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MR70 - Cycle Four: Wr1t3-ups R 4 W1mps

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MR70 - Cycle Four: Wr1t3-ups R 4 W1mps

Just start talking


Araris Valerian was executed but survived! 

Xinoehp512 was attacked but didn't survived! They were a Golem Citizen of Ankh-Morpork!


Araris Valerian (2): Coffeecat, Lego Mistborn 

Coffeecat (1): Araris Valerian 

Ashbringer (1): Aeternum

Some Things to Note:

  • PMs are closed! You must use an action to open them. 
  • Ties will kill all players involved.
  • This cycle will end in two days at 12:00 PM Central Time on Sunday the 25th of August 
  • Have fun!


  1. @Aeternum the silent and stoic type, apparently 
  2. @Coffeecat as In the watchiest of Watchmen
  3. @xinoehp512 as Lobsang of the History Monks. No, not that one, no not that one either.  Golem Citizen of Ankh-Morpork!
  4. @Ashbringer as Schroedinger's AraRaash, who looks a little out of place
  5. @Araris Valerian as Reg Shoe for whom mostly dead really is slightly alive
  6. @RoyalBeeMage You can call them... nobody Golem Citizen of Ankh-Morpork 
  7. @Experiencealmost late but worth the wait! Wizard Citizen of Ankh-Morpork
  8. @Lego Mistborn who is so new his character doesn't exist yet
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Did we get trolled by TUO

3 v 2 today, presumably lylo? Is it elims win on parity?

I think everyone should claim, honestly. Specifically, vote manip guy should claim.


Araris is confirmed Golem (1 life left), having survived the execution.

Ash is ???

Lego Mistborn claimed Golem (2 lives). Did you claim your gimmick yet, btw?

Coffeecat is ???

I'm a Golem (2 lives).

We have 3 Golem claims, 2 ???, one of which is the vote manip guy.

Araris/Coffeecat/Ash don't have an extra life unless we end up with another Golem claim there.


Going back to Lego Mistborn's idea again of tying votes for Golem claims, him saying that should be fairly confirmatory of him being a Golem (it's NAI, though).

Tying votes to elim more than one is a possibility, but not one I would do unless we were certain vote manip guy is town.








This game is weird.

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58 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

Did you claim your gimmick yet, btw?


I have not, but I think someone, maybe cuffee? arrrrraris? said they thought they saw a possible gimmick.

Any guesses? It's:


spell nams or niknames wrong (except when voting)


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13 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm still pretty confident in Coffee being an elim.


Why so confident

I get that I haven't claimed yet, but i think claiming now would not be the play, for reasons.
In that regards, I will continue what I started

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2 hours ago, Coffeecat said:


Why so confident

I get that I haven't claimed yet, but i think claiming now would not be the play, for reasons.
In that regards, I will continue what I started

It’s 2 things; you’re not a golem, and you immediately jumped on Aet after RBM flipped village (though you seem to have backed off on that for some reason). And now that my role has been proven, I don’t think you have a coherent suspicion of me, since that was based on my role-claim being fake.

I’m betting on either Coffe/Lego or Coffee/Ash as the elim team. I suppose a WGG could have been pulled on Xino as well.

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Xino's dead, Jim


Anyway. I think Lego is a golem; weirdly now, I don't think Aeternum is. Lego's, Araris's, and RBM's rules all seemed to be an always-on thing. Aet's claimed one is a once-per-cycle, do a thing that people sometimes just do anyway.

@Aeternum seems to be on the level so far, but I am curious, are you the Librarian?

(I was looking for another piece of evidence but with Xino fully dead I doubt we'll see it if it was there.)

Edited by Ashbringer
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Nope, I'm a Golem.

That's actually why I was at first confused without everyone else's gimmicks, and wasn't really sure if their claims were real. Mine doesn't really impact the game much, I just have to have spoilers in spoilers at least once per cycle.

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I'm going to be occupied much of tomorrow, so it's doubtful if I'll have a chance to change my vote. Whoever is village, please vote. Even if you vote badly, I'd rather not have us all die from not doing anything. If someone has a better idea for an elim team than Coffee/Lego or Coffee/Ash, I'm all ears. Both Coffee and Lego have been tunneling me for a while, so if both of them are village we are hosed anyways.

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