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1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

"How are you here?" he asked quietly. "Wouldn't Robert have..."

"The tavern burnt down, and lots of people lost belongings in the fire. They were mad and wanted him to repay them for their lost possessions, but he couldn't. An angry mob killed him."

"Well, that does explain why the tavern was gone when I went there a few days ago, as well as why the ones I asked were hesitant to answer. So, these people helped you find us?" He looked at the group, and Jolane nodded.

He addressed the group: "Thank you. All of you."

Ma'tani smiled slightly and nodded.

1 hour ago, J. Magi said:

July stood to the side and let them have their moment. He wasn't great with people, but he did know that this wasn't the sort of thing you interrupt.

August was staring off at the southern horizon, distracted.

Ma'tani noticed August's distracted look. "What is it?" she asked in a low voice.

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4 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

"How are you here?" he asked quietly. "Wouldn't Robert have..."

"The tavern burnt down, and lots of people lost belongings in the fire. They were mad and wanted him to repay them for their lost possessions, but he couldn't. An angry mob killed him."

"Well, that does explain why the tavern was gone when I went there a few days ago, as well as why the ones I asked were hesitant to answer. So, these people helped you find us?" He looked at the group, and Jolane nodded.

He addressed the group: "Thank you. All of you."

July smiled and nodded. It was wonderful to see them all so happy.

3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani smiled slightly and nodded.

Ma'tani noticed August's distracted look. "What is it?" she asked in a low voice.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, my mind is just on other things. I'm glad we were finally able to find her family." He replied.

1 hour ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis nods to the man. A warm feeling having spread through him. He looks at the new person in the group. The one he did not recognise. "What it it?" looking in the same direction

"Nothing," August called back, with his sweetest people-pleaser voice. "All is well."

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3 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Niamh tried to subtly cover her soaked face with her arms.

Wit held a straight face. He knew he might be seen as emotionless by the others, but that was not why he held a straight face, Truly, he wished he could cry. He wished he could crawl into a dark space and weep. But they would not be tears of Joy, but sorrow. It was times as these. Other people could finally find a place. Wit WAS happy for them, yet... He forced himself to walk out of the building into he fresh air. He WOULD do this. It was good. Good for people to reunite. 

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4 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Niamh tried to subtly cover her soaked face with her arms.

4 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani smiled slightly and nodded.

Ma'tani noticed August's distracted look. "What is it?" she asked in a low voice.

1 hour ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis nods to the man. A warm feeling having spread through him. He looks at the new person in the group. The one he did not recognise. "What it it?" looking in the same direction

17 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

July smiled and nodded. It was wonderful to see them all so happy.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, my mind is just on other things. I'm glad we were finally able to find her family." He replied.

"Nothing," August called back, with his sweetest people-pleaser voice. "All is well."

He smiled and turned back to Jolane. “Your sister will be in the village tonight.”

Jolane smiled and looked at the others. “Are you all staying?”

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11 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

@The Bookwyrm @TheRavenHasLanded @RoyalBeeMage? @Scars of Hathsin?

Ten days had passed. They had checked three villages, but had found no sign of Jolane's family. It had begun to wear down on all of them.

The first night, she had snuggled up against July, explaining that she was scared of the dark. She continued sleeping next to him the next nine nights.

Now, it was the 11th morning since they'd left the tavern, and they were close to another village.


Oh that means Rye would be back from the bank by now one sec

A wagon pulled by two horses approached, Rye's face visible from the driver's seat. "Greetings, Jolane," he said. "I have something for you and your family."

He jumped out of the wagon and opened the back, pulling out a large sack and tossing it to the ground. Gold coins spilled out. "It's filled to the brim with gold. For you, as an apology for burning down the inn. Or, at least, attracting the people who burned down the inn. I don't need it. It's yours."

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44 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

A wagon pulled by two horses approached, Rye's face visible from the driver's seat. "Greetings, Jolane," he said. "I have something for you and your family."

He jumped out of the wagon and opened the back, pulling out a large sack and tossing it to the ground. Gold coins spilled out. "It's filled to the brim with gold. For you, as an apology for burning down the inn. Or, at least, attracting the people who burned down the inn. I don't need it. It's yours."

