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Drominad Hunger Games - Sign Ups

The Bookwyrm

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Welcome, one and all, to the Seventh Hunger Games RP!

After the collapse of the old Capitol (again) at the end of the Cosmere Hunger Games, and the resulting two-year civil war, the country was left in shambles. However, three long years after the end of the civil war and the secession of the Free States of the Crescent, a new government has risen, with a tight grip on the crumbling society, ready to build back a dystopian reality.

The ancient tradition of an Annual Hunger Games was re-instituted, the first taking place only a year after The Dystopia had fully reorganized, in order to control the populace through fear and coercion. 

And so, six years after the end of the Cosmere Hunger Games, the government is happy to announce the new Drominad Hunger Games.

These games will take place on an archipelago to the southwest of the main continent. The ecology of this archipelago is very similar to that of the Pantheon on the planet First of the Sun in the Drominad system (though, of course, the people of this world don't know that.) It's a beautiful, vibrant land, but also an incredibly hostile and dangerous one, with predators that can sense minds and death lurking around every corner.

These isles are also home to Aviar, birds that bestow strange gifts onto the humans they bond to. There are many species of Aviar, each with a unique power. Utilization of Aviar will almost assuredly be necessary for survival.

As The Dystopia has not been able to re-institute the district system yet, tributes will be taken at random from the entire population of the country. No one from the ages of 12 to 18 is safe, no matter their station, unless they have the...financial prowess, let's say...to skew the reaping away from them.

As the first game of a grand new tradition, The Dystopia hopes it is an exciting one, and wish to each and every tribute: May the odds be ever in your favor!


Last games, we had character driven action that ended up saving a large number of the tributes. In this game, while we very much do want character driven action, it should also be understood that there is no hope of a happy ending. You can get attached to your characters, but not so attached as to not let them die. For in the Hunger Games, all must die, except for the victor.

Regarding Powers: If you want your character to have powers besides the Aviar, you can, but only as a character quirk; the arena has no allomantically viable metals and no Stormlight, and all breath will be taken away. Spren suppression systems are in place to prevent the summoning of Shards, if your character has sworn ideals to that point. 

Regarding Aviar: Each tribute will be given one of four types of Aviar before entering the arena. These are as follows:

  • Aviar that provides mental sheilding
  • Aviar that provides mental sensing
  • Aviar that enhances physical abilities
  • Aviar that enhances physical senses

There are many other types of Aviar in the arena, but it will be up to the tributes to find and trap their own.

Character Sheet






Backstory: This country has been in turmoil for the past six years; a civil war, followed by a period of complete collapse and unrest, and then the takeover of an extremely strict dystopia. How has your character dealt with that? Did they get off easy, or were they in the thick of it? How do they feel about joining the games?

Starting Aviar:

Misc: Any other powers? Character Quirks?

Your Gamemakers are: @The Bookwyrm, @Ancient Elantrian, @Spark of Hope, @Dragonheir, and @SmilingPanda19(when available). Come to us with any questions.

Sign-ups will end on Sunday, September 29th, and the official RP will start Monday, September 30th.

GM introduction is in the works!

Looking forward to this! Let's make this a fun one.

List of Approved Players/Characters:


@Unintelligenius - Evan

@UndiagnosedCrazyBoy - Rueben

@Lord Spirit - First of the Winter

@TwinSouls - Varel

@The Stormfather - Maj Johanson

@RoyalBeeMage - March

@Through The Living Glass - Aerol

@The Aspiring Archivist - Murr

@Scars of Hathsin - First of Noaman

@TheRavenHasLanded - Squall Talonfoot

@Exotic Almond - Casper Entrio

@J. Magi - Sharlin

@SpiritOfWrath - Berin


Edited by The Bookwyrm
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Okay hmmm

I actually have a few ideas to choose between.

