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Spark of Hope

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Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokémon! Pokémon are amazing creatures that live with us in our cities, forests, oceans, and even beyond our planet. They work with us and play with us, and they also battle alongside us. Those who choose to use their Pokémon to battle are those we call Pokémon Trainers. 

This story starts in the abundant Omni Region, where Pokémon diversity is greater than any other region. Let’s see what happens as these Trainers’ stories begin…

@The Stormfather @Scars of Hathsin @Exotic Almond @Cash67 @Just_a_Fan @TheRavenHasLanded @The Bookwyrm

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Cash walked the streets of Temnota's downtown, taking in the sights. His Pokemon, Impidimp, perched on his shoulder. He took note of all of the major locations in the town: the buisiest food places, the PokeMarts and Centers, and most importantly, the Gym. At least, it was most important to a lot of people he had asked. He paused in front of the gym, and he and his partner looked up at the menaicing structure. "Well they sure chose an aesthetic, huh Gremlin," he mumbled to his Impidimp. 

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Evan waltzed into a poke-center after a long day of training, trying to calm down his vulpix after passing a kid with a meowstic doll, and witnessing a team plasma grunt get cut in two by a absurdly high level rabbit fakemon in a cafe, the rabbit later being caught by a very intimidating man in power armor. "I think I'll come back there tomorrow, might need to fetch some bottles of moo-moo milk" he mutters to himself, before hugging Roaryk in a dimly lit corner, soon drifting off to sleep...

Edited by Just_a_Fan
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Sorry, changed my characters name. 

Del splashed in the clear water, a small offshoot from the main river in Vila town, a modest place, which included a gym. Del smiles. Being in a new town was tough, but this place did have more opportunities than where he came from. And more pokemon. His smile grows wider, as Dratini coils around him, he strokes it. "What would I do without you Dratini?" he says to no one in particular. He laughs as Dratini headbutts him, gently, and heads off to the banks of the stream to dry himself off. Where many pokemon got out of his way. Used to humans. 

He waddles off into town Dratini wiggling behind him. 

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Roayk mutters the Pokémon equivalent of Shakespearian insults, in her sleep.

rather foul and nasty insults, too, although she sounds quite lily-livered, based on how unsure and terrified she is and how much she's stuttering.

it seems whomever she's insulting has committed some fiendish atrocity.

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*Flashback* Oran runs from his families mountain home in shock. He still can't believe what happened. Instead he ignores everything, running through the woods with his partner in her ball. He doesn't know where to go or what to do. He just knows that he needs to get away before she gets him too. He runs and runs and eventually comes across the town of Vila. Exhausted and looking like he escaped Team Flare's ultimate weapon, he collapses behind the Pokemon center and falls asleep. *Flashback over*


Edited by Exotic Almond
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18 hours ago, Cash67 said:

Cash walked the streets of Temnota's downtown, taking in the sights. His Pokemon, Impidimp, perched on his shoulder. He took note of all of the major locations in the town: the buisiest food places, the PokeMarts and Centers, and most importantly, the Gym. At least, it was most important to a lot of people he had asked. He paused in front of the gym, and he and his partner looked up at the menaicing structure. "Well they sure chose an aesthetic, huh Gremlin," he mumbled to his Impidimp. 

Cash walked away from the Gym, and decided that he was hungry. "You want some food?" he asks his Impidimp. The Impidimp gives a quick nod, and attempts to pull Cash towards the nearest ramen place, Black Noodle. It was packed, and right across the street from the Gym, so it had to be good. Cash shrugs, and walks into the Black Noodle. 

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Evan wakes up, discovers where vulpix eggs come from, & that vulpix will sometimes eat their own eggs...

shaking off the sleep, he writes this info down, packs up his stuff, places roaryk (and her partly eaten egg) in her basket, and sprints off to the town café for some pancakes! 

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On 9/3/2024 at 10:23 AM, Cash67 said:

Cash walked away from the Gym, and decided that he was hungry. "You want some food?" he asks his Impidimp. The Impidimp gives a quick nod, and attempts to pull Cash towards the nearest ramen place, Black Noodle. It was packed, and right across the street from the Gym, so it had to be good. Cash shrugs, and walks into the Black Noodle. 


