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5 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

Nelan screamed and fell to the floor, clutching his bleeding leg. His other hand, holding the sword, swung at her feet with rage.

Rye quickly drew a strange little contraption from his coat. It resembled a small L-shaped piece of carved wood, with a hole at the front and a lever or trigger beneath. I hope this works... He aimed the gun at Nelan. A moment later, a loud CRACK sounded, and the leader of the witch hunters slumped to the ground, blood dripping from a wound in his head.

Rye pocketed the gun, hoping no one had noticed where the shot had come from.

Ma'tani dodged out of the way, but Nelan's sword grazed her leg. She hissed in pain.

Suddenly, a crack sounded, and Nelan's head snapped back. The scent of blackpowder filled the air.

Ma'tani stumbled back, blood soaking the leg of her trousers. Was that...?

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Just now, J. Magi said:

He chuckled, and his expression darkened. "So . . . your just going to leave this mess? How irresponsible. You haven't payed me everything you owe me, and I think I deserve compensation for the terrible working conditions today," He waved a hand at the burning building.

"Not to mention, that's not even getting started on all of the lost property your customers probably had in there. I managed to get my stuff out, but that isn't true for everyone. Who's going to compensate them, huh?"

"Yeah," one guy said, "he has a point!" A small mob gathered around Robert, who tried to keep a cool head but was panicking.

"Look, I didn't cause the fire! I could have had no way of predicting this! How is this my fault?!"

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Yeah," one guy said, "he has a point!" A small mob gathered around Robert, who tried to keep a cool head but was panicking.

"Look, I didn't cause the fire! I could have had no way of predicting this! How is this my fault?!"

Arke throws three daggers into a tree, each with a bag and filled with random things.

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Ma'tani, completely ignorant of the mob that was surrounding Robert, stared at Nelan's corpse for a moment. Then she tightened her grip on her sword and raised it, meeting the eyes of the largest of the remaining witch-hunters.

This isn't going to help their image of me...but who cares anymore?

She waited to see what they would do.

@BlueWildRye @Through The Living Glass @RoyalBeeMage 


I believe that's everyone currently involved in the fight.


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8 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Yeah," one guy said, "he has a point!" A small mob gathered around Robert, who tried to keep a cool head but was panicking.

"Look, I didn't cause the fire! I could have had no way of predicting this! How is this my fault?!"

"Because it was your building, your business. Why didn't you take precautions for this sort of thing? Why did you build your tavern out of extremely flammable materials? You could have prevented this, and you didn't." July wasn't actually particularly mad, but he knew this would prevent Robert from running away, and it might give him a chance to separate Jolane from him.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"Because it was your building, your business. Why didn't you take precautions for this sort of thing? Why did you build your tavern out of extremely flammable materials? You could have prevented this, and you didn't." July wasn't actually particularly mad, but he knew this would prevent Robert from running away, and it might give him a chance to separate Jolane from him.

"That tavern has been in my family for generations- I didn't build it! That was the only material that was available to us! Besides, it's not a normal thing for so-called witch hunters to enter a wooden building with torches!"

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

"Because it was your building, your business. Why didn't you take precautions for this sort of thing? Why did you build your tavern out of extremely flammable materials? You could have prevented this, and you didn't." July wasn't actually particularly mad, but he knew this would prevent Robert from running away, and it might give him a chance to separate Jolane from him.


We could keep him from running permanently by pinning him with kunai daggers to a tree.


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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:




August started sorting through Julys bag, looking for a weapon. Forgetfully, he'd left his own sword by his horse.

Just now, Spark of Hope said:

"That tavern has been in my family for generations- I didn't build it! That was the only material that was available to us! Besides, it's not a normal thing for so-called witch hunters to enter a wooden building with torches!"

"Excuses, excuses." July replied. "You should have fixed things, made them better. You had every chance." While he spoke, July moved through the mob, coming up by Jolane. Slowly placing himself between her and Robert. He just needed to separate them.

1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:



you very much could do that.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

August started sorting through Julys bag, looking for a weapon. Forgetfully, he'd left his own sword by his horse.

"Excuses, excuses." July replied. "You should have fixed things, made them better. You had every chance." While he spoke, July moved through the mob, coming up by Jolane. Slowly placing himself between her and Robert. He just needed to separate them.


She already went to the stables

"With what materials?! Renovations would have compromised structural integrity!"

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Arke looks for August and lazily throws a kunai dagger at him. 

August tilts his head to the side, dodging it without looking up from the bag.

Just now, Spark of Hope said:

"With what materials?! Renovations would have compromised structural integrity!"

