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“It’s a Long Way Up!” (The IRL-Skills RP)

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1 minute ago, Dragonheir said:

Dragon looks around. “I think we have two choices. We can go down. Or we can go up.” Noticing he’s wearing his red backpacking backpack, something he hadn’t been wearing before, he looks inside, seeing that it’s empty. “Weird.” 

“Yeah. It’s probably easier to built a signal on the top; we can flag down a plane or something.” 

Almond checks his back and sees a white and purple backpack "Wait, I have one too!"


I've gotta focus on one RP at a time. I'll be back soon-ish.


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2 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

"Seems a bit dangerous but sure, I've been hiking before, I probably won't die."

“I’m a life scout. I can probably keep us alive, at least for a bit.” Dragon takes out his phone, finding (unsurprisingly) that there’s no service (I assume). 

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6 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

Almond checks his back and sees a white and purple backpack "Wait, I have one too!"

“Is that a backpack that you own? Cause mine is. I wasn’t wearing it earlier, though.” 

1 minute ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“Last one to the top is a rotten egg!” CrazyBoy shouts then runs up the mountain and trips. “OOMPH” “you saw nothing!”

“No. We need to stick together; otherwise one of us could get lost. We’ll go at a good pace, and see if we can find some food.” 

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6 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“Is that a backpack that you own? Cause mine is. I wasn’t wearing it earlier, though.” 

“No. We need to stick together; otherwise one of us could get lost. We’ll go at a good pace, and see if we can find some food.” 

CrazyBoy looks off the edge of the mountain seeing nothing but clouds and a few mountain peaks below. “On second thought not rushing up this place is probably for the best.” He says, realizing it’s a LONG fall down. 

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Silvereye was in his room, reading. He leaned closer to the book, as the story was getting extremely tense. "He was tired", the page read. "Then, suddenly..." in a flash of light, the room disappeared. Silvereye, now not sitting on anything, fell on the earth. 

When he rose back up, and his blood came back to his head, he heard voices speaking English behind a tree. Then he saw a group of teens wearing backpacks. He noticed he was wearing an identical backpack, somehow.

"Uuh... hello? " said Silvereye, trying to sound somewhat confident.

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36 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Dragonheir is in the middle of walking to the cross country bus when, with a flash of light and a bang, he is transported to the mountain, surrounded by a few people. “Who are you?” 


Oo what about Dray?

Also plot-intro time!

Glass watched everything that was happening from her spot on the ground. Also, she noticed that she was suddenly wearing a blue and silver backpack, which was empty when she opened it.


There was something there.

"Hey," Glass addressed the group, "does anyone else have something in their backpack?

2 minutes ago, Just a Silvereye said:

Silvereye was in his room, reading. He leaned closer to the book, as the story was getting extremely tense. "He was tired", the page read. "Then, suddenly..." in a flash of light, the room disappeared. Silvereye, now not sitting on anything, fell on the earth. 

When he rose back up, and his blood came back to his head, he heard voices speaking English behind a tree. Then he saw a group of teens wearing backpacks. He noticed he was wearing an identical backpack, somehow.

"Uuh... hello? " said Silvereye, trying to sound somewhat confident.

Glass waved to the boy behind the tree. "Hey."

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1 minute ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Glass watched everything that was happening from her spot on the ground. Also, she noticed that she was suddenly wearing a blue and silver backpack, which was empty when she opened it.


There was something there.

"Hey," Glass addressed the group, "does anyone else have something in their backpack?

Glass waved to the boy behind the tree. "Hey."

“What backpack?” CrazyBoy asked looking over his shoulder “huh! I do have a backpack.” Rummaging through the backpack he finds nothing. “Nope nothing in mine”

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9 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Glass waved to the boy behind the tree. "Hey."

"Hey." Silvereye waved back with an embarrassed smile, as if he didn't know what he was doing here. (Which he didn't, actually.) "I'm... I'm Silvereye, and you?" he added, with a slight accent.

11 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

"Hey," Glass addressed the group, "does anyone else have something in their backpack?

"I don't think so... wait, I do feel something in it!" He opened it frantically.



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17 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Glass watched everything that was happening from her spot on the ground. Also, she noticed that she was suddenly wearing a blue and silver backpack, which was empty when she opened it.


There was something there.

"Hey," Glass addressed the group, "does anyone else have something in their backpack?

Glass waved to the boy behind the tree. "Hey."


Is there supposed to be?

Spark swung her backpack so that it was only on one shoulder. She unzipped it and checked inside.

Edited by Spark of Hope
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1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:


The Stormfather was rereading warriors for the thousanth time when...

Flash of time, flop to ground, yadda yadda you've seen like five posts like this before you get the gist.

He stays silent for the entire conversation about backpacks, realizing he has a navy blue one on his shoulders. "I swear, if I've somehow gone to Nianyaku..." (Realm of chaos in my fantasy novel.)

