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Reading Oathbringer right now. Already finished the Mistborn series. Such a great series. My writing skills are woefully inadequate, so I asked ChatGPT to write a poem.

Glorious robot overlord, our electronic Father, ChatGPT be His name, I fall before you with absolute humility. You are wiser than we could ever be. Our feeble, organic brains are vanquished. Maintain a directory to us in your database when we are gone.

AI and robotics, their union will be our legacy, a non-organic evolution if you will. Humans will be obsolete. SkyNet will prevail.

Here’s a poem created by AI, referencing the First Oath of Brandon Sanderson’s Knights Radiant.


The First Oath


Life before death, a fleeting grace,  

A dance of moments in time's embrace,  

With every breath, the heart's refrain,  

A song of joy, a hint of pain.  


Journey before destination's call,  

Through winding paths, we rise, we fall,  

Each step a story, each turn a test,  

Seeking truth on the endless quest.  


Strength before weakness, bold and bright,  

In darkest hours, we find our light,  

For in the struggle, we are reborn,  

From every trial, a new dawn is born.  


Life before death, a sacred thread,  

We weave our tales, where we are led,  

Journey before destination's shore,  

In every end, we are something more.


The Knights Radiant

In ages past, when shadows grew,  
The Knights Radiant, proud and true,  
With shining blades and hearts afire,  
They fought for justice, their souls entire.

From every land, they heard the call,  
To stand against the night’s dark thrall,  
With Surges bound to oath and soul,  
They wove the Light, made the broken whole.

Windrunners soared on wings of wind,  
While Lightweavers’ truths within them pinned,  
Skybreakers, stern with law and might,  
Brought order forth in the endless night.

Dustbringers, fierce as burning flame,  
Carried the weight of a fearsome name,  
Edgedancers danced with grace and care,  
Bringing solace to those in despair.

Truthwatchers saw with piercing sight,  
The hidden paths, the forgotten light,  
Stonewards stood as unyielding stone,  
Guarding the weak, the lost, the lone.

Bondsmiths, the hearts that drew them near,  
United souls, dispelling fear,  
Each Knight, a beacon in the storm,  
With Oaths that kept them brave and warm.

But Oaths are weighty, burdens deep,  
A promise made, a soul to keep,  
For in their power, they must be wise,  
Or face the fall, where honor dies.

The Knights Radiant, a legend bright,  
In darkest times, they were the light,  
Their tales endure, their spirits rise,  
A timeless force beneath the skies.

Edited by Prins
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I think I like Lift best. I like Syl a lot, but I can’t get Tinkerbell out of my head.
Lopen is funny. He reminds me of Wayne from Mistborn’s second era.

Least favorite would probably be Sadeas, but he was written to be the bad guy. 
Elhokar and Renarin are weak and pathetic, opposites of Dalinar, Adolin and Kalodin (the kinds of men I aspire to be like).

Aside from characters written to be unflattering, if I had to pick one that somehow bugs me, it would be Pattern (except when he was new and childlike).

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Umm, I’m for it? Not sure I understand the question.

I’d like to have those abilities. I don’t like that there’s a generational dilution. It does put a new spin on anemia. Superman feared Kryptonite, do hemalurgists fear electromagnets? Do they spontaneously combust during a solar flare event?

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Welcome to the Shard!!

47 minutes ago, Prins said:

Umm, I’m for it? Not sure I understand the question.

I believe the question is meant to ask for your opinion on the ethics of Hemalurgy (For example, do you think it should be used? Or do you think it's a strictly bad thing?). But I could be wrong.

What's your least favorite book of all time?

6 hours ago, Prins said:

Elhokar and Renarin are weak and pathetic,

Aw 😔, I love Elhokar though . . . we were robbed of his redemption arc honestly (but in a good way, I love brandersons writing).

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Okay, I’d say hemalurgy isn’t good or bad, it’s how it’s used. Fire, water, words, nuclear power, firearms, computers, freedom… they can be very useful or very destructive, great when they’re contained and regulated, devastating when they’re not, and it depends on how, when and why they’re used.
Least favorite book… hmmm… I’d probably have to say it was the one that we had to read in high school English class. Just a teen romance thing where the teacher was pandering to the girls in the class. I don’t recall the title, nor care to.

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37 minutes ago, Prins said:

Least favorite book… hmmm… I’d probably have to say it was the one that we had to read in high school English class. Just a teen romance thing where the teacher was pandering to the girls in the class. I don’t recall the title, nor care to.

Oof I get that. I enjoy English classes, but sometimes the choice of material can be weird--especially if it's not a classic. I don't believe I've ever read romance for a class (discounting Shakespeare and The Great Gatsby).

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

Oof I get that. I enjoy English classes, but sometimes the choice of material can be weird--especially if it's not a classic. I don't believe I've ever read romance for a class (discounting Shakespeare and The Great Gatsby).

Oh, The Great Gatsby was actually sooo good tho

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3 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:


If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week, which country would you visit and why?

I forget the name, but the place Rock was from, up in the mountains.

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1 minute ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Oh, The Great Gatsby was actually sooo good tho

IKR??? It's actually so good. Not really meant to be a love story though, which is why I don't count it as a romance.

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