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There was a WoB where Brandon basically confirmed canticle to be a megaconstruct (im tending Dysonsphere) and said it was created by a powerful being in the cosmere.

He didn't namedrop anything/anyone. So the options are kinda open
i kinda began the list of candidates:

- Adonalsium
- One of the Ancient Spren confirmed in the WaT previews
- A prime Aether
- A dragon
- A old dawnshard bearer

Do any of you have ideas what else could be on that list

Based on this WoB:



Edited by MarcieIsForager
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1 minute ago, Michael Portz said:

Interesting question, but I would say it should be asked in a different board/thread, as I don't see a connection to Wind and Truth.


I was actually looking for a thread where to post, id have honestly put it in general cosmere thread, but i thought the confirmation of Adonalsium Era "Superspren that came in WaT Previews would add something more so i kinda decided to put it here because it includes WaT spoilers.

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47 minutes ago, MarcieIsForager said:

There was a WoB where Brandon basically confirmed canticle to be a megaconstruct (im tending Dysonsphere) and said it was created by a powerful being in the cosmere.

Dysonsphere is significantly removed from what Canticle is. Like 5 000 times too small for a small sphere... 

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4 minutes ago, Alcatur said:

Dysonsphere is significantly removed from what Canticle is. Like 5 000 times too small for a small sphere... 

Tbh now that you mention it yeah canticle is super inefficient for what i think it is, i thought it was a powering mechanism for something, but yeah it wastes a ton of energy just by being so small.

But i really dont see any other use, its probably not a sensor, but it might be a clock or flow restrictor

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34 minutes ago, MarcieIsForager said:

im tending Dysonsphere

A Dyson sphere? That's a really, really small Dyson sphere which isn't around any star, nor there could be anything big inside of it because the gravity of Canticle is comparable to that of Roshar (0.7g) despite having 320-ish km in diameter. Sure, it actually gathers energy/investiture from the sun, but this definitely isn't a Dyson sphere. It just collects energy from the sun (a tiny, insignificant fraction of it). It's probably a battery of some sorts.

Doing quick calculations, Canticle's total mass is around 2,64E+21 kg, which is 28 times lower than the Moon's mass (7,35E+22 kg). There can't be any stellar object hidden inside Canticle.

45 minutes ago, MarcieIsForager said:

- One of the Ancient Spren confirmed in the WaT previews
- A prime Aether
- A dragon

I don't think any of those entities would be capable of creating a planetary object like Canticle. Aethers would be the closest as some inhabit the surface of moons on Lumar and seem to keep them stable in their impossible positions, but a dragon or a spren shouldn't be capable of having that much power - a dragon for sure can't. Stormfather at most can summon a huge storm, but that's the most he can do even though he's the most powerful and invested spren on Roshar.

47 minutes ago, MarcieIsForager said:

Do any of you have ideas what else could be on that list

The top theory is that Canticle is an Invention's invention. A Shard could make it and the one that fits the most is Invention. Here are some older topics about this idea: link1link2link3.

4 minutes ago, MarcieIsForager said:

I was actually looking for a thread where to post, id have honestly put it in general cosmere thread, but i thought the confirmation of Adonalsium Era "Superspren that came in WaT Previews would add something more so i kinda decided to put it here because it includes WaT spoilers.

This is the correct place because of the mention of ancient Rosharan spren, revealed in WaT.



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14 minutes ago, alder24 said:

A Dyson sphere? That's a really, really small Dyson sphere which isn't around any star, nor there could be anything big inside of it because the gravity of Canticle is comparable to that of Roshar (0.7g) despite having 320-ish km in diameter. Sure, it actually gathers energy/investiture from the sun, but this definitely isn't a Dyson sphere. It just collects energy from the sun (a tiny, insignificant fraction of it). It's probably a battery of some sorts.

Dyson sphere tbh was just the first word that cam to mind to describe what i thought of it, closer would be Dyson-Swarm object, a harvester essentially
but tbh every pointing out canticles size had me thinking that it would be super innefficient as an energy gathering soluting.