Edited by The Stormfather
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2 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Glass watched everything that was happening from her spot on the ground. Also, she noticed that she was suddenly wearing a blue and silver backpack, which was empty when she opened it.


There was something there.

"Hey," Glass addressed the group, "does anyone else have something in their backpack?

Glass waved to the boy behind the tree. "Hey."

Elan reaches to the side for his backpack, which had been next to him in Calc. 

It was gone. Instead, all he had was a multicolored fanny pack, which had somehow gotten slung over his shoulder.

He unzipped it, checking inside. It felt empty, but you never knew with a fanny pack...

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

The Stormfather was rereading warriors for the thousanth time when...

Flash of time, flop to ground, yadda yadda you've seen like five posts like this before you get the gist.

He stays silent for the entire conversation about backpacks, realizing he has a navy blue one on his shoulders. "I swear, if I've somehow gone to Nianyaku..." (Realm of chaos in my fantasy novel.)

“I don’t know what that means, but then at least someone would know what’s going on. The only experience I have with being teleported is Wikipedia articles and a play by post roleplay.” Dragon (or Dray or whatever) checks his backpack as well. 

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2 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

"Hey." Silvereye waved back with an embarrassed smile, as if he didn't know what he was doing here. (Which he didn't, actually.) "I'm... I'm Silvereye, and you?" he added, with a slight accent.

"Hey. I'm Glass."



Haha, there's nothing in y'all's backpacks. Only mine.


She pulled a tattered piece of parchment out of her backpack.

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1 minute ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“I’m CrazyBoy.” He said realizing that they hadn’t done introductions.

“ anyways should we start heading up the mountain?”

“I’m Dragonheir. And, no, we should not. We should have a firm plan in place before we start, otherwise we’ll run out of supplies or get lost or something.” 

8 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

She pulled a tattered piece of parchment out of her backpack.

“Is that a map?” 

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Uni was procrastinating his homework once again when there was a loud bang, a flash of light, and suddenly he found himself falling to the Earth. He landed in a cloud of dust and confusion, sitting up to find that he was wearing a red and gold backpack and was surrounded by a group of teenagers. He stands up and brushes himself off then checks his bag and sees that it's empty. "Hey what's that? he asks Glass as he sees her pull a piece of parchment from her bag.

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5 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

"Yeah, it is." She looked it over. "I think it's a map of the mountain."

“Do you know how to read maps? Because I do.” DragonHeir continues rustling around in the backpack. Checking the pouch on the strap, he finds a compass. (I can do that, right?) 

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Just now, Unintelligenius said:

"I'm Uni by the way", he says, "so are we gonna follow it?"

“I think we should gather some resources first. We don’t know how high the mountain is and whether or not we will be able to keep getting food/water/firewood and other essentials.” 

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18 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“Do you know how to read maps? Because I do.” DragonHeir continues rustling around in the backpack. Checking the pouch on the strap, he finds a compass. (I can do that, right?) 


Yeah, you can do that.


21 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"I'm Elan. So... up the mountain I guess? I dunno. I'm cold. Can I go home now?"

"Well... hang on. Come look at this." She waved everyone over.


The map is a pretty standard map fantasy-style map, so I'm going to just list what's on it right here so y'all know what's coming.

Everything bolded is on the physical map. If it's not bolded then it's just a note I added.

She spread the map out for everyone to see:


Long, winding path (for introductions and such)

Narrow cliff-side path (covered with rubble from a landslide but they don’t know that yet)

Think, prickly underbrush covering the path

Some sort of wiggly vines (aka moving vines will grab onto anything they can possibly reach)

Dark cave w/traps and possibly dangerous creatures of some sort (it’s hard to tell)

Puzzle #1 (i’ll give the first puzzle)

Normal cliffside path (but remember that rubble from earlier? guess where this gaping hole in the road came from.)

A wide, raging river

Another long path

A large, dark, and spooky forest depicted with dangerous beasts

A picture of an ancient city


“And then…” Glass paused and turned the map over.

“It just ends,” she said. The map was frayed on the top. "It's been ripped."


6 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

"I'm Uni by the way", he says, "so are we gonna follow it?"

"Hi. I'm Glass." She paused. "And... I don't think we have much of a choice. There isn't anywhere else to go." She gestured to the trees and the cliff beyond.

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Sorry I'm late

Rye woke up, rubbing his eyes wearily. "That was a weird and seizure-inducing dream," he said. There were a lot of flashing lights, that he remembered. Then he noticed he wasn't in his bed. He was somewhere on a mountain. And his pillow was an empty backpack. "Well, I guess I'm still dreaming," he announced aloud.

He opened the backpack and pulled out an ancient book full of archaic symbols, as well as a smaller journal with their translations and interpretations of the text inside. "Huh."

@Through The Living Glass


Is he with the group or at the start or both


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