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“It’s a Long Way Up!” (The IRL-Skills RP)

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48 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

She spread the map out for everyone to see:


Long, winding path (for introductions and such)

Narrow cliff-side path (covered with rubble from a landslide but they don’t know that yet)

Think, prickly underbrush covering the path

Some sort of wiggly vines (aka moving vines will grab onto anything they can possibly reach)

Dark cave w/traps and possibly dangerous creatures of some sort (it’s hard to tell)

Puzzle #1 (i’ll give the first puzzle)

Normal cliffside path (but remember that rubble from earlier? guess where this gaping hole in the road came from.)

A wide, raging river

Another long path

A large, dark, and spooky forest depicted with dangerous beasts

A picture of an ancient city


“And then…” Glass paused and turned the map over.

“It just ends,” she said. The map was frayed on the top. "It's been ripped."

"Who made this stupid map? It has no legend at all, and no scale. It's just a bunch of landmarks." 


Can I put my puzzle between the forest and the city? 


54 minutes ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“I think we should gather some resources first. We don’t know how high the mountain is and whether or not we will be able to keep getting food/water/firewood and other essentials.” 

"Agreed. We all have backpacks; we can use them to carry our stuff." 

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1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:


"Well... hang on. Come look at this." She waved everyone over.

She spread the map out for everyone to see:


Long, winding path (for introductions and such)

Narrow cliff-side path (covered with rubble from a landslide but they don’t know that yet)

Think, prickly underbrush covering the path

Some sort of wiggly vines (aka moving vines will grab onto anything they can possibly reach)

Dark cave w/traps and possibly dangerous creatures of some sort (it’s hard to tell)

Puzzle #1 (i’ll give the first puzzle)

Normal cliffside path (but remember that rubble from earlier? guess where this gaping hole in the road came from.)

A wide, raging river

Another long path

A large, dark, and spooky forest depicted with dangerous beasts

A picture of an ancient city


“And then…” Glass paused and turned the map over.

“It just ends,” she said. The map was frayed on the top. "It's been ripped."


"Hi. I'm Glass." She paused. "And... I don't think we have much of a choice. There isn't anywhere else to go." She gestured to the trees and the cliff beyond.

She shook her head. “So many answers, yet so few at the same time.”

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1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

"I'm Uni by the way", he says, "so are we gonna follow it?"


Dude. My sister had a stuffed unicorn pillow pet named this when we were kids.
You're tripping me up


1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:


"Well... hang on. Come look at this." She waved everyone over.

She spread the map out for everyone to see:


Long, winding path (for introductions and such)

Narrow cliff-side path (covered with rubble from a landslide but they don’t know that yet)

Think, prickly underbrush covering the path

Some sort of wiggly vines (aka moving vines will grab onto anything they can possibly reach)

Dark cave w/traps and possibly dangerous creatures of some sort (it’s hard to tell)

Puzzle #1 (i’ll give the first puzzle)

Normal cliffside path (but remember that rubble from earlier? guess where this gaping hole in the road came from.)

A wide, raging river

Another long path

A large, dark, and spooky forest depicted with dangerous beasts

A picture of an ancient city


“And then…” Glass paused and turned the map over.

“It just ends,” she said. The map was frayed on the top. "It's been ripped."


"Hi. I'm Glass." She paused. "And... I don't think we have much of a choice. There isn't anywhere else to go." She gestured to the trees and the cliff beyond.

"I'm taking that as a no... so... up the mountain? Anyone have a hoodie?"

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6 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"I'm taking that as a no... so... up the mountain? Anyone have a hoodie?"

"I don't. But it is cold up here. I think our first priority should be a fire. Three of them, actually." he turns to the others. "Look around for medium sized rock and fallen trees. Make sure we're all in sight of at least one person." 

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8 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

"I don't. But it is cold up here. I think our first priority should be a fire. Three of them, actually." he turns to the others. "Look around for medium sized rock and fallen trees. Make sure we're all in sight of at least one person." 

“Why three?” she asked, looking for wood. 

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3 minutes ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“Will do!” CrazyBoy goes to inspect the trees, occasionally looking back and making sure everyone can see him. “Now which part of a fallen tree was best for firewood again?” He muses to himself 

"The branches," Dragonheir calls to him. "We don't have an axe or a saw, so we couldn't do anything with the logs." Suddenly, his backpack gets a lot heavier. "What the?" Looking into it, he sees an axe in a sheath and a bow saw. "Alright, who did that? It's not funny." 

