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BODYGUARDS WANTED--For the protection of his Lordship, Duke Ehlu--(50 silver an hour, non-negotiable)

J. Magi

(this isn't an actual Poll)(( I mean you could place a vote on your team as recognition that it's there if you wanted))  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Teams:

    • Team 1: Eublech ( @Ancient Elantrian), Heartache ( @Just_a_Fan) Reivoki ( @BrechioSwordMouse), Nera ( @J. Magi), Arranis (@Scars of Hathsin) and Skunk (@SmilingPanda19)
    • Team 2: Sleeper ( @TheRavenHasLanded), Alvar ( @Dragonheir), Lusha ( @Spark of Hope), Calum (npc, famous mercenary), Galdorn ( @TwinSouls). and Dint (@SpiritOfWrath)

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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Thergunforthibecklytonville City. Back Southeast."

"I . . ." Maybe his name wasn't so strange after all. "I have never been there."

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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"It's a beautiful place. I wish... but no, that's not possible." He shakes his head.

"You can't go back?" She asked gently.

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7 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"You can't go back?" She asked gently.

"No. I... I'm estranged. So I live here. But it's still nice living." On the streets. And maybe the occasional lodging house. "Yep. Nice mansion down the street from here."

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3 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"No. I... I'm estranged. So I live here. But it's still nice living." On the streets. And maybe the occasional lodging house. "Yep. Nice mansion down the street from here."



"Oh, that's unfortunate." She said, suddenly feeling guilty for her earlier comments. "I'm sorry to hear it."

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51 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Oh, that's unfortunate." She said, suddenly feeling guilty for her earlier comments. "I'm sorry to hear it."



"No no, it's still a life better than your peasant existence. And I have a beautiful greenhouse full of herbs, it really is quite wonderful. I never did like my family," Yes you did. They just didn't like you back. "I don't care that I must live here now."

@J. Magi

Edited by Ancient Elantrian
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20 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"No no, it's still a life better than your peasant existence. And I have a beautiful greenhouse full of herbs, it really is quite wonderful. I never did like my family," Yes you did. They just didn't like you back. "I don't care that I must live here now."

@J. Magi

"Well, alright then. Can I ask why you want this job?"

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Because I think it would be fun. And I never could turn down the prospect of extra money." He explains, ignoring the gnawing pain of hunger in his stomach. 

"Oh, I see. So it's like a hobby."

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3 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, just a hobby."

"Huh." Nera wondered if his casual approach meant he would be less or skilled.


mkay, we're waiting for Dragonheir to finish shopping, when he's done I'll say the hour is over and the competition will begin. If anyone wants to do anything else, speak up now.


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23 hours ago, J. Magi said:

A hunched over witch runs this one. Her establishment is considerably shoddier.

"That'll be 18 gold and a few silver, I think," She croaked pulling out her ledgers. "Specialized poison is hard to come by . . . what're you usin' it for laddie?"

“I use cantrips to make weapons from ice, but I can’t water shape something that isn’t made from water.” Alvar gets his money and pays for the potions. “If you don’t have the poison, that’s fine. I think I need to go, anyway. Pleasure doing business with you.” Alvar takes the healing potions and jogs back to the castle, arriving just in time. 

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4 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“I use cantrips to make weapons from ice, but I can’t water shape something that isn’t made from water.” Alvar gets his money and pays for the potions. “If you don’t have the poison, that’s fine. I think I need to go, anyway. Pleasure doing business with you.” Alvar takes the healing potions and jogs back to the castle, arriving just in time. 

Dint gives Alvar a small nod, then gestures to an empty seat.


Honestly. I don’t want every character to hate each other. Just a few.


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Dint tucks the potion into his nearly empty pouch. “I guess I never introduced myself to you guys. I’m Dint. I specialize in the crossbow, sharpshooting. I know some healing, but mostly use herbs, which I can forage for.”


Honestly. You can hardly tell I’ve been disowned.


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43 minutes ago, SpiritOfWrath said:

Dint tucks the potion into his nearly empty pouch. “I guess I never introduced myself to you guys. I’m Dint. I specialize in the crossbow, sharpshooting. I know some healing, but mostly use herbs, which I can forage for.”

