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LG 102: Night 1 - Swallowed Whole

Araris Valerian

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The group of would-be explorers was muted after seeing the butler's corpse, but eventually some fingers were pointed, and both Father Rhinehardt and Kirc found Keisser to be the most suspicious. Keisser, seeing the potential for his companions to turn violent, turned and ran into the ground floor hallway. Kirc, forcefully sobered up by the lack of his preferred sort of spirits in the House, made to chase after, but when he'd taken a couple of steps a crunch sounded from the hall. Kirc slowed, and his steps were far more cautious as he peered around the doorway. A dozen feet down the corridor was a hole in the floor, the jagged floorboards seeming to form the teeth of a gaping maw. As Kirc watched, the damaged planks seemed to grow, filling the gap until the floor was as seamless as the night before. He shuddered in horror, wishing anything that he could find a drink.

Night had fallen, and everyone split off to search the House for a way to escape, though everyone who took the first floor corridor took care to stick to the wall, avoiding the patch of floor that had swallowed up Keisser. 

Keisser @The Unknown Order was an Innocent Explorer!

Vote Count:
Keisser (2): Rhinehardt, Kirc
Kanem (1): Aero Yee
Aero Yee (1): Kanem
Leander (1): Aven

Night 1 has begun, and will end at 11PM Eastern time on Tuesday, September 17th. Players may send an order to explore the house for a clue to the current scenario (with any flavor they want). The floor you explore no longer matters.

Also, PMs are still open, must contain myself and CadCom, and must be 1-1.

Player List:

  1. The Unknown Order as Keisser, a tardy veteran Innocent Explorer
  2. @Coffeecat as Coffee Cat, an insomniac feline
  3. @Aeoryi as Aero Yee, a spook shooter
  4. @Lego Mistborn as The Nameless Recluse
  5. @Elandera as Leander, a paranormal investigator
  6. @Lord Spirit as Kirc, a clueless drunk
  7. @Sart as Father Rhinehardt, an ageless priest
  8. @Kasimir as Kanem, who's tired
  9. @Aeternum as Aven, who's quiet
  10. @Just a Silvereye as Junior Junior, the local grump


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K. Short on time so current thoughts:

-Willing to lean V on Sart for the moment. Not super confident of it due to having a bit of error in that TJ QF vis-a-vis Sart but Sart's last post seems a bit V to me. Aware that CC tends to be E!Sart's MO but he also tends to be more blatant about it. Willingness to be spicy is a bit more V from him, but mixed with wariness because of the E!Sart v. V!Aman LG92.

-Aeo still in PoE for me.

-Sidenote that I didn't like Aet's sleeping the elimination mention - it's a bad choice in S1 and S3 and it makes me consider an E!Aet S3 world but Aet's longpost also gives him credit in my eyes. Giving up tempo is not good in S1 (normal SE game), and it's especially not good in S3 (conversion on stilts where one read gets washed) so if we're in S3, this makes me more willing to consider an E!Aet world but he'll also hop tonight so that's not actionable. Overall, still willing to V Aet.

-Nothing off Coffee. I'd like to lean a little V on this, but I also feel that's credit for doing little, and I don't like that, so Coffee formally stays in PoE. I believe E!Coffee and SK!Coffee should be readable, so there's no reason to keep the bar low.

-/shrug on Lego's explanation. It does mean Lego has put himself in the player profile there which I'd be wary of, but also is understandable. Newness definitely means Lego will have difficulty generating and staying with an exe, so I guess some salt. Am a bit more willing to believe S3 E!Lego than S1 E!Lego.

-Did not particularly like Elan's post. Felt like a nothing post, and that's a good place to be in wrt an ongoing exe without sticking your neck out.

-Trying to work out how I feel about Silvereye's post. Recollection that Stick found E!Silvereye by closereading so someone with more SAN and time gotta do that. @Just a Silvereye What's your current read of Sart? You mentioned you thought his vote was bait. (I guess if forced to, I would say I don't get much off of Silver's post, so the null - it reads kind of safe to me, and Silver didn't end up voting at all, so that's something I'd be wary of.)

- @Lord Spirit, could you explain the mentality behind your TUO vote a little more? Italicising Spirit under nulls because I never really like first game new stuff and also feel hesitance on the draw tends to be a bit more common. Could be convinced to downgrade Spirit.

V lean: Sart
Ok I guess: Aet
Null: Lego, Coffee, Spirit, Silvereye
Ehhhh: Elan, Aeo

Everyone should be sending in an Exploration order tonight. By and large if you're not doing anything anyway, this will help us clarify the mapgen.

