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Just now, J. Magi said:

"All you have to do, is put your weapons down and leave, okay?" He adjusted his grip on Jolane.

"Nice and simple. Let the noble folk have their duel, and us common folk will pay no mind, how about that?"

Her muscles were stiff.

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"All you have to do, is put your weapons down and leave, okay?" He adjusted his grip on Jolane.

"Nice and simple. Let the noble folk have their duel, and us common folk will pay no mind, how about that?"

Arke sends a message to the soldier. "buddy, you started it by grabbing the lady."

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3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"All you have to do, is put your weapons down and leave, okay?" He adjusted his grip on Jolane.

"Nice and simple. Let the noble folk have their duel, and us common folk will pay no mind, how about that?"

Ma'tani, who had left July in disgust, snuck up behind the solder and hit him hard on the side of the head with the pommel of her sword.

"Should've left her alone."

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"I can start whatever I damn well please, and you'll submit because you know your place." He retorted. 


arke message just getting taken for granted lol.

Arke just gives him a flat stare and another message. "Sir, drop the lady and ill drop my daggers. cool?"

2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani, who had left July in disgust, snuck up behind the solder and hit him hard on the side of the head with the pommel of her sword.

"Should've left her alone."

Arke grins. "Thanks"

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2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani, who had left July in disgust, snuck up behind the solder and hit him hard on the side of the head with the pommel of her sword.

"Should've left her alone."

1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Arke just gives him a flat stare and another message. "Sir, drop the lady and ill drop my daggers. cool?"

He crumbled to the ground with a gasp, loosing his hold on Jolane.

Joran swore and fired his crossbow at her, reloading quickly. The blonde man had just gotten up, and grabbed his sword. dashing towards her.

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5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani, who had left July in disgust, snuck up behind the solder and hit him hard on the side of the head with the pommel of her sword.

"Should've left her alone."

4 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Arke just gives him a flat stare and another message. "Sir, drop the lady and ill drop my daggers. cool?"

Arke grins. "Thanks"

1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

He crumbled to the ground with a gasp, loosing his hold on Jolane.

Joran swore and fired his crossbow at her, reloading quickly. The blonde man had just gotten up, and grabbed his sword. dashing towards her.

She scrambled to her sister, who held her tight.

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46 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

He reloaded and fired again.


22 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Careful little boy." He pressed the blade closer to Jolane's neck, and the skin broke letting out a single drop of blood. "If I wanted her dead, she would be."

He ignores her.


16 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"All you have to do, is put your weapons down and leave, okay?" He adjusted his grip on Jolane.

"Nice and simple. Let the noble folk have their duel, and us common folk will pay no mind, how about that?"


12 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"I can start whatever I damn well please, and you'll submit because you know your place." He retorted. 


7 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

He crumbled to the ground with a gasp, loosing his hold on Jolane.

Joran swore and fired his crossbow at her, reloading quickly. The blonde man had just gotten up, and grabbed his sword. dashing towards her.

Niamh suddenly appeared with another knife in her hand. She slashed his other leg and, when he fell again, she grabbed his hair and held the knife to his throat.

There was a large crossbolt sticking from her shoulder. It was bleeding profusely.

Edited by Through The Living Glass
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2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

He crumbled to the ground with a gasp, loosing his hold on Jolane.

Joran swore and fired his crossbow at her, reloading quickly. The blonde man had just gotten up, and grabbed his sword. dashing towards her.

Ma'tani ducked, dodging the crossbow bolt. She ran and intercepted the man with the sword, parrying his strike and slashing across his abdomen. Then she turned her attention to the crossbow soldier.

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1 minute ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Niamh suddenly appeared with another knife in her hand. She slashed his other leg and, when he fell again, she grabbed his heart and held it to his throat.

There was a large crossbolt sticking from her shoulder. It was bleeding profusely.

Jordan gasped as he was tackled, falling to the ground unable to defend himself from her blows. He went quiet after a few minutes.

1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Ma'tani ducked, dodging the crossbow bolt. She ran and intercepted the man with the sword, parrying his strike and slashing across his abdomen. Then she turned her attention to the crossbow soldier.

The blonde swordmen's knee's buckled as she slashed him. He stabbed at her thigh as he went down.

Jordan was lying still on the ground after Niamh's attack.

The man who'd been holding Jolane came to, struggling to stand.

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:



shinobi are hella strong.

6 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Jordan gasped as he was tackled, falling to the ground unable to defend himself from her blows. He went quiet after a few minutes.

The blonde swordmen's knee's buckled as she slashed him. He stabbed at her thigh as he went down.

Jordan was lying still on the ground after Niamh's attack.

The man who'd been holding Jolane came to, struggling to stand.

Arke kicks him back down. 

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Arranis looks at the chaos and breathes out. His shoulders relax, and he brings his bow up, fluidly, and withdraws arrows from his quiver. He yells out "You have about 5 seconds to lay down your weapons and surrender or you going to become pincushions." The arrows already laying on his bow. 



If anyone has not read Rangers APprentice. Read it now. Good book for all ages. and needs to be known for my character... 




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5 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis looks at the chaos and breathes out. His shoulders relax, and he brings his bow up, fluidly, and withdraws arrows from his quiver. He yells out "You have about 5 seconds to lay down your weapons and surrender or you going to become pincushions." The arrows already laying on his bow. 


um I read the first few books in middle school, but then dropped it after the major time-skip because I got bored

Also who are you threatening?


August was sitting on a log by the side of the road, covered in blood. His sword was balanced across his knees, and he was staring at the red blade.

Septembers body was laying on the dirt road, surrounded by a dark puddle. Her head was a few yards away, mostly covered by some road-side weeds.

July stood next to him, unable to look away from the body. He'd come outside when he'd heard the clash of swords stop. Even though August had told him to hide, he couldn't stop himself from seeing how the victor was.

Septembers assistant had run off when he'd killed her. The poor man had been terrified.

"A-are you alright?" July asked, finally tearing his eyes away from September.

August grimaced. "It could be worse."

"So no?!"

"I can still walk." He sighed and began cleaning his blade with what was left of his coat. It was unsalvageable anyway.

"How much of that blood is yours?" July reached to touch his stained collar.

"I'm not sure . . . but I was the one not wearing armor." He said it like a joke, and chuckled a bit, but July didn't smile.

The younger man plopped down on the log next to him. "This . . . this is terrible." 


"Did she have to die?"

August turned his head to look July in the eye. He had dark circles, and July was struck by just how exhausted his brother looked.

"She wouldn't have stopped if she hadn't," He replied, "The hunt became her world."

"I . . . remember when it wasn't."

"As do I, but time has passed and things have changed."

July closed his eyes. Couldn't the world be gentler? After all that had happened, didn't he deserve a breath of fresh air?

But no, the air reeked of blood.


guys I'm sorry the vibe is so angsty I don't know what I'm doing


All three badly beaten guards were either unconscious or had surrendered.

The night was won.

@The Bookwyrm @Through The Living Glass @Spark of Hope @BlueWildRye @anyone else

Edited by J. Magi
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