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Is Lightweaving so silent because of the Cryptics


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We know that Honorblades use more Stormlight than a Radiant through a Nahel-Bond. Which implies that it is because of the spren. So maybe the spren, compute on a subconcious state the stormlight and make it much more efficient. That there is less investiture lost during the surgebinding
And we know that lightweaving is quiter than other surge binding, like lashing. Is it perhaps because Liespren are that good at mathematics. They seem to be some of the most intelligent radiant spren of shadesmar and because of their higher understanding of mathematics, it allows them to be more efficient with stormlight.

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13 hours ago, Sythrin said:

We know that Honorblades use more Stormlight than a Radiant through a Nahel-Bond. Which implies that it is because of the spren. So maybe the spren, compute on a subconcious state the stormlight and make it much more efficient. That there is less investiture lost during the surgebinding
And we know that lightweaving is quiter than other surge binding, like lashing. Is it perhaps because Liespren are that good at mathematics. They seem to be some of the most intelligent radiant spren of shadesmar and because of their higher understanding of mathematics, it allows them to be more efficient with stormlight.

I thought it was implied that the Surge of Illumination was "quiet" because hiding is part of the surge, just as Shallan can prevent the wisps of light from making her glow by redirecting the escaping Light into a Lightweaving, and just as her Illusions do not emit light or glow. Whereas, when Kal Lashes something, it is always releasing light, or when something is Soulcast, it emits a burst of expended Light. 

Basically, it's more about the nature of the Surge, than the nature of the Radiant Order or the Spren that is bonded. But I doubt this will be confirmed until we see more non_Renarin Truthwatcher Lightweaving in-text.

Edited by Treamayne
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Honorblades are less efficient and use more Stormlight compared to a Nahel bond because the bond between it and its user is much less deep than a spren bond. This does allow Honorblades to easily be picked up and bonded by anyone, but it makes them less efficient than spren Surgebinding. So, the spren is not really a direct cause of the greater efficiency of a Radiant, but it's related.


Brandon Sanderson

A full-blown Radiant can heal almost anything (cut from a Shardblade included) because of the way the magic works--their soul is literally bonded to Investiture, and it suffuses them in such a way that even the soul is very resilient to damage.

Honorblades are what you'd consider a "prototype" for what eventually happened with Shardblades. An Honorblade can be used by anyone, without need for oaths, which makes them very dangerous--but since the bond isn't as deep, they are far less efficient. They use more Stormlight, for example, and can't heal to the extent that a Radiant can.

So the difference is not in the device that did the damage, but in the method using to heal. Over the course of the first two book, the reader should be able to subtly pick out differences from what Szeth says is possible (in more than just healing) and what Kaladin experiences.

General Reddit 2017 (Sept. 8, 2017)


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