Battery also doesn't have me full convinced which is tbh why i think it may be a valve/ flow limiter for the investiture of canticles sun to some other location.

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2 minutes ago, MarcieIsForager said:

Dyson sphere tbh was just the first word that cam to mind to describe what i thought of it, closer would be Dyson-Swarm object, a harvester essentially
but tbh every pointing out canticles size had me thinking that it would be super innefficient as an energy gathering soluting.

Battery also doesn't have me full convinced which is tbh why i think it may be a valve/ flow limiter for the investiture of canticles sun to some other location.

Canticle is primarily made out of investiture. It seems the planet collects investiture it draws from the sun inside its core and that's why it has such large gravity compared to its size. That's why I don't think it transfers this investiture anywhere because it has to stay inside to keep this 0.7g. 

And while it might not be the most efficient way of collecting energy, it takes a tiny fraction of Earth's surface, fully covered with solar panels, to create enough electricity for the entire world. A place like Canticle, collecting investiture for thousands of years using its entire sun facing side, would accumulate massive stores of investiture over such a long timeframe - so massive that it creates its own gravitational field. You don't need a Dyson sphere if time is of no importance to you. Waiting will eventually get you enough investiture.

TSM ch 34:


Something about the core of the planet was odd. It created far more gravity than it should have for its size—so either it was incredibly dense or incredibly Invested. He suspected the latter.
The ground was drawing in the heat. He was sure of it, as with the last flutters of his nerves, he could feel something trying to draw his Investiture away into the depths of the planet. It couldn’t claim his, but it tried.
The core of the planet fed on Investiture like he did


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1 hour ago, MarcieIsForager said:

Dyson sphere tbh was just the first word that cam to mind to describe what i thought of it, closer would be Dyson-Swarm object, a harvester essentially
but tbh every pointing out canticles size had me thinking that it would be super innefficient as an energy gathering soluting.

Battery also doesn't have me full convinced which is tbh why i think it may be a valve/ flow limiter for the investiture of canticles sun to some other location.

Yeah, my limited understanding of physics is that a solid sphere around a star wouldn't work it would have to be a swarm of small objects. The Sun and enclosure would drift into each other.  gravity - Is Dyson Sphere a stable construction? - Physics Stack Exchange

As to the original question I think it's an Invention invention. The end result is this planet has the Chorus, semi-immortal beings constantly iterating on and creating new things scientifically. It's a great environment for desperate scientific innovation that would satisfy Invention's intent (presumably creating new things scientifically). 

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40 minutes ago, Child of Hodor said:

The end result is this planet has the Chorus

But Chorus is not native to Canticle. Came to this planet with the colonists so it cant be Invention creation. While still can be Invention influenced.

But I like your take on this topic that this can easily be Invention planet.

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Another question I just thought of is the question of how time works on Canticle. We know that enough investiture can change how time works, similar to a black whole. I think that it is possible that the time on Canticle is slightly dilated due to the massive quantities of investiture.

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12 hours ago, The Stick said:

Another question I just thought of is the question of how time works on Canticle. We know that enough investiture can change how time works, similar to a black whole. I think that it is possible that the time on Canticle is slightly dilated due to the massive quantities of investiture.

Time dilation would work the same as with mass (because matter=energy=investiture) and because the mass of Canticle is smaller than the mass of the Moon, you can safely assume there is no time dilation on Canticle. 

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22 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

But Chorus is not native to Canticle. Came to this planet with the colonists so it cant be Invention creation. While still can be Invention influenced.

But I like your take on this topic that this can easily be Invention planet.

I'm just saying they set up basically a Jigsaw trap that encourages people to rapidly innovate or die. It's true Invention would need to get some people there, but for all we know they influenced the migration from Threnody or foresaw it. They may have wanted people from the planet where the dead sometimes become Shades to travel to Canticle and pulled some strings to get some there. 

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