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Spark of Hope

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3 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

“Black noodles,” Cash grunts. “Supposed to be their specialty.” He takes a bite, and his eyes light up. “They weren’t lying, I’ll tell you that much.”

He proceeds to set aside a bit in a to-go container, and his Impidimp leaps down to join in eating. The food is disappearing rapidly. 

"Wow, your Impidimp sure is hungry." Oran grabs some Pokemon food and a bowl out of his bag and puts some out for Spark. "So, how do you like the town?"

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2 hours ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Wow, your Impidimp sure is hungry." Oran grabs some Pokemon food and a bowl out of his bag and puts some out for Spark. "So, how do you like the town?"

Cash shrugs. "Haven't seen much better, but I've only been here for a few days." Cash takes another bite, and then pauses for a moment. "Did I ever catch your name, kid?"

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2 hours ago, Exotic Almond said:

"No actually. I'm Oran. Oran Beri." He proffers a hand to shake. "Silly name I know. Blame my parents."

Cash shakes it. “Dang, your parents must have a strange sense of humor. My name is Cash.”

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17 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

His eyes widen in surprise. "OLD POKEMON" he shouts exuberantly. then he chucks Larvitar out. "MUD SHOT"

The Mud Shot hits the Tyrunt in the eyes, blinding it. However, being blind, it runs right past the Larvitar and opens its jaws approaching Ron.


Edited by Spark of Hope
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17 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

The Mud Shot hits the Tyrunt in the eyes, blinding it. However, being blind, it runs right past the Larvitar and opens its jaws approaching Ron.



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17 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

The Mud Shot hits the Tyrunt in the eyes, blinding it. However, being blind, it runs right past the Larvitar and opens its jaws approaching Ron.


Ron dives out of the way. 


Ron is, because its funny to me, 16 years old. he's an old soul.


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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Ron dives out of the way. 


Its jaws clamped shut where he had been. It looked back and forth, grunting and confused. It didn't fully seem within control of itself.

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He gasps and sprints over, checking on the tyrunt. "Hey, hey, Im sorry, you ok?" he asks as he tries to soothe the pokemon.

"Tyrunt..." It sounded exhausted.

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"Alright. lets get you to a center, heal you up, and ill check my bag to see if i have any balls to put you in." 

Dyna the larvitar wanders over, totters, then falls face first into the ground.


You have one for this


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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He holds up a pokeball for the tyrunt. "So, what do you say?" he grins. "I'd love to have you." 

It headbutts the button and goes in the ball. One, two, three, click!

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He grins, unable to contain his excitement. he pumps his fist, returns Dyna, then clicks them onto his belt, gets on his bike, then speeds off. 


This Tyrunt does have some "strings" attached, so heal it up and story will commence


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