused of the awesomeness that is Nerdism. How do you plead?"

@Edema Rue @The Bookwyrm  @Spark of Hope @WhyEverNot_8 @J. Magi @Immortal Platypus


1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:



Yes but not actually part of the case more watching

Unless you could be a-



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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Richard stands. "Once you are done with this absurdity, please leave as this is a RESPECTABLE COURTROOM. We do COURTROOM THINGS. THIS IS NOT A COURTROOM THING."


"Sir could you please not yell. I will have you removed if this behavior continues."

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Richard stands. "Once you are done with this absurdity, please leave as this is a RESPECTABLE COURTROOM. We do COURTROOM THINGS. THIS IS NOT A COURTROOM THING."


"But they've got the official smart people, what else do they need?" JM called from across the room.


I can be a witness but I have no idea how the court system works . . . I've seen one court drama and it was a k-drama

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

richard turns and glares. "You're joking, right? you dont actually think that?" he growls just loud enough for JM to hear.

"Yes," She grumbled back, "All the courts have them, so it only makes sense."

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"Buddy, you are the one who keeps stealing *my* court, so i should be careful, yah?"

"Yet you keep letting me but fine, I relent. Yell to your hearts content or whatever."


2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"But they've got the official smart people, what else do they need?" JM called from across the room.


Witnesses basically come up when the judge calls them and tells their story under an oath of truth


1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

richard turns and glares. "You're joking, right? you dont actually think that?" he growls just loud enough for JM to hear.

"I know I just told you to do whatever but please don't insult our attorneys.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"Yes," She grumbled back, "All the courts have them, so it only makes sense."

Richard slumps. "nobody respects the courtroom anymore... i should have rejected this case from the beginning..."

Just now, Exotic Almond said:

"Yet you keep letting me but fine, I relent. Yell to your hearts content or whatever."



"I know I just told you to do whatever but please don't insult our attorneys.


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3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"But they've got the official smart people, what else do they need?" JM called from across the room.


I did a mock trial freshman year, let's see how much I remember...

Prosecution makes their opening statement, defense makes their opening statement. Prosecution calls up first witness, questions witness, defense questions witness, prosecution calls up next witness, repeats until prosecution has no witnesses. Then defense calls their witnesses and the same pattern continues the other direction. Once all witnesses have spoken, jury deliberates

Objections I remember:

Leading the witness - trying to get a very specific answer from a witness

Relevance - trying to get irrelevant information from witness

Hearsay - asking for secondhand information

Almond that's good for you to know too

@Exotic Almond

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Richard slumps. "nobody respects the courtroom anymore... i should have rejected this case from the beginning..."


"I'M A WOMEN IN THIS RP," JM said calmly.


What side do you need a witness for? I can do whatever.

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Richard slumps. "nobody respects the courtroom anymore... i should have rejected this case from the beginning..."


"What? No, he's a witness. You said "You're joking, right? you dont actually think that?" In response to JM (right?) saying that we had smart people. That's an insult to the attorneys."

@The Bookwyrm (uhh, who's the defense attorney?"

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:



1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

"I'M A WOMEN IN THIS RP," JM said calmly.

"you just shattered the fourth wall, miss."

1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

"What? No, he's a witness. You said "You're joking, right? you dont actually think that?" In response to JM (right?) saying that we had smart people. That's an insult to the attorneys."

@The Bookwyrm (uhh, who's the defense attorney?"

"I thought she was talking about witnesses, that was my fault."

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Just now, Exotic Almond said:

"What? No, he's a witness. You said "You're joking, right? you dont actually think that?" In response to JM (right?) saying that we had smart people. That's an insult to the attorneys."

@The Bookwyrm (uhh, who's the defense attorney?"


Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:



Our final for Romeo and Juliet was a mock trial to determine the guilt/innocence of Friar Lawrence, the nurse, and the parents of the two... maybe someone else? Been a few years. I was the nurse, and I was found GUILTY!


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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

omyword thank you

1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

"What? No, he's a witness. You said "You're joking, right? you dont actually think that?" In response to JM (right?) saying that we had smart people.

"Guys . . . Elan isn't even here, this isn't that hard." She leaned forward in her chair head in her hands.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"Guys . . . Elan isn't even here, this isn't that hard." She leaned forward in her chair head in her hands.


Wait yeah let's get Elan in here he knows Eddie well

@Ancient Elantrian

Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:



So essentially I was "LARPing" as the nurse from Romeo and Juliet, the jury found "me" guilty of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet


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2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Guys . . . Elan isn't even here, this isn't that hard." She leaned forward in her chair head in her hands.


Yeah, sorry. I didn't notice beforehand.

"Now. I believe that it is time for the prosecution's first witness. Who are you calling to the stands?"

@The Bookwyrm 

Edited by Exotic Almond
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I would like to point out that we do not need in any way to follow court procedure.

I think I'm going to have people that are technically on the jury also be witnesses and such.

Bookwyrm stood there through all the yelling.

This is going to take a long while, isn't it? he thought. Maybe it's a lost cause.

He looked over at Eddie.

I just have to know...what is she so scared of?

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