"Surely a successful business man such as yourself could come up with something, I did your accounting! I know your not destitute. At the very least, you owe me wages!"

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Just now, J. Magi said:

August tilts his head to the side, dodging it without looking up from the bag.

"Surely a successful business man such as yourself could come up with something, I did your accounting! I know your not destitute. At the very least, you owe me wages!"

Arke smiles, then runs over to grab his dagger and looked inside the bag with August.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

August tilts his head to the side, dodging it without looking up from the bag.

"Surely a successful business man such as yourself could come up with something, I did your accounting! I know your not destitute. At the very least, you owe me wages!"

"What do you expect me to do?! All the money I had is in there!" He pointed at the burning building.

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Arke smiles, then runs over to grab his dagger and looked inside the bag with August.

"Not much in here that would really help, huh?" He remarked, pulling out an apple. The bag was full of basic traveling supplies--July wasn't one to carry weapons in his bag, he'd have those on him where they could be used at a moments notice.

"You wouldn't happen to have a longsword on you?" August asked Arke.

2 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"What do you expect me to do?! All the money I had is in there!" He pointed at the burning building.

"I expect you to do something. Have any other assets? Maybe you could pull out a loan, I don't care if you don't have the money, you owe me." July demanded, keeping things from simmering down. He needed the chaos.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"Not much in here that would really help, huh?" He remarked, pulling out an apple. The bag was full of basic traveling supplies--July wasn't one to carry weapons in his bag, he'd have those on him where they could be used at a moments notice.

"You wouldn't happen to have a longsword on you?" August asked Arke.

"I expect you to do something. Have any other assets? Maybe you could pull out a loan, I don't care if you don't have the money, you owe me." July demanded, keeping things from simmering down. He needed the chaos.

"Everything I had burned up, too! I have no collateral for a loan!"

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"Not much in here that would really help, huh?" He remarked, pulling out an apple. The bag was full of basic traveling supplies--July wasn't one to carry weapons in his bag, he'd have those on him where they could be used at a moments notice.

"You wouldn't happen to have a longsword on you?" August asked Arke.

"I expect you to do something. Have any other assets? Maybe you could pull out a loan, I don't care if you don't have the money, you owe me." July demanded, keeping things from simmering down. He needed the chaos.

On a piece of paper "Do i get to punch people if i get one for you?"

@J. Magi

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Everything I had burned up, too! I have no collateral for a loan!"

"So your saying you have nothing? That's unfortunate for you. Looks like you better get a job somewhere to start paying us back."

He tapped Jolane on the shoulder, and jerked his head at a nearby tree. He wanted her to run and hide.

3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

On a piece of paper "Do i get to punch people if i get one for you?"

"Uhhhhhh," Somehow, he thought he'd regret agreeing to that. "Only evil people, okay?"

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"So your saying you have nothing? That's unfortunate for you. Looks like you better get a job somewhere to start paying us back."

He tapped Jolane on the shoulder, and jerked his head at a nearby tree. He wanted her to run and hide.

"Uhhhhhh," Somehow, he thought he'd regret agreeing to that. "Only evil people, okay?"


She's still not there...

The mob all started talking over each other, drowning out any individual voice, even Robert's.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"So your saying you have nothing? That's unfortunate for you. Looks like you better get a job somewhere to start paying us back."

He tapped Jolane on the shoulder, and jerked his head at a nearby tree. He wanted her to run and hide.

"Uhhhhhh," Somehow, he thought he'd regret agreeing to that. "Only evil people, okay?"

He nods, grinning. 



do any of them carry longswords?



oh, and magi, you are about to see the destructive power of Arke. August likely wont regret letting him do this.


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4 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

The mob all started talking over each other, drowning out any individual voice, even Robert's.


She was right next to him just now??????

July looked around for Jolane.

4 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He nods, grinning. 


August felt a pit gather in his stomach. The kid was waaay to excited about this . . .

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3 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

Robert walked over near Jolane.

”What are we going to do?” she asked, scared. 

“What were you able to get?”

”Some things for food, a couple bottles of ale?”

He sighed. “That’ll have to do. Go to the stables, get the horses ready.”

She hesitated, then slowly turned and left. 


She left a while ago lol

3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

July looked around for Jolane.

August felt a pit gather in his stomach. The kid was waaay to excited about this . . .


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Just now, Spark of Hope said:




Robert was just telling her they were going to go???? And then the mob started??

I guess you never described her disappearing???

July left the Mob to Robert, and began searching for Jolane in the chaos.

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