Would it be ok if I jumped your character? I was gonna do it to Scars but he's not responding.


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47 minutes ago, Cash67 said:




After he wakes up, around midday, Oran notices this (young?) man with an Impidimp from behind the restaurant and, still dazed and scared from yesterday, leaps out at him. He holds out his PokeBall as he shouts out "Hey grunt! It's the end of the line for you!" His tattered clothing and dirty, scratched up face making him look even smaller than he actually is.

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7 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

After he wakes up, around midday, Oran notices this (young?) man with an Impidimp from behind the restaurant and, still dazed and scared from yesterday, leaps out at him. He holds out his PokeBall as he shouts out "Hey grunt! It's the end of the line for you!" His tattered clothing and dirty, scratched up face making him look even smaller than he actually is.

Cash looks behind him, and seeing only the noodle shop, looks back at the kid who just jumped out at him. 
“Kid, who are you talking to?” Cash asks. 

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7 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Cash looks behind him, and seeing only the noodle shop, looks back at the kid who just jumped out at him. 
“Kid, who are you talking to?” Cash asks. 

"You! Don't pretend you don't know! You've got a dark type!" Oran throws his PokeBall "Go Spark!" A Fletchling comes out of the PokeBall sparkling with a different color.


Yes, she's a shiny. I swear there's a good reason.


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15 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

"You! Don't pretend you don't know! You've got a dark type!" Oran throws his PokeBall "Go Spark!" A Fletchling comes out of the PokeBall sparkling with a different color.


Cash sighs, and nods to his Impidimp. It snaps its fingers, and a jolt of electricity sparks out of its fingers, rocketing toward the Fletchling. It hits it square in the chest, and the Fletchling’s muscles momentarily lock up. 


Thunder wave + prankster


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2 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Cash sighs, and nods to his Impidimp. It snaps its fingers, and a jolt of electricity sparks out of its fingers, rocketing toward the Fletchling. It hits it square in the chest, and the Fletchling’s muscles momentarily lock up. 


"Ugh, Spark use tackle!" Spark attempts to push through the paralysis to use tackle but locks up.


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1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Ugh, Spark use tackle!" Spark attempts to push through the paralysis to use tackle but locks up.


Cash walks over to the kid, rips the pokeball out of his hands, and calls back the Fletchling. Once the Pokémon is in the ball, he hands the Fletchling over, and also passes a paralyze heal to the kid. 

“I’m not looking for a fight, I really just want to eat lunch right now,” he says to the kid. “If you want to join me, I’m sure you’ll recognize me. If not, the medicine I gave you will heal your Fletchling of paralysis.” Cash turned around and walked into the Black Noodle. 

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2 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Cash walks over to the kid, rips the pokeball out of his hands, and calls back the Fletchling. Once the Pokémon is in the ball, he hands the Fletchling over, and also passes a paralyze heal to the kid. 

“I’m not looking for a fight, I really just want to eat lunch right now,” he says to the kid. “If you want to join me, I’m sure you’ll recognize me. If not, the medicine I gave you will heal your Fletchling of paralysis.” Cash turned around and walked into the Black Noodle. 

"Wha... Uhh... Sure." Oran sends Spark out again and uses the paralyze heal. "So, who are you if you're not a grunt?"

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49 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Wha... Uhh... Sure." Oran sends Spark out again and uses the paralyze heal. "So, who are you if you're not a grunt?"

“Do you assume everyone you meet is a grunt?” Cash asked. He walked up to a kiosk, pushed a few buttons, and swiped a card. A ticket spat out with a number on it and he want to go find a seat.

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3 hours ago, Cash67 said:

“Do you assume everyone you meet is a grunt?” Cash asked. He walked up to a kiosk, pushed a few buttons, and swiped a card. A ticket spat out with a number on it and he want to go find a seat.

"No, not usually. Sorry, I've just had bad experiences lately that have made me a bit paranoid." He also swipes a card and pushes buttons. "Oh! Come out Spark, time to eat!" He throws his pokeball in the air and out comes Spark who perches on his shoulder.

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