But for now: How do you feel about a character who's haunted by the ghost of one of my dead characters? It wouldn't give them any special abilities, it would just be like, a voice in their head they can talk too (and maybe it posseses them, but it would just be personality change). I just think it'd be cool and kinda funny. 

If not that's cool, I have other ideas 😉✨ but ghosts have been canon in the past ✨

Edited by J. Magi
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3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Okay hmmm

I actually have a few ideas to choose between.

But for now: How do you feel about a character who's haunted by the ghost of one of my dead characters? It wouldn't give them any special abilities, it would just be like, a voice in their head they can talk too (and maybe it posses them, but it would just be personality change). I just think it'd be cool and kinda funny. 

If not that's cool, I have other ideas 😉✨ but ghosts have been canon in the past ✨

I like the concept, but I think you should explain it, either with some kind of mental issue or maybe Hemalurgy. Like, they have a spike and a cognitive shadow is whispering into their mind.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I like the concept, but I think you should explain it, either with some kind of mental issue or maybe Hemalurgy. Like, they have a spike and a cognitive shadow is whispering into their mind.

Oh, yeah I can totally do that.

I was planning on it being due to a spike + cognitive shadow situation.

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Well, there we go then! As long as the spike doesn't grant extra powers, then you're good to go.


now I have to decide between my two ideas . . . oh no . . .

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Ok, been peer pressured into joining this,

character idea

a character idea for me is where they are a brute ferring but they are constantly filling it cause they don’t know how to turn it off and have had to live with 1/4 strength since the turmoil when he ate a pewtermind hidden in his food. 

would that work?

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2 minutes ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

Ok, been peer pressured into joining this,

character idea

a character idea for me is where they are a brute ferring but they are constantly filling it cause they don’t know how to turn it off and have had to live with 1/4 strength since the turmoil when he ate a pewtermind hidden in his food. 

would that work?

I think there's too much of a chance for them to utilize it. Also, considering how strict the system surrounding the games is, they'd probably have the metalmind surgically removed or something.

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Name: Evan

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 17

Appearance: About six feet tall, short brown hair

Backstory: Grew up poor, both parents died so he had to take care of his two younger brothers. He started an underground group where he smuggled weapons on the black market. A few weeks ago he got caught and he was given the choice to either go to prison for the rest of his life or to join the games.

Starting Aviar: Aviar that provides mental shielding

Misc: Blames all of his problems on the government and never takes responsibility for his actions.

Does this work?

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8 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Squall, a former rabble rouser turned spy-rabble rouser-diplomat. he recently immigrated, unknowing of the games, to here. he has an aviar he calls Blackjack.

Can you fill out the sheet please?

4 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:
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Name: Evan

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 17

Appearance: About six feet tall, short brown hair

Backstory: Grew up poor, both parents died so he had to take care of his two younger brothers. He started an underground group where he smuggled weapons on the black market. A few weeks ago he got caught and he was given the choice to either go to prison for the rest of his life or to join the games.

Starting Aviar: Aviar that provides mental shielding

Misc: Blames all of his problems on the government and never takes responsibility for his actions.

Does this work?

Good for me!

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Ok idea two.  


Name:  Rueben

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 15

Appearance: 5,5 blonde hair

Backstory: as the collapse happened Rueben was  left at 9 to fend for himself. Nearly starving he was chosen as tribute  

Starting Aviar: aviar that enhances physical senses

Misc: way too trusting for someone in his situation 


Please let me know if I need to tweak anything 

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Just now, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

Ok idea two.  

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Name:  Rueben

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 15

Appearance: 5,5 blonde hair

Backstory: as the collapse happened Rueben was  left at 9 to fend for himself. Nearly starving he was chosen as tribute  

Starting Aviar: aviar that enhances physical senses

Misc: way too trusting for someone in his situation 


Please let me know if I need to tweak anything 

Looks good, just me asking - what happened to his family when the districts collapsed?

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

Looks good, just me asking - what happened to his family when the districts collapsed?

