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How do you think Hemalurgy will spread through the cosmere?


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39 minutes ago, ChaosSpren said:

Hi I just made an account and I would love your opinions on this topic 

Please note the Forum descriptions. (Sharder FAQ - Spoiler Section) This belongs in the Cosmere Section (Cosmere Discussion) and you posted to Introduce Yourself. I have reported the thread to ask a n Admin to move it for you. FYSA, here are the description differences from the main forum page:



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3 hours ago, ChaosSpren said:

Hi I just made an account and I would love your opinions on this topic :D

Welcome to the Shard!

Not sure about Hemalurgy's spread, though Set associates and the Ghostbloods seem most likely to spread it on accident, as they're the ones who have access to and practice it (at least, it seems Mraize and his Ghostblood contingent seem to so based on Gereh's death), especially since they directly Worldhop.

Someone is bound to pick it up from them and from there spread it further as more people inevitably investigate. 

It's also possible that Marasi will inadvertently (or purposefully) let the secret out to other higher-up government officials, as she's already given Hemalurgic spikes to scholars for research. Plus, she knows about its danger, and as the governor it seems unlikely for her not to share that information with at least some others to better prepare for it.

Someone else could theoretically use the Spiritual Realm to gain knowledge of Hemalurgy and spread it too, like a Twinborn with the right powerset (double chromium, A-electrum/F-nicrosil, or maybe A-electrum/F-chromium might have the necessary tools). This would be harder to do without knowing of it initially, but should be possible. 

There's technically the possibility of Marsh, Sazed, or a Koloss or Kandra spreading the knowledge, but neither the old crew or most Kandra seem to want that (though of the few hundred remaining Kandra, there's some wiggle room if Brandon ever chose), and Koloss have only a rudimentary knowledge of its use as far as we know.

Lastly, I think it might vaugely be possible for a descendant of an Obligator (or archeologist discovering Hemalurgy notes) to pass on the secret, but only if it ever got out beyond the Canton of Inquisition and into the other ranks or written down, something that would be well guarded (especially given the tensions between Cantons during TFE).

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6 hours ago, ChaosSpren said:

Hi I just made an account and I would love your opinions on this topic :D

Hello, welcome to the Shard.

Knowing how much Harmony is trying to suppress the knowledge of Hemalurgy on Scadrial alone, I don't think it will spread fast across the entirety of Cosmere. We can expect covert uses of it happening here and there more frequently by the Set, Ghostbloods or organizations like this, but for now I doubt it will become a common knowledge in the near future. Eventually it probably will, starting with Scadrial and then it will get only slightly more popular among worldhoppers. Breaths or the Dor are a common knowledge for anyone Cosmere aware, yet we don't see a lot of people Awakening or relaxing with a glass of Dor in their hand. Until the space era of Cosmere, I don't expect Hemalrugy to get super popular and common in Cosmere. Which means this is the prime time to spike people and get away with this ;) 

Unless some Shard wishes for this - any Shard can gain a basic understanding of Hemalurgy and spread it among their people, if he only searches for this. RoW spoiler WoB:



When somebody takes up a Shard, do they inherently get knowledge when they get that Shard? For example, does Taravangian know about hemalurgy, now, just because he took up a Shard? Or was that just Ruin's...?

Brandon Sanderson

Excellent question. Taking up a Shard is going to impart a large amount of knowledge, more than even a Shard can process immediately, and it will take some time. And it's going to give you the ability to access a lot of other kinds of knowledge. Shards aren't omnipresent, but they kind of are; they are able to do many things at once, they are able to focus on places and be aware of that location in a lot of instances. But at the same time, they are limited in their ability to... they don't know everything. They might be able to get access to most things, but it takes conscious... like, "I need to know this. I need to find it out. It happens it's written in a book that I can just... it's on this other planet, and I absorb it and immediately know." Assuming it's not written in a way that you can't access, which certain formats make it hard to do.

So, Taravangian, if he cared to think about what hemalurgy is, it's well enough known that he could be like, "I wonder if there's a way to steal... Oh, it's this. This is how it works on this planet." That would be an almost instantaneous thing for him to be able to learn, if he wanted to. But does he hold it in his head right now? That remains to be seen.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


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