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Spark of Hope

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Its at this point that Dyna uses Magnitude. Magnitude 6. 


The cave in starts but right before it crumbles completely the female grunt's Zubat lands an absorb for x4 damage, then faints because of falling rocks.

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Its at this point that Dyna uses Magnitude. Magnitude 6. 




I was thinking rock, not ground

Even with mag 6...

Zubat's a flying type


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Dyna burrows his way out, looking a little the worse for wear but covered in dirt and whatnot. honestly, he looks quite adorable. 


Larvitar is the type of Pokemon who begs to be picked up, but no one can.


1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:



today I learned something.


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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Dyna burrows his way out, looking a little the worse for wear but covered in dirt and whatnot. honestly, he looks quite adorable. 


"Nooo! Wait little baby! I wanna catch you! You can't leave me here!"


I forgot to mention the Zubat was shiny. that is important to plot stuff.


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20 hours ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Man, and I thought my name was strange." Oran looks around "You ever heard of them?"


2 hours ago, Exotic Almond said:

"N-no although I must ask you to keep your voice down." A trainer in the corner who was crying glares at him with daggers in his eyes "If the PokeBall worked that means it was wild. You probably just saved it from an abusive trainer, especially if it attacked you outright."

Temnota Town:

Oran is about to tell Cash something but he gets interrupted by a noise "What was that?! I'm gonna go check it out." He runs out of the restaurant and into the streets where a broadcast is playing on a nearby TV shop.



1 hour ago, Exotic Almond said:

Oran calls out to Cash "Sorry to cut this short but I need to go!" Leaving the TV store playing the news. Oran gets on his bike and rides off to the desert stopping by a pokemart to buy some potions and balls.

@Cash67 @Spark of Hope


Cash shrugs. “Weird kid,” he mutters to his Impidimp. The Impidimp looks up at Cash out of his bowl of noodles, a noodle over its eyelid. It’s tongue flashes out and the noodle disappears. 
“Though who am I to talk?” Cash sighs. 

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Just now, Exotic Almond said:

Oran bikes furiously swerving left and right to avoid attacking fossil Pokemon. They give chase as he notices a guy in the distance. "Heeeelp!! There's too many!!"

He raises an eyebrow. "Youre kidding." he looks to dyna. "This is gonna sound ridiculous, but magnitude." Magnitude 5 (Im rolling dice)

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He raises an eyebrow. "Youre kidding." he looks to dyna. "This is gonna sound ridiculous, but magnitude." Magnitude 5 (Im rolling dice)


Well they're all rock types so... death I guess.

Besides a few stragglers Oran makes it to the teenager safely. He hops off his bike and immediately begins questioning him "What are you doing here? Do you know what's happening? Did you do this? Are you with them?"

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Just now, Exotic Almond said:

Besides a few stragglers Oran makes it to the teenager safely. He hops off his bike and immediately begins questioning him "What are you doing here? Do you know what's happening? Did you do this? Are you with them?"

He blinks. "What???" He takes a step back. "Hold on. you ok?" he looks over the field of fainted pokemon. "We need to heal these guys up ASAP. We can talk while we do that."

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He blinks. "What???" He takes a step back. "Hold on. you ok?" he looks over the field of fainted pokemon. "We need to heal these guys up ASAP. We can talk while we do that."

"I don't have any revives... Oh, do any of your Pokemon know Revival Blessing!? Or is there maybe a Pokecenter nearby?"

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Just now, Exotic Almond said:

"I don't have any revives... Oh, do any of your Pokemon know Revival Blessing!? Or is there maybe a Pokecenter nearby?"

He just blinks again. "Well, how about we wait until they come to? Maybe you can get someone. why were you coming here so fast? and whos them?"

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He just blinks again. "Well, how about we wait until they come to? Maybe you can get someone. why were you coming here so fast? and whos them?"

"Oh, I need to stop them. Weird grunty looking people in black outfits. The use exclusively shiny Pokemon and they're bad news."

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6 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Oh, I need to stop them. Weird grunty looking people in black outfits. The use exclusively shiny Pokemon and they're bad news."

"No idea, but if you were looking for them, they are likely buried under all the rock Dyna magnituded."

Dyna flops on his face after tripping on a rock. 

Edited by TheRavenHasLanded
quotation marks hate me
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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"No idea, but if you were looking for them, they are likely buried under all the rock Dyna magnituded."

"Wait! You beat up some Team Shadow grunts?! Wow, I'm impressed!" Oran goes to check out the cave "Oh, there they are! I'll call the cops and take these." He grabs the Pokeballs and 2 full teams of shiny Pokemon get released into the wild, including the Zubat who apologetically swoops near Zip before leaving "There we go. All safe now. Spark! Check the nearby area!" Oran sends out his Fletchling, who sparkles a bit before flying off. "Don't worry, if there's any more grunts Spark'll tell me."

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Just now, Exotic Almond said:

"Wait! You beat up some Team Shadow grunts?! Wow, I'm impressed!" Oran goes to check out the cave "Oh, there they are! I'll call the cops and take these." He grabs the Pokeballs and 2 full teams of shiny Pokemon get released into the wild, including the Zubat who apologetically swoops near Zip before leaving "There we go. All safe now. Spark! Check the nearby area!" Oran sends out his Fletchling, who sparkles a bit before flying off. "Don't worry, if there's any more grunts Spark'll tell me."

"Well, Dyna did most of the work." 

Dyna waves at the Zubat, and gives a happy sound like "Thank you for playing with me". Zip grins. "I never got your name. I'm Baron Ron Arnoldson, but I prefer Zip." he holds out a hand. "Nice to meet you" 

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"Well, Dyna did most of the work." 

Dyna waves at the Zubat, and gives a happy sound like "Thank you for playing with me". Zip grins. "I never got your name. I'm Baron Ron Arnoldson, but I prefer Zip." he holds out a hand. "Nice to meet you" 

"Oh, yeah, right. I'm Oran! Oran Beri! Nice to meet you too!" Spark flies back looking calm "No more huh? Good. Now we should probably leave before the cops arrive, you never know who's under the payroll of Team Shadow. I've even met a corrupt Nurse Joy once!"

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I wouldn't be mad if the Zubat came back to say hi every once in awhile.


Just now, Exotic Almond said:

"Oh, yeah, right. I'm Oran! Oran Beri! Nice to meet you too!" Spark flies back looking calm "No more huh? Good. Now we should probably leave before the cops arrive, you never know who's under the payroll of Team Shadow. I've even met a corrupt Nurse Joy once!"

He blinks, then sighs. "Sheesh, high energy, aint you." he grins nonetheless. 

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:


He blinks, then sighs. "Sheesh, high energy, aint you." he grins nonetheless. 

"Oh yeah, you have no idea just how energetic I can get. Now come on!"


I'm trying to debate catching a fossil on the way but I really dunno.


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