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7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

@Lord Spirit, could you explain the mentality behind your TUO vote a little more? Italicising Spirit under nulls because I never really like first game new stuff and also feel hesitance on the draw tends to be a bit more common. Could be convinced to downgrade Spirit.

The way I see it (in normal mafia) is that voting for someone on the first day is better than not. If you kill someone you have a small chance of killing the mafia, whereas if you don’t kill anyone, the next death will not be a mafia. I’m aware this game is more complex than normal mafia, but I’m just sticking to what I know. I don’t know how anyone here plays, so I chose to vote TUO based on the little evidence I had. 

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1 hour ago, Lord Spirit said:

The way I see it (in normal mafia) is that voting for someone on the first day is better than not. If you kill someone you have a small chance of killing the mafia, whereas if you don’t kill anyone, the next death will not be a mafia. I’m aware this game is more complex than normal mafia, but I’m just sticking to what I know. I don’t know how anyone here plays, so I chose to vote TUO based on the little evidence I had. 

K. On the assumption I'm way shorter on time than I'd like, could you just humour me and go over your evidence? I'm trying to understand your thought process. 

I take it you play mafia elsewhere then.

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4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

K. On the assumption I'm way shorter on time than I'd like, could you just humour me and go over your evidence? I'm trying to understand your thought process. 

I take it you play mafia elsewhere then.

He was in the basement and he asked who wanted to die. I've only played in real life.

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26 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

He was in the basement and he asked who wanted to die. I've only played in real life.


Don't have the time to process this: tentatively feel this is not really a push a new(er?) player would've felt comfortable with as E, but acknowledge the newness screws with my ability to read Spirit.

Last thought(s) for the night which just occurred to me:

  • I'm personally indifferent to S2 even though I know it matters to some, since I don't have the time or mental energy to care about winning in that world so I'm just going to go for S1/S3 play even if it's personally suboptimal for S2. 
  • Sart's discouraged basement claims which is counterintuitive to his stated goals and probably puts me in conflict with my views on Elan. This perversely makes me more happy to V!read Sart for reasons I've explained a few times but boil down to him tending to weird me out more when V.
  • 11 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

    Keisser (2): Rhinehardt, Kirc
    Kanem (1): Aero Yee
    Aero Yee (1): Kanem
    Leander (1): Aven

    5/10 meaning around half of everyone voted. If we work from an S1 assumption, Sart's vote was parked and Spirit seconded. Eyeballing, it looks like a low tempo cycle, so I'll stick with the "no real Elims under threat" view. Can either be interpreted as a lead issue + stability meaning no Elim incentive to vote elsewhere, which ain't great given my suspicions so far but probably reasonable given how I have the attention span of a goldfish for this game. I don't think Elan's failure to vote here really says much because Aet swaps to her at 12 minutes to rollover, which is tight. It does suggest she had some degree of comfort with the state of the votes, and that's something I wonder about in an Aeo/Elan world because Aet would have highlighted potential to move to Aeo. Weakly against them being teamed for the moment I guess? Not sure. (Keeping in mind the S1/S3 differences to E profile assumptions are a doozy...)

  • [STABILITY + LEAD]: Due to Aet's late switch, hard to say but would point to at least one in <Aeo, Elan.>

  • [ELSEWHERE]: Main pool in <Coffee, Lego, Aet, TUO, Silver, Elan> - all comfortable enough with state of affairs to not-vote; Aet doing the last minute pivot call can be E!flexing but I sort of think E!Aet doesn't think to flex this way (however could indicate Aet's teammate not under threat. Aet and Elan not teamed minimally I guess? TUO could've self-pressed so it's a tad risky a call for Aet to make.) In <Coffee, Lego, Aet, Silver, Elan>? I guess I'm just not really thrilled by this pool tbh. 

  • Did I grouchily talk myself into vote analysis? Kinda, I gtg soon though and it wasn't what I came back to post about.

  • FWIW what I actually came back to say was that something I think we shouldn't overlook wrt S3 is probably connectives - it's easy to think they're only there in S1 but the Kandra probably has to work out/ID their victim pool and this is going to influence how they react to/respond to stuff involving their prospective victim. In other words, probably run connectives on whoever who drops dead. It's going to be a little bit of NKA anyway, if done with a different valence, and might be good to cover that base.

Good night for real. No more game need to survive 12 hours of goddamn talks and "not so much a question as a comment but..." rubbish.

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Lord Spirit seems like the type of player who would be calm about randing elim.