“Good, another ranged fighter. And healing will be useful…” 

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Arranis listens in on the conversation of the others. His mind whirling. Taking notes, So a person away from home hey? but what about the other one. A few memories of a similar situation arise, a special person by his side. I wonder where she is now?. Pangs of sadness colouring the memories. "So what are you guys good at?"

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian

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53 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Any chance I can still join?

@J. Magi 


Maybe you could take control of an NPC adventurer? 


Unrelatedly, I have worldbuilding! (Sorry for weird formatting) 
Why are there so many monsters? 

“Monsters” are defined as fast breeding, aggressive, and generally magical creatures. Most species would level out at a certain point, but this population would be dangerous to settlements. Thus, bounties are posted so adventurers will cull the population and keep them at safer levels. 

Some highly dangerous monsters, such as dragons, breed more slowly but still pose a threat to the region they live in and are dangerous enough that they don’t risk going extinct. 


Why are there so many dungeons? 

Underground strongholds are useful living spaces for both monsters and sapient bandits and armies. When adventurers clear a dungeon, they typically leave it where it is, and it is then either claimed, repaired, and upgraded by a group, or becomes the habitat of one or more groups of monsters. 

Additionally, killing adventurers is a lucrative business, due to the sheer amount of magic and wealth they possess. Some people construct new dungeons to attempt to lure in and kill adventurers, taking their magic items and mundane wealth. 


Why aren’t normal armies used to kill monsters? 

Although armies are useful against civilians and other mundane armies, against many monsters they fail. This is because armies rely on strength in numbers. Not only is this negated due to terrain, as wilderness and caves are difficult to fight in as a group, many monsters also possess magical abilities that let them kill or disable many combatants at once, such as fire breath, acidic blood, and adhesive web projectiles. Coupled with the cost of fielding, training, and paying such an army, utilizing a large group of soldiers to clear dungeons and kill monsters is incredibly impractical. They’re still sent after creatures they have no hope against, however, contributing to high desertion levels, and thus the many bandits that adventurers fight. 


How do adventurers get so powerful? 

In addition to the fact that only talented adventurers last in the profession, and the tendency of powerful individuals to turn to adventuring as a method of making money, adventurers have another source of capability. When a magical being is slain, pieces of its soul pass to those around it. This magical residue, called xenogenic potential by those that know of it, enhances the skill, magical ability, and overall capacity for greatness a being possesses. Although ordinary people have very little xp, monsters are an excellent source of it. Unfortunately, so are mages and adventurers, as well as any other person who possesses high levels of skill, magic, and training. This prevents knowledge of xp from spreading, as people who know of it learn that killing adventurers is one of the best ways to become powerful yourself, and either put this into action and hide the secret to prevent others from challenging them, or recognize that others might start murdering adventurers for power and hide the secret to prevent that. 

Lack of knowledge does not prevent adventurers from benefiting from it, although xp is also responsible for the phenomenon in which a nest of monsters, lacking food, will turn on itself and produce a few much stronger specimens, having combined the xp from all the monsters into those successful in winning the small amount of food the monsters had access to. This tendency is another reason the monster population cannot be allowed to grow too large. 


Where is the bounty money coming from? 

Adventurers are given relatively large amounts of money in order to convince them to regularly risk their lives. This money comes from a couple places. First, it can be collected via taxes, a voluntary collection, or a revenue percentage of the tavern sponsoring the bounty (taverns often sponsor bounty boards, as they are a central location where adventurers congregate for rooming), providing the money to put a bounty on a whole-town threat. Secondly, an individual can pay for the reward money and an ad on a bounty board. Loan sharks often prey on these people, as they’re willing to pay a lot in order to get revenge, a rescue, or another task. Finally, many monster body parts have magical or alchemical properties, and can thus be sold to an artisan who can create things with them, which are then sold at a markup, often to the very adventurers who got the components originally. In fact, many villages can pay adventurers to do things for them because the adventurers spend that money, and the money and supplies they retrieve, at the village itself. Adventuring supply shops and inns are thus present in many villages, even those too small to even possess a centralized government. 

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