5 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

“Why three?” she asked, looking for wood. 

"We're going to make a triangle - it's a help signal. One fire could be from a lightning strike, but three in an orderly shape. Obviously manmade."

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1 minute ago, Dragonheir said:

"The branches," Dragonheir calls to him. "We don't have an axe or a saw, so we couldn't do anything with the logs." Suddenly, his backpack gets a lot heavier. "What the?" Looking into it, he sees an axe in a sheath and a bow saw. "Alright, who did that? It's not funny." 

"We're going to make a triangle - it's a help signal. One fire could be from a lightning strike, but three in an orderly shape. Obviously manmade."

“Got it!” She looked around for branches. 

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49 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

Rye woke up, rubbing his eyes wearily. "That was a weird and seizure-inducing dream," he said. There were a lot of flashing lights, that he remembered. Then he noticed he wasn't in his bed. He was somewhere on a mountain. And his pillow was an empty backpack. "Well, I guess I'm still dreaming," he announced aloud.

He opened the backpack and pulled out an ancient book full of archaic symbols, as well as a smaller journal with their translations and interpretations of the text inside. "Huh."

@Through The Living Glass



Both. They're all in the same spot rn.


44 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Can I put my puzzle between the forest and the city? 





30 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:



11 minutes ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

What time of day is it?



Just after 9 AM-ish.

So it'll get warmer, Elan. Don't worry. 😂


18 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

"I don't. But it is cold up here. I think our first priority should be a fire. Three of them, actually." he turns to the others. "Look around for medium sized rock and fallen trees. Make sure we're all in sight of at least one person." 

Glass nodded and put the map back in the backpack. She slung it over her shoulder and began rooting around the trees for fallen branches.


3 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

"The branches," Dragonheir calls to him. "We don't have an axe or a saw, so we couldn't do anything with the logs." Suddenly, his backpack gets a lot heavier. "What the?" Looking into it, he sees an axe in a sheath and a bow saw. "Alright, who did that? It's not funny." 

"Who did what?" Glass asked, appearing from behind a nearby tree.

Edited by Through The Living Glass
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5 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

"The branches," Dragonheir calls to him. "We don't have an axe or a saw, so we couldn't do anything with the logs." Suddenly, his backpack gets a lot heavier. "What the?" Looking into it, he sees an axe in a sheath and a bow saw. "Alright, who did that? It's not funny." 

"We're going to make a triangle - it's a help signal. One fire could be from a lightning strike, but three in an orderly shape. Obviously manmade."

“Wait whatever we say pops into our bags? I want a helicopter that can fly us out of here!” CrazyBoy checks his bag expectantly but no helicopter appears. “Darn. At least it wasn’t a toy helicopter? Glad the bag doesn’t have a sense of humor.” 

Edited by UndiagnosedCrazyBoy
I can’t fly a helicopter:(
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Scars sat in class, his classmates making noise all around him, annoying him slightly, he sighs. He flicks on hi laptop, when a vortex of white glowing stuff appears, spinning faster and faster around him, arcane symbols flashing, imprinting on his mind. He gasps in a breath, as he feels his body split into a million pieces and reform. 

He huddles eyes closed on grass? he opens his eyes. Since when did I go outside he looks up noticing a mountain. A big one. His eyes roll back in his head, and he looks around, noticing a group of people, with matching backpacks, and finds one on his shoulder. "What the hell just happened" he says aloud.

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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Scars sat in class, his classmates making noise all around him, annoying him slightly, he sighs. He flicks on hi laptop, when a vortex of white glowing stuff appears, spinning faster and faster around him, arcane symbols flashing, imprinting on his mind. He gasps in a breath, as he feels his body split into a million pieces and reform. 

He huddles eyes closed on grass? he opens his eyes. Since when did I go outside he looks up noticing a mountain. A big one. His eyes roll back in his head, and he looks around, noticing a group of people, with matching backpacks, and finds one on his shoulder. "What the hell just happened" he says aloud.

Goodness gracious, how many of them- well, how many of us are there?

"Hiiiii!" Glass called out from the trees. "Come look for wood with us!"

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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Scars glances where the voice came from. He yells "Who are you? and why should I listen to you?" Where am I? he thinks to himself, looking at the daunting mountain.