My idea is that they managed to get on the good side of an official after he was left for himself so they are living relatively easily. Rueben wouldn’t know this though

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8 minutes ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

My idea is that they managed to get on the good side of an official after he was left for himself so they are living relatively easily. Rueben wouldn’t know this though

Thank you! I do love deep and traumatic backstories…

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45 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Does the system of putting your name into the draw more times to get money still work?

Yes, though we aren’t sure how it works in universe. The districts haven’t been reestablished yet, so they’re picked at random. 

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Name: First of the Winter

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 14

Appearance: oddly pale skin, blond hair and icy blue eyes.

Backstory: Winter has lived on his own for the past three years ever since his father died. They lived in a cabin in the wilderness and stayed out off the fighting in the Capitol. His father was the grandson of Rask’s sister, who tried to avoid losing more people she cared about to the Capitol and the games by running away from civilization. Winter has grown up in isolation and has had very little interaction with the outside world.

Starting Aviar: Mental shielding

Misc: no social ability, likes woodcarving

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Name: Varel

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 14(?) he doesn’t really know.

Appearance: Long haired, average height, very light green eyes (unsettling to some)

Backstory: Varel was ‘living off the land’ as some might say, and had very little contact with civilized society (Varel could disagree, saying that he was with the civilized people.) He still doesn’t quite know what to make of this ‘Hunger games’ thing, but is excited at the prospect of testing himself against many opponents.

Starting Aviar: mental sensing (I assume its like Sak?)

Misc: He always wears a necklace his mother gave him before she died of some disease. He carries a set of three knives strapped into his left boot as often as he can.

Edited by TwinSouls
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44 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Yes, though we aren’t sure how it works in universe. The districts haven’t been reestablished yet, so they’re picked at random. 

Okay, thanks.


Name: Maj Johanson

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 19 (Turned 19 the day after the reaping

Appearance: short, short black hair, scrawny but well-fed in the past few months.

Backstory: Someone had told him the day of the reaping was to be the day after his birthday, and thinking that once he was 19 his name would be taken out, he put his name in many, many times so that he wouldn't starve after being kicked out of the gang he had been a part of, the Rusted. His boss, Adris, had kicked him out because of his terrible fighting that had nearly sabotaged the entire attack on the capitol. So, destitute, out on the streets, he hoped that the information about the day of the reaping was true.

It wasn't. So, he found himself in the games, hoping that his experience with sneaking and robbery would give him a slight chance of winning the games. 

Starting Aviar: Mental shielding.

Misc: Any other powers? Character Quirks? He likes to eat chicken. (A lot.) He also was friends with Mark ( You may remember him) before the absolute chaos following the cosmere hunger games. 

Is this okay?

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1 hour ago, TwinSouls said:

Name: Varel

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 18(?) he doesn’t really know.

Appearance: Long haired, average height, very light green eyes (unsettling to some)

Backstory: Varel was ‘living off the land’ on Scadrial(?) as some might say, and had very little contact with civilized society (Varel could disagree, saying that he was with the civilized people.) He still doesn’t quite know what to make of this ‘Hunger games’ thing, but is excited at the prospect of testing himself against many opponents.

Starting Aviar: mental sensing (I assume its like Sak?)

Misc: (would he be allowed to be a gold feruchemist?) He always wears a gold bracer his mother gave him before she died of some disease. He carries a set of three knives strapped into his left boot as often as he can. 

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Trying to come up with a name that fits with scadrial better


Not on Scadrial, on another planet with Cosmere magic. Pretty sure we’re only doing SotD magic, so no feruchemy. Otherwise, looks great!

24 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Okay, thanks.

Is this okay?


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1 hour ago, Lord Spirit said:


Name: First of the Winter

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 14

Appearance: oddly pale skin, blond hair and icy blue eyes.