Considering how day 1 eliminations tend to go on this site, which is to say that 2 people stack and that's top wagon, sleeping the vote isn't a bad choice. Don't remember what that puts numbers at when I ran myself through the scenarios, but it might've been less than ideal if I initially had talked myself out of it.

Since no one took me up on my CFD offer, it didn't feel like any elims were in danger, but also yk, when a vanity wagon of 1 vote can pose a threat because the top wagon has 2 votes, I don't know how to read that. Easily could've been a pure wagon, and probably never w/w.

Elandera hit a scumtell and completely hedged in that entire post. Although one scumtell doesn't mean much etc and I don't feel like checking if it gets nulled, so take it with a grain of salt. Regardless, that's where I would always start tomorrow.



Lego Mistborn
Lord Spirit

Just a Silvereye

I'm not considering any worlds other than the 2 elim world because I didn't really read the set up and am low effort posting :P

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I'm a bit emotionally drained rn, but I'm promise RP will come... someday...

6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

.@Just a Silvereye What's your current read of Sart? You mentioned you thought his vote was bait.

I think his vote might have been bait. He started a successful train on a villager for a RP post. That's not much, but still one of the most suspicious things that happened so far because the activity is low. 

I must say though that I had written him as suspicious right off the bat for his strange refusal to say anything on N0 exploration. Which is not indicative on anything, because it's a position he already held N0, before elims were chosen. So I started with an unconscious anti-Sart bias for wrong reasons. That doesn't help.

After I left the thread yesterday, Sart doubled down on TUO's basement thing, with a completely insane reasoning. (Special mention goes to the S3 part - killing basement dwellers for their exploration having weighted a roll that already happened towards S3 lol.) But its stated goal was not to convince, but to heat up people and start something in thread. Rereading D1, I can see maybe the same intent behind the TUO vote: taking a bold position to start discussion on something, force people to take positions and talk in the thread, which is ultimately good for the village as it gives players more data to analyze afterwards. So I'm now reading as more village leaning. He's actually one of my stronger village reads (or rather least weak). 


I do agree, by the way, on Elandera being suspicious. She sends relatively long posts, but which contain nearly nothing. Just stating the obvious without elaborating (Sart's reasoning on basement is flimsy) and useless reactions to stuff that happened earlier ("Who wants to die?" "Uh not me!"), wrapped in (admittedly nice) RP to give an appearance of effort.

@Elandera, what do you think of the TUO train ? Of Spirit, of Sart? Of myself? Of Lego? Of Aeternum? Of exploration? Of the color of my socks? Of anything ?


Unrelated but I just thought of something. (Originally posted what's below as a separate message, the Shard fused my two posts.)

We get a clues that has 66% chance of being the current scenario, and 33% of being from another. Some clues are shared between two scenarios. 

How is this calculated ? Is it a first roll for "clue from this scenario or not?", then another for which clues of the selected scenario? Or a single roll with all clues having different weights ? Can the clue from another scenario be one shared with the current scenario?

Edited by Just a Silvereye
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20 minutes ago, Just a Silvereye said:

How is this calculated ? Is it a first roll for "clue from this scenario or not?", then another for which clues of the selected scenario?

Basically this. I roll a d6, on 1-4 the clue is one of the 3 clues that match the current scenario, on a 5 the clue matches the first scenario that isn't the current one, similar on a 6. But in a scenario 1 world, you could roll a 5 and still get the scenario 2 clue that is shared with scenario 1.

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Leander's knee bounced as a few of the party members peppered her with questions. She may have called herself an investigator, but this was getting too real for her taste. She preferred her investigations to stay solidly in the incorporeal and paranormal realm.

4 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

what do you think of the TUO train ? Of Spirit, of Sart? Of myself? Of Lego? Of Aeternum? Of exploration? Of the color of my socks? Of anything ?

Breaking character to make things more clear. My last post meant this: I do not like the jump towards picking exe targets based on where they explored while simultaneously asking everyone to claim. Not only are we dealing with a bit of random chance that means our choices N0 do not necessarily determine the outcome, but pushing for claims while others are threatening certain claims is only going to cause people to either do the opposite because they don't like being told what to do (my tendency when I play) or just straight up lie, which leads to fewer answers than we need to come up with the most likely (not guaranteed) scenario.

This is especially important moving forward with exploration. We need people to be honest about clues they find so we can match more quickly what scenario we're actually in.

My lack of vote was simply because I forgot what day/time it was. I thought I had more time to analyze, though my initial instinct was to place a vote on Aeoryi or Sart. I am side-eying Lego for their vote on TUO.

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