Glass poked her head out, arms full of branches. "Remember that flash of light? That's how the rest of us got here, too. We're trying to figure out how we got here." She ducked back behind the trees.

Realizing she hadn't answered his first question, she yelled, "Oh, and my name is Glass!"

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7 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

"Wait..." Rye looked at all the other people. "I'm not actually dreaming, aren't I. Well, hi guys."

“Oh hey!” Crazyboy says “mind helping me with this branch? Looks like it would make a good torch if we decide to explore one of those caves on the map” As he points to a branch on a felled tree leaning on another tree.



Short people problems 😭


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50 minutes ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“Woah! We mean no harm. We’re in the same situation as you, just been here a bit longer. We are gathering firewood and other resources to make a signal flare. Hopefully help will come” Crazyboy called as he snapped off the branches of a dead tree. 


49 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Glass poked her head out, arms full of branches. "Remember that flash of light? That's how the rest of us got here, too. We're trying to figure out how we got here." She ducked back behind the trees.

Realizing she hadn't answered his first question, she yelled, "Oh, and my name is Glass!"

Scars looks at them both. Listening as they spoke. "Ummm. He looks around, yeah I can grab some firewood." he goes about doing so very briefly. What am I doing here?

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1 hour ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Glass poked her head out, arms full of branches. "Remember that flash of light? That's how the rest of us got here, too. We're trying to figure out how we got here." She ducked back behind the trees.

Realizing she hadn't answered his first question, she yelled, "Oh, and my name is Glass!"

Almond decides to check his bag too, he sees nothing. "Wait guys, how are we gonna get food? Ugh if only I had my bow, then I might be able to find something."


Would a bow and arrows be able to come out or is that too far?


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“Let’s worry about that later.” Crazyboy pleaded. “Hopefully we don’t have to stay long enough where lack of food becomes a problem.”



Oh yeah also what time should we like stop? I don’t think it’s best if we continue roleplaying when people can’t contribute 


Edited by UndiagnosedCrazyBoy
Added quote. (Man I’ve made a lot of edits)
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4 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

Almond decides to check his bag too, he sees nothing. "Wait guys, how are we gonna get food? Ugh if only I had my bow, then I might be able to find something."



1 minute ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“Let’s worry about that later.” Crazyboy pleaded. “Hopefully we don’t have to stay long enough where lack of food becomes a problem.”

"Doesn't matter if there isn't anything to shoot. Unfortunately." Elan just stands around, not really knowing what to do. He decides to go investigate a tree. "Also, does anyone have a lighter?" He pulls off a semi-dry branch, dusting snowy, dirt covered bark off his hands on his pants. 

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1 minute ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

“Let’s worry about that later.” Crazyboy pleaded. “Hopefully we don’t have to stay long enough where lack of food becomes a problem.”

"I mean, we're climbing a mountain. We're all bound to get hungry at some point or another just from climbing. Hopefully we come across some forage. I kinda know what's edible sometimes."


1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


"Doesn't matter if there isn't anything to shoot. Unfortunately." Elan just stands around, not really knowing what to do. He decides to go investigate a tree. "Also, does anyone have a lighter?" He pulls off a semi-dry branch, dusting snowy, dirt covered bark off his hands on his pants. 

"No, unfortunately I don't have a lighter. We could try my glasses maybe?"

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1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

"I mean, we're climbing a mountain. We're all bound to get hungry at some point or another just from climbing. Hopefully we come across some forage. I kinda know what's edible sometimes."


"No, unfortunately I don't have a lighter. We could try my glasses maybe?"

Elan thought about that. "That's never worked for me, and in this cold... I don't think so." He looks at his fanny pack, and a small weight fills it. He pulls out some flint and steel. "Uh... anyone know where this came from? Or how to use it?"

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan thought about that. "That's never worked for me, and in this cold... I don't think so." He looks at his fanny pack, and a small weight fills it. He pulls out some flint and steel. "Uh... anyone know where this came from? Or how to use it?"

"Oh! Just right click!" He grins "Just kidding, you need to smack them together until they spark. Now if I just had a field guide I could get some berries and mushrooms." He feels his bag get heavier and pulls out a field guide of the nearby area "Huh, interesting. But also super cool! Imma go get some stuff and hope nothing's poisonous!"

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