Backstory: Winter has lived on his own for the past three years ever since his father died. They lived in a cabin in the wilderness and stayed out off the fighting in the Capitol. His father was the grandson of Rask’s sister, who tried to avoid losing more people she cared about to the Capitol and the games by running away from civilization. Winter has grown up in isolation and has had very little interaction with the outside world.

Starting Aviar: Mental shielding

Misc: no social ability, likes woodcarving

Looks good to me. 

1 hour ago, TwinSouls said:

Name: Varel

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 18(?) he doesn’t really know.

Appearance: Long haired, average height, very light green eyes (unsettling to some)

Backstory: Varel was ‘living off the land’ on Scadrial(?) as some might say, and had very little contact with civilized society (Varel could disagree, saying that he was with the civilized people.) He still doesn’t quite know what to make of this ‘Hunger games’ thing, but is excited at the prospect of testing himself against many opponents.

Starting Aviar: mental sensing (I assume its like Sak?)

Misc: (would he be allowed to be a gold feruchemist?) He always wears a gold bracer his mother gave him before she died of some disease. He carries a set of three knives strapped into his left boot as often as he can. 

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Trying to come up with a name that fits with scadrial better


The sensing aviar is not like Sak. It is to seekers as shielding aviar are to smokers. 


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i will find time for this somehow... the HG has always been my favorit rp to do... 


Name: Roy

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 18ish

Appearance: tall (6,3 ish) light brown hair and eyes that look a difrent shade depending on the lighting(and mood... if he's angry his eyes turn a dark green but if he is happy they are light blue. sad dark blue. confused light green. shocked gray things like that. things that can be explained by the lighting and weather...) 

Backstory: during the civil war they fought for the loosing side. they were a member of the criminial underground and spent a lot of time gathering invested plants, animals, objects and other invested things from around the world to sell on the black market. his skill and notoriety grew as he found a aviar that could sense the presence of investiture around himself. when the new govenment was formed he was caught trying to steal a perfect gemstone that contained a trapped rare spren. he was offed to be sent into the games where he might be able to win or he would be executed. roy decided to go to the games as it was a public execution anyway. better than a garenteed death. 

Starting Aviar: the investiture sencing one. 

Misc: good at locating investitre around self. survival skills. hates the govenment. finds other people like himself who grew up in the uderworld to be friends and makes friends with them far easier than normal people... 

does this work

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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

i will find time for this somehow... the HG has always been my favorit rp to do... 

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Name: Roy

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 18ish

Appearance: tall (6,3 ish) light brown hair and eyes that look a difrent shade depending on the lighting(and mood... if he's angry his eyes turn a dark green but if he is happy they are light blue. sad dark blue. confused light green. shocked gray things like that. things that can be explained by the lighting and weather...) 

Backstory: during the civil war they fought for the loosing side. they were a member of the criminial underground and spent a lot of time gathering invested plants, animals, objects and other invested things from around the world to sell on the black market. his skill and notoriety grew as he found a aviar that could sense the presence of investiture around himself. when the new govenment was formed he was caught trying to steal a perfect gemstone that contained a trapped rare spren. he was offed to be sent into the games where he might be able to win or he would be executed. roy decided to go to the games as it was a public execution anyway. better than a garenteed death. 

Starting Aviar: the investiture sencing one. 

Misc: good at locating investitre around self. survival skills. hates the govenment. finds other people like himself who grew up in the uderworld to be friends and makes friends with them far easier than normal people... 

does this work

Yep, approved!

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Name: Aerol (said like Erol)

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 18

Appearance: Tan skin, black hair, bright blue eyes.

Backstory: Was a prisoner pre-civil war, struggled to survive as a thief during, and after was betrayed by a "friend" and caught. Given up as tribute in punishment. Not exactly excited about it.

Starting Aviar: Mental Shielding

Misc: She is very much alert and tuned into her surroundings, and she has a habit of tying things into knots when she's stressed. She really likes potatoes.


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