She and her parents blinked in disbelief. 

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3 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

He smiled and turned back to Jolane. “Your sister will be in the village tonight.”

Jolane smiled and looked at the others. “Are you all staying?”

Ma'tani hesitated, gazed off into the west for a moment. "I should probably..."

Then she smiled and turned back. "You know what, I can stay for a day or two."

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19 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

@J. Magi @Through The Living Glass @The Bookwyrm @TheRavenHasLanded

Her eyes began to tear. "You're... you're my..."

"Yes," he whispered.

Her face crashed into his chest, and their arms folded around each other.

"I'm so sorry..." he said. "You never should have had to go through that, and it was my fault for taking that risk... Jolane, my daughter... I love you so much."

The woman - presumably the man's wife - finally made it over herself. She did look amazingly like Jolane. She put a hand on her husband's shoulder, and he opened up for her to hug her daughter as well.

"Oh, my girl..." she whispered. "You're so beautiful..."

Arke grins quietly.

12 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

A wagon pulled by two horses approached, Rye's face visible from the driver's seat. "Greetings, Jolane," he said. "I have something for you and your family."

He jumped out of the wagon and opened the back, pulling out a large sack and tossing it to the ground. Gold coins spilled out. "It's filled to the brim with gold. For you, as an apology for burning down the inn. Or, at least, attracting the people who burned down the inn. I don't need it. It's yours."

Arke pulls out all the random stuff he got from the grave and holds it out to rye.

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15 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

He smiled and turned back to Jolane. “Your sister will be in the village tonight.”

Jolane smiled and looked at the others. “Are you all staying?”

11 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani hesitated, gazed off into the west for a moment. "I should probably..."

Then she smiled and turned back. "You know what, I can stay for a day or two."

"Of course!! We can stay for a day or two!" July was clearly very excited, August was clearly very not.

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15 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani hesitated, gazed off into the west for a moment. "I should probably..."

Then she smiled and turned back. "You know what, I can stay for a day or two."

4 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Niamh didn't need to be anywhere. "Of course," she said, wiping her face.

3 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Of course!! We can stay for a day or two!" July was clearly very excited, August was clearly very not.

She smiled, ecstatic. Her parents pulled her in and hugged her again.

Edited by Spark of Hope
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8 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Arke grins quietly.

Arke pulls out all the random stuff he got from the grave and holds it out to rye.

"Oh, thanks. You can keep some of it, but I was hoping you would show me these." Rye shoved the weapons into the back of his wagon, but held out a smoke grenade to Jolane. "Only use it in emergencies. Who knows, it could save your life. Anyways, I won't be seeing you all in a long time. The Shenai have beckoned me to return to their continent. It may be many months before we speak again." He jumped into his wagon once more.

@Spark of Hope

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1 hour ago, J. Magi said:




1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:

"Oh, thanks. You can keep some of it, but I was hoping you would show me these." Rye shoved the weapons into the back of his wagon, but held out a smoke grenade to Jolane. "Only use it in emergencies. Who knows, it could save your life. Anyways, I won't be seeing you all in a long time. The Shenai have beckoned me to return to their continent. It may be many months before we speak again." He jumped into his wagon once more.

@Spark of Hope

She took it, smiling and nodding. 

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1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:

"Oh, thanks. You can keep some of it, but I was hoping you would show me these." Rye shoved the weapons into the back of his wagon, but held out a smoke grenade to Jolane. "Only use it in emergencies. Who knows, it could save your life. Anyways, I won't be seeing you all in a long time. The Shenai have beckoned me to return to their continent. It may be many months before we speak again." He jumped into his wagon once more.

@Spark of Hope

Ma'tani's eyes followed Rye as he left.

What has happened in Shenai since my time there? Why do they need such weapons?

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46 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

August sort through his satchel absent-mindedly pulling out his wallet.

"There's an inn in this town right?" He asked Jolane's father. "If we're going to stay we'll need a place to sleep."

“Yes, there should be.”

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