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Long Term vs. Short Term Copperminds


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Typically when an Archivist stores a memory for later they take a short term memory that they just learned to keep it fresh and safe from the mind's natural forgetfulness. 

But, what happens if you store a very well memorized piece of information?

For example, let's say a Scadrian college student memorizes flashcards for a test that's coming up months in advance. Their friend has that same test totally forgot to study somehow, and they convince their more responsible friend to store their heavily memorized info into an Unsealed Coppermind as their tests are a day apart.

The (lazy) friend then taps those memories. What happens?

Do they:

1. Decay as normal: as with other Coppermind usage, do they just fade quickly out of clarity after being tapped?

2. Stay memorized as they would for the original person: since they were preserved by the donor originally, would they do the same when tapped by the new person?

3. Stay memorized, but only for the person who stored them: assuming more Connection is necessary just as with skills, would only the memories tapped by the donor stay, but if used by someone completely Unconnected to those memories tapped them, would they decay quickly?

Personally, I'm leaning towards #2, as if you're storing a specific neural pathway in a Coppermind and regrowing it when tapping, it only makes sense that it would stay the same for the new person. Which, honestly, makes Unsealed Copperminds even cooler, as you may be able to get more